42 research outputs found

    Automated Detection of Candidate Subjects With Cerebral Microbleeds Using Machine Learning

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    Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) appear as small, circular, well defined hypointense lesions of a few mm in size on T2*-weighted gradient recalled echo (T2*-GRE) images and appear enhanced on susceptibility weighted images (SWI). Due to their small size, contrast variations and other mimics (e.g., blood vessels), CMBs are highly challenging to detect automatically. In large datasets (e.g., the UK Biobank dataset), exhaustively labelling CMBs manually is difficult and time consuming. Hence it would be useful to preselect candidate CMB subjects in order to focus on those for manual labelling, which is essential for training and testing automated CMB detection tools on these datasets. In this work, we aim to detect CMB candidate subjects from a larger dataset, UK Biobank, using a machine learning-based, computationally light pipeline. For our evaluation, we used 3 different datasets, with different intensity characteristics, acquired with different scanners. They include the UK Biobank dataset and two clinical datasets with different pathological conditions. We developed and evaluated our pipelines on different types of images, consisting of SWI or GRE images. We also used the UK Biobank dataset to compare our approach with alternative CMB preselection methods using non-imaging factors and/or imaging data. Finally, we evaluated the pipeline's generalisability across datasets. Our method provided subject-level detection accuracy > 80% on all the datasets (within-dataset results), and showed good generalisability across datasets, providing a consistent accuracy of over 80%, even when evaluated across different modalities

    Improvement of alzheimer disease diagnosis accuracy using ensemble methods

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    Nowadays, there is a significant increase in the medical data that we should take advantage of that. The application of the machine learning via the data mining processes, such as data classification depends on using a single classification algorithm or those complained as ensemble models. The objective of this work is to improve the classification accuracy of previous results for Alzheimer disease diagnosing. The Decision Tree algorithm with three types of ensemble methods combined, which are Boosting, Bagging and Stacking. The clinical dataset from the Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS) was used in the experiments. The experimental results of the proposed approach were better than the previous work results. Where the Random Forest (Bagging) achieved the highest accuracy among all algorithms with 90.69%, while the lowest one was Stacking with 79.07%. All these results generated in this paper are higher in accuracy than that done before

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The computer-assisted analysis for better interpreting images have been longstanding issues in the medical imaging field. On the image-understanding front, recent advances in machine learning, especially, in the way of deep learning, have made a big leap to help identify, classify, and quantify patterns in medical images. Specifically, exploiting hierarchical feature representations learned solely from data, instead of handcrafted features mostly designed based on domain-specific knowledge, lies at the core of the advances. In that way, deep learning is rapidly proving to be the state-of-the-art foundation, achieving enhanced performances in various medical applications. In this article, we introduce the fundamentals of deep learning methods; review their successes to image registration, anatomical/cell structures detection, tissue segmentation, computer-aided disease diagnosis or prognosis, and so on. We conclude by raising research issues and suggesting future directions for further improvements

    A Review on Computer Aided Diagnosis of Acute Brain Stroke.

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    Amongst the most common causes of death globally, stroke is one of top three affecting over 100 million people worldwide annually. There are two classes of stroke, namely ischemic stroke (due to impairment of blood supply, accounting for ~70% of all strokes) and hemorrhagic stroke (due to bleeding), both of which can result, if untreated, in permanently damaged brain tissue. The discovery that the affected brain tissue (i.e., 'ischemic penumbra') can be salvaged from permanent damage and the bourgeoning growth in computer aided diagnosis has led to major advances in stroke management. Abiding to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we have surveyed a total of 177 research papers published between 2010 and 2021 to highlight the current status and challenges faced by computer aided diagnosis (CAD), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) based techniques for CT and MRI as prime modalities for stroke detection and lesion region segmentation. This work concludes by showcasing the current requirement of this domain, the preferred modality, and prospective research areas

    Deep ensemble learning of sparse regression models for brain disease diagnosis

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    Recent studies on brain imaging analysis witnessed the core roles of machine learning techniques in computer-assisted intervention for brain disease diagnosis. Of various machine-learning techniques, sparse regression models have proved their effectiveness in handling high-dimensional data but with a small number of training samples, especially in medical problems. In the meantime, deep learning methods have been making great successes by outperforming the state-of-the-art performances in various applications. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that combines the two conceptually different methods of sparse regression and deep learning for Alzheimer’s disease/mild cognitive impairment diagnosis and prognosis. Specifically, we first train multiple sparse regression models, each of which is trained with different values of a regularization control parameter. Thus, our multiple sparse regression models potentially select different feature subsets from the original feature set; thereby they have different powers to predict the response values, i.e., clinical label and clinical scores in our work. By regarding the response values from our sparse regression models as target-level representations, we then build a deep convolutional neural network for clinical decision making, which thus we call ‘ Deep Ensemble Sparse Regression Network.’ To our best knowledge, this is the first work that combines sparse regression models with deep neural network. In our experiments with the ADNI cohort, we validated the effectiveness of the proposed method by achieving the highest diagnostic accuracies in three classification tasks. We also rigorously analyzed our results and compared with the previous studies on the ADNI cohort in the literature

    Segmentation of perivascular spaces in 7 T MR image using auto-context model with orientation-normalized features

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    Quantitative study of perivascular spaces (PVSs) in brain magnetic resonance (MR) images is important for understanding the brain lymphatic system and its relationship with neurological diseases. One of major challenges is the accurate extraction of PVSs that have very thin tubular structures with various directions in three-dimensional (3D) MR images. In this paper, we propose a learning-based PVS segmentation method to address this challenge. Specifically, we first determine a region of interest (ROI) by using the anatomical brain structure and the vesselness information derived from eigenvalues of image derivatives. Then, in the ROI, we extract a number of randomized Haar features which are normalized with respect to the principal directions of the underlying image derivatives. The classifier is trained by the random forest model that can effectively learn both discriminative features and classifier parameters to maximize the information gain. Finally, a sequential learning strategy is used to further enforce various contextual patterns around the thin tubular structures into the classifier. For evaluation, we apply our proposed method to the 7T brain MR images scanned from 17 healthy subjects aged from 25 to 37. The performance is measured by voxel-wise segmentation accuracy, cluster- wise classification accuracy, and similarity of geometric properties, such as volume, length, and diameter distributions between the predicted and the true PVSs. Moreover, the accuracies are also evaluated on the simulation images with motion artifacts and lacunes to demonstrate the potential of our method in segmenting PVSs from elderly and patient populations. The experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms all existing PVS segmentation methods