38 research outputs found

    Understanding Human Actions in Video

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    Understanding human behavior is crucial for any autonomous system which interacts with humans. For example, assistive robots need to know when a person is signaling for help, and autonomous vehicles need to know when a person is waiting to cross the street. However, identifying human actions in video is a challenging and unsolved problem. In this work, we address several of the key challenges in human action recognition. To enable better representations of video sequences, we develop novel deep learning architectures which improve representations both at the level of instantaneous motion as well as at the level of long-term context. In addition, to reduce reliance on fixed action vocabularies, we develop a compositional representation of actions which allows novel action descriptions to be represented as a sequence of sub-actions. Finally, we address the issue of data collection for human action understanding by creating a large-scale video dataset, consisting of 70 million videos collected from internet video sharing sites and their matched descriptions. We demonstrate that these contributions improve the generalization performance of human action recognition systems on several benchmark datasets.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162887/1/stroud_1.pd

    Social media mining under the COVID-19 context: Progress, challenges, and opportunities

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    Social media platforms allow users worldwide to create and share information, forging vast sensing networks that allow information on certain topics to be collected, stored, mined, and analyzed in a rapid manner. During the COVID-19 pandemic, extensive social media mining efforts have been undertaken to tackle COVID-19 challenges from various perspectives. This review summarizes the progress of social media data mining studies in the COVID-19 contexts and categorizes them into six major domains, including early warning and detection, human mobility monitoring, communication and information conveying, public attitudes and emotions, infodemic and misinformation, and hatred and violence. We further document essential features of publicly available COVID-19 related social media data archives that will benefit research communities in conducting replicable and repro�ducible studies. In addition, we discuss seven challenges in social media analytics associated with their potential impacts on derived COVID-19 findings, followed by our visions for the possible paths forward in regard to social media-based COVID-19 investigations. This review serves as a valuable reference that recaps social media mining efforts in COVID-19 related studies and provides future directions along which the information harnessed from social media can be used to address public health emergencies

    Big data analytics: a predictive analysis applied to cybersecurity in a financial organization

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    Project Work presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceWith the generalization of the internet access, cyber attacks have registered an alarming growth in frequency and severity of damages, along with the awareness of organizations with heavy investments in cybersecurity, such as in the financial sector. This work is focused on an organization’s financial service that operates on the international markets in the payment systems industry. The objective was to develop a predictive framework solution responsible for threat detection to support the security team to open investigations on intrusive server requests, over the exponentially growing log events collected by the SIEM from the Apache Web Servers for the financial service. A Big Data framework, using Hadoop and Spark, was developed to perform classification tasks over the financial service requests, using Neural Networks, Logistic Regression, SVM, and Random Forests algorithms, while handling the training of the imbalance dataset through BEV. The main conclusions over the analysis conducted, registered the best scoring performances for the Random Forests classifier using all the preprocessed features available. Using the all the available worker nodes with a balanced configuration of the Spark executors, the most performant elapsed times for loading and preprocessing of the data were achieved using the column-oriented ORC with native format, while the row-oriented CSV format performed the best for the training of the classifiers.Com a generalização do acesso à internet, os ciberataques registaram um crescimento alarmante em frequência e severidade de danos causados, a par da consciencialização das organizações, com elevados investimentos em cibersegurança, como no setor financeiro. Este trabalho focou-se no serviço financeiro de uma organização que opera nos mercados internacionais da indústria de sistemas de pagamento. O objetivo consistiu no desenvolvimento uma solução preditiva responsável pela detecção de ameaças, por forma a dar suporte à equipa de segurança na abertura de investigações sobre pedidos intrusivos no servidor, relativamente aos exponencialmente crescentes eventos de log coletados pelo SIEM, referentes aos Apache Web Servers, para o serviço financeiro. Uma solução de Big Data, usando Hadoop e Spark, foi desenvolvida com o objectivo de executar tarefas de classificação sobre os pedidos do serviço financeiros, usando os algoritmos Neural Networks, Logistic Regression, SVM e Random Forests, solucionando os problemas associados ao treino de um dataset desequilibrado através de BEV. As principais conclusões sobre as análises realizadas registaram os melhores resultados de classificação usando o algoritmo Random Forests com todas as variáveis pré-processadas disponíveis. Usando todos os nós do cluster e uma configuração balanceada dos executores do Spark, os melhores tempos para carregar e pré-processar os dados foram obtidos usando o formato colunar ORC nativo, enquanto o formato CSV, orientado a linhas, apresentou os melhores tempos para o treino dos classificadores

    Exploring Supervised Techniques for Automated Recognition of Intention Classes from Portuguese Free Texts on Agriculture

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    Technical and scientific knowledge is vast and complex, particularly in interdisciplinary fields such as sustainable agriculture, which is available in several interrelated, geographically dispersed and interdisciplinary online textual information sources. In this context, it is essential to support people with computational mechanisms that allow them to retrieve and interpret information in an appropriate way, as communication in these software systems is typically asynchronous and textual. User’s intention recognition and analysis in textual documents results in benefits for better information retrieval. However, intentions are expressed implicitly in texts in natural language and the specificities of the domain and cultural aspects of language make it difficult to process and analyze the text by computer systems. This requires the study of methods for the automatic recognition of intention classes in text. In this article, we conduct extensive experimental analyses on techniques based on language models and machine learning to detect instances of intention classes in texts about sustainable agriculture written in Portuguese. In our methodology, we perform a morphological analysis of the sentences and evaluate four Word Embeddings techniques (Word2Vec, Wang2Vec, FastText and Glove) combined with four machine learning techniques (Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest and Transfer Learning). The results obtained by applying the techniques proposed in a database with textual information on sustainable agriculture indicate promising possibilities in the recognition of intentions in free texts  in  Portuguese language on sustainable agriculture