4 research outputs found

    Delta-based Verification of Software Product Families

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    The quest for feature- and family-oriented deductive verification of software product lines resulted in several proposals. In this paper we look at delta-oriented modeling of product lines and combine two new ideas: first, we extend Hähnle & Schaefer’s delta-oriented version of Liskov’s substitution principle for behavioral subtyping to work also for overridden behavior in benign cases. For this to succeed, programs need to be in a certain normal form. The required normal form turns out to be achievable in many cases by a set of program transformations, whose correctness is ensured by the recent technique of abstract execution. This is a generalization of symbolic execution that permits reasoning about abstract code elements. It is needed, because code deltas contain partially unknown code contexts in terms of “original” calls. Second, we devise a modular verification procedure for deltas based on abstract execution, representing deltas as abstract programs calling into unknown contexts. The result is a “delta-based” verification approach, where each modification of a method in a code delta is verified in isolation, but which overcomes the strict limitations of behavioral subtyping and works for many practical programs. The latter claim is substantiated with case studies and benchmarks

    Ensuring the Correctness of Lightweight Tactics for JavaCard Dynamic Logic

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    AbstractThe interactive theorem prover developed in the KeY project, which implements a sequent calculus for JavaCard Dynamic Logic (JavaCardDL) is based on taclets. Taclets are lightweight tactics with easy to master syntax and semantics. Adding new taclets to the calculus is quite simple, but poses correctness problems. We present an approach how derived (non-axiomatic) taclets for JavaCardDL can be proven sound in JavaCardDL itself. Together with proof management facilities, our concept allows the safe introduction of new derived taclets while preserving the soundness of the calculus

    Análisis de recursos de programas enteros y abstractos

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Sistemas lnformáticos y de Computación, leída el 27-05-2022Since the beginning of automated computing in the middle of the last century, the development of computer science has been linked to an increasing importance in all areas of the current society. The inclusion of computer science processes in everyday life and, in particular, its inclusion in critical situations, cannot go linked only to the generation of hardware and software, but also to the analysis and verification of all its components. While hardware analysis is crucial for the generation and maintenance of the computation infrastructure, as it is able to detect or predict components that can have a wrong behavior, software analysis focuses on analyzing the behavior of computer programs to address properties such as security, correctness or optimality. Depending on the type of analysis applied to the software, we can detect potential vulnerabilities in the code, find incorrect specifications, apply optimizations based on the maximun and minimun cost of the programs, calculate the resource consumption of a program..Desde el comienzo de la computación automática a mediados del siglo pasado, el avance de la informática ha ido ligado a una cada vez mayor importancia en todos los ámbitos d ela sociedad actual. La inclusión de procesos informáticos en la vida cotidiana y, en particular, su inclusión en situaciones críticas, no puede ir ligada solo a la generación del hardware el software, sino también al análisis y verificación de todos sus componentes. Mientras que el análisis de hardware es crucial para la generación de la infraestructura informática y el mantenimiento de la misma, detectando o prediciendo componentes que puedan funcionar de manera errónea, el análisis de software se enfoca hacia el análisis del comportamiento de los programas informáticos para abordar propiedades como la seguridad, la corrección o la optimalidad. Dependiendo del tipo de análisis aplicado al software, podremos detectar fragmentos de código potencialmente vulnerables, especificaciones incorrectas, aplicar optimizaciones en base al coste máximo y mínimo de los programas, calcular el consumo de recursos de un programa...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Deductive Verification of Safety-Critical Java Programs

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    This work investigates the application of deductive verification techniques to safety critical Java programs, in particular RTSJ programs. A focus is put on the formalization of the RTSJ memory model in dynamic logic, the utilization of a region-based memory model for ensuring non-interference and a design-by-contract based approach for the formal specification and verification of worst case memory consumption