187 research outputs found

    Explicitly representing the semantics of composite positional tolerance for patterns of holes

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    Representing the semantics of the interaction of two or more tolerances (i.e. composite tolerance) explicitly to make them computer-understandable is currently a challenging task in computer-aided tolerancing (CAT). We have proposed a description logic (DL) ontology based approach to complete this task recently. In this paper, the representation of the semantics of the composite positional tolerance (CPT) for patterns of holes (POHs) is used as an example to illustrate the proposed approach. This representation mainly includes: representing the structure knowledge of the CPT for POHs in DL terminological axioms; expressing the constraint knowledge with Horn rules; and describing the individual knowledge using DL assertional axioms. By implementing the representation with the web ontology language (OWL) and the semantic web rule language (SWRL), a CPT ontology is developed. This ontology has explicitly computer-understandable semantics due to the logic-based semantics of OWL and SWRL. As is illustrated by an engineering example, such semantics makes it possible to automatically check the consistency, reason out the new knowledge, and implement the semantic interoperability of CPT information. Benefiting from this, the ontology provides a semantic enrichment model for the CPT information extracted from CAD/CAM systems


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    It is important to know the dimensions, material composition, manufacturing processes, product performance history, and inspection methodology while designing products and selecting manufacturing processes. This information could be encapsulated into product lifecycle management tools. Use of ontologies as knowledge base for product information have been on a rise to overcome the drawbacks inherent to many knowledge-based approaches. The current ontologies that exist lack sufficient information regarding product inspection and tolerance, that is important from the perspective of the field of product and process metrology. This research discusses the development of an engineering ontology for product metrology and is termed as “metrontology” herein. The focus of this developed metrontology is to aid in the understanding of product tolerances for future products being designed. The methodology is demonstrated through an example of single-cylinder engine. This research could lead to the creation of a metrology information enclave that will host the knowledge base of metrology information of several products

    A Framework for the Semantics-aware Modelling of Objects

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    The evolution of 3D visual content calls for innovative methods for modelling shapes based on their intended usage, function and role in a complex scenario. Even if different attempts have been done in this direction, shape modelling still mainly focuses on geometry. However, 3D models have a structure, given by the arrangement of salient parts, and shape and structure are deeply related to semantics and functionality. Changing geometry without semantic clues may invalidate such functionalities or the meaning of objects or their parts. We approach the problem by considering semantics as the formalised knowledge related to a category of objects; the geometry can vary provided that the semantics is preserved. We represent the semantics and the variable geometry of a class of shapes through the parametric template: an annotated 3D model whose geometry can be deformed provided that some semantic constraints remain satisfied. In this work, we design and develop a framework for the semantics-aware modelling of shapes, offering the user a single application environment where the whole workflow of defining the parametric template and applying semantics-aware deformations can take place. In particular, the system provides tools for the selection and annotation of geometry based on a formalised contextual knowledge; shape analysis methods to derive new knowledge implicitly encoded in the geometry, and possibly enrich the given semantics; a set of constraints that the user can apply to salient parts and a deformation operation that takes into account the semantic constraints and provides an optimal solution. The framework is modular so that new tools can be continuously added. While producing some innovative results in specific areas, the goal of this work is the development of a comprehensive framework combining state of the art techniques and new algorithms, thus enabling the user to conceptualise her/his knowledge and model geometric shapes. The original contributions regard the formalisation of the concept of annotation, with attached properties, and of the relations between significant parts of objects; a new technique for guaranteeing the persistence of annotations after significant changes in shape's resolution; the exploitation of shape descriptors for the extraction of quantitative information and the assessment of shape variability within a class; and the extension of the popular cage-based deformation techniques to include constraints on the allowed displacement of vertices. In this thesis, we report the design and development of the framework as well as results in two application scenarios, namely product design and archaeological reconstruction

    A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications

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    Human knowledge provides a formal understanding of the world. Knowledge graphs that represent structural relations between entities have become an increasingly popular research direction towards cognition and human-level intelligence. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of knowledge graph covering overall research topics about 1) knowledge graph representation learning, 2) knowledge acquisition and completion, 3) temporal knowledge graph, and 4) knowledge-aware applications, and summarize recent breakthroughs and perspective directions to facilitate future research. We propose a full-view categorization and new taxonomies on these topics. Knowledge graph embedding is organized from four aspects of representation space, scoring function, encoding models, and auxiliary information. For knowledge acquisition, especially knowledge graph completion, embedding methods, path inference, and logical rule reasoning, are reviewed. We further explore several emerging topics, including meta relational learning, commonsense reasoning, and temporal knowledge graphs. To facilitate future research on knowledge graphs, we also provide a curated collection of datasets and open-source libraries on different tasks. In the end, we have a thorough outlook on several promising research directions

    Movement Analytics: Current Status, Application to Manufacturing, and Future Prospects from an AI Perspective

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    Data-driven decision making is becoming an integral part of manufacturing companies. Data is collected and commonly used to improve efficiency and produce high quality items for the customers. IoT-based and other forms of object tracking are an emerging tool for collecting movement data of objects/entities (e.g. human workers, moving vehicles, trolleys etc.) over space and time. Movement data can provide valuable insights like process bottlenecks, resource utilization, effective working time etc. that can be used for decision making and improving efficiency. Turning movement data into valuable information for industrial management and decision making requires analysis methods. We refer to this process as movement analytics. The purpose of this document is to review the current state of work for movement analytics both in manufacturing and more broadly. We survey relevant work from both a theoretical perspective and an application perspective. From the theoretical perspective, we put an emphasis on useful methods from two research areas: machine learning, and logic-based knowledge representation. We also review their combinations in view of movement analytics, and we discuss promising areas for future development and application. Furthermore, we touch on constraint optimization. From an application perspective, we review applications of these methods to movement analytics in a general sense and across various industries. We also describe currently available commercial off-the-shelf products for tracking in manufacturing, and we overview main concepts of digital twins and their applications