107,244 research outputs found

    A privacy management framework for mobile personal electronic health records in South Africa

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    South Africa’s health status is in constant dismay, especially while under the strain of the quadruple burden of disease. The adoption of personal electronic health records (PEHRs) can be seen as a means to improve this status by empowering patients to manage their health and lifestyle better. While from the healthcare provider’s perspective, PEHRs has the ability to reduce medical errors; provide better communication channels and enhance the monitoring of patients. Despite these benefits for both healthcare providers and patients, there are three distinct information security threats relating to PEHRs. These threats refer to the individual, data in transit, and at rest. South Africa is still considered to be inexperienced with PEHRs, and consider it a relatively new concept to the healthcare system. The National e-Health Strategy and Protection of Personal Information Bill were discussed and compared to international standards in order to ascertain South Africa’s current standing on mobile healthcare privacy. However, there are no specific privacy and security controls in place to protect patients that access personal electronic health records through mobile devices. Therefore, the aim of this study is the development of a privacy management framework (PMF) to mitigate these privacy concerns. Following an interpretivistic approach to research, qualitative data was analysed from literature, and the privacy framework evaluated through expert reviews. The proposed PMF consists of 3 tiers, beginning with the top tier. The first tier relates to an organisations interpretation and understanding of data privacy laws and regulations, and in ensuring compliance with these laws. The second tier refers to two support pillars to maintain the first tier. These pillars are based on elements of operational privacy, as well as auditing and reviewing. The third tier serves as the basic foundation upon which the PMF was developed. It is mainly focused with creating privacy awareness amongst healthcare providers and patients by creating: training regimes on security and privacy threats, efficient communication standards, and constant ongoing support from top level management

    An information privacy model for primary health care facilities

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    The revolutionary migration within the health care sector towards the digitisation of medical records for convenience or compliance touches on many concerns with respect to ensuring the security of patient personally identifiable information (PII). Foremost of these is that a patient’s right to privacy is not violated. To this end, it is necessary that health care practitioners have a clear understanding of the various constructs of privacy in order to ensure privacy compliance is maintained. This research project focuses on an investigation of privacy from a multidisciplinary philosophical perspective to highlight the constructs of information privacy. These constructs together with a discussion focused on the confidentiality and accessibility of medical records results in the development of an artefact represented in the format of a model. The formulation of the model is accomplished by making use of the Design Science research guidelines for artefact development. Part of the process required that the artefact be refined through the use of an Expert Review Process. This involved an iterative (three phase) process which required (seven) experts from the fields of privacy, information security, and health care to respond to semi-structured questions administered with an interview guide. The data analysis process utilised the ISO/IEC 29100:2011(E) standard on privacy as a means to assign thematic codes to the responses, which were then analysed. The proposed information privacy model was discussed in relation to the compliance requirements of the South African Protection of Personal Information (PoPI) Bill of 2009 and their application in a primary health care facility. The proposed information privacy model provides a holistic view of privacy management that can residually be used to increase awareness associated with the compliance requirements of using patient PII

    Permissioned blockchain approach using open data in healthcare

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    Digital health records play a key role in the area. However, it is difficult to obtain a unified view of your data, as it is distributed among different providers, spread over several places, and is not integrated. To address these problems, blockchain technology and the openEHR interoperability standard have emerged. Blockchain is a new wave of disruption that has come to redesign interactions that involve any form of exchange of values, with the potential to improve healthcare, bringing a new perspective on security, resilience, and effectiveness of systems. In turn, with the use of openEHR, the standardization of electronic records is guaranteed, offering fine-grained access permissions for stakeholders. In addition to the use of archetypes as a reference to make the templates, where they are integrated to build a module with compatible standards. Based on an open data framework, OpenEHR, and blockchain technology, this paper has conceptualised a proposed two architectures that will be implemented within a Portuguese hospital, at the ICU, to increase and provide support for clinical decision-making, ensuring interoperability between systems, as well as the veracity, privacy and security of the data being used.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(DSAPI A/DS/0084/2018

    Ensuring patients privacy in a cryptographic-based-electronic health records using bio-cryptography

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    Several recent works have proposed and implemented cryptography as a means to preserve privacy and security of patients health data. Nevertheless, the weakest point of electronic health record (EHR) systems that relied on these cryptographic schemes is key management. Thus, this paper presents the development of privacy and security system for cryptography-based-EHR by taking advantage of the uniqueness of fingerprint and iris characteristic features to secure cryptographic keys in a bio-cryptography framework. The results of the system evaluation showed significant improvements in terms of time efficiency of this approach to cryptographic-based-EHR. Both the fuzzy vault and fuzzy commitment demonstrated false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0%, which reduces the likelihood of imposters gaining successful access to the keys protecting patients protected health information. This result also justifies the feasibility of implementing fuzzy key binding scheme in real applications, especially fuzzy vault which demonstrated a better performance during key reconstruction

    Access to information: Challenges and opportunities for the records profession

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    Towards A Well-Secured Electronic Health Record in the Health Cloud

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    The major concerns for most cloud implementers particularly in the health care industry have remained data security and privacy. A prominent and major threat that constitutes a hurdle for practitioners within the health industry from exploiting and benefiting from the gains of cloud computing is the fear of theft of patients health data in the cloud. Investigations and surveys have revealed that most practitioners in the health care industry are concerned about the risk of health data mix-up amongst the various cloud providers, hacking to comprise the cloud platform and theft of vital patients’ health data.An overview of the diverse issues relating to health data privacy and overall security in the cloud are presented in this technical report. Based on identifed secure access requirements, an encryption-based eHR security model for securing and enforcing authorised access to electronic health data (records), eHR is also presented. It highlights three core functionalities for managing issues relating to health data privacy and security of eHR in health care cloud

    The Serums Tool-Chain:Ensuring Security and Privacy of Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems

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    Digital technology is permeating all aspects of human society and life. This leads to humans becoming highly dependent on digital devices, including upon digital: assistance, intelligence, and decisions. A major concern of this digital dependence is the lack of human oversight or intervention in many of the ways humans use this technology. This dependence and reliance on digital technology raises concerns in how humans trust such systems, and how to ensure digital technology behaves appropriately. This works considers recent developments and projects that combine digital technology and artificial intelligence with human society. The focus is on critical scenarios where failure of digital technology can lead to significant harm or even death. We explore how to build trust for users of digital technology in such scenarios and considering many different challenges for digital technology. The approaches applied and proposed here address user trust along many dimensions and aim to build collaborative and empowering use of digital technologies in critical aspects of human society