7 research outputs found

    Enriching Requirements Analysis with the Personas Technique

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    A thorough understanding of the users that interact with the system is necessary to develop usable systems. The Personas technique developed by the human-computer interaction (HCI) discipline gathers data about users, gains an understanding of their characteristics, defines fictitious personas based on this understanding and focuses on these personas throughout the software development process. The aim of our research is to build Personas into systems development following software engineering (SE) guidelines. The benefits to be gained are an understanding of the user which is not traditionally taken into account in SE. To do this, we had to undertake two types of tasks. First, we modified the Personas technique to conform to the levels of systematization common in SE. We have called the modified technique PersonaSE. Second, we incorporated the proposed technique into the software requirements analysis proces


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    Requirements elicitation is the most important activity in the software development process, because it has a direct impact on the success of the development process. The success of a software is determined from the involvement of a user persona at the design stage. The involvement of user personas in software design is critical in the requirements engineering process, because if the process is done incorrectly, the resulting software will also have poor quality. This study focuses on using the approach of the user persona in collecting information related to the needs of the informatics engineering infotech website at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, so that the results obtained can be in accordance with the needs of the user. The final result that is expected in this research is a design of the plagiarism check feature for the practitioner's program automatically on the infotech website which is implemented in the form of use cases and prototypes. This feature will later make it easier for assistants in assessing program results collected by practitioners, so that the time needed to correct the program can be done faster

    Teknik Representasi Kebutuhan Pengguna Menggunakan User Persona (Studi Kasus: Relasi antara Presensi dengan Kemampuan Kompetensi)

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    Elisitasi kebutuhan dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak adalah fase yang sangat penting dalam Software Development Lifecycle. Karena dalam tahap ini ditentukan dengan tepat mengenai apa yang akan dibuat. Sebuah sistem baiknya memenuhi kebutuhan dari pengguna. Oleh karena itu, melibatkan pengguna dalam elisitasi kebutuhan menjadi salah satu fase yang sangat berguna dalam menentukan kualitas persona experience dalam suatu sistem. Keterlibatan pengguna membuat pengembang harus memahami dengan baik apa saja yang akan menjadi kebutuhan pengguna. Pendekatan yang efektif dibutuhkan untuk mengenali pengguna dan merangkum kebutuhannya dengan baik dengan segala keunikan pada setiap individu yang mungkin terjadi. Menggunakan metode persona, penelitian ini akan menyelesaikan permasalahan berupa informasi dari pengguna yang tidak menggambarkan kebutuhan secara lengkap. Metode ini akan membantu menggambarkan seorang pengguna secara mendalam mulai dari kepribadian, kemampuan hingga perilaku pengguna terhadap suatu masalah. Dokumen mengenai pengguna secara detail kemudian disimpulkan agar didapatkan sebuah kebutuhan dasar untuk diimplementasikan menjadi sebuah sistem. Selain menggunakan metode persona dalam meningkatkan elisitasi kebutuhan, penelitian ini juga berfokus pada nilai kualitatif informasi tersebut dengan menambahkan implementasi teori iteratif. Teori ini digunakan untuk meningkatkan akurasi penyelesaian masalah, yang mana pada setiap tahapnya akan menghasilkan informasi yang akan memudahkan pengembang dalam mendesain perangkat lunak yang berorientasi pada pengguna. AbstractElicitation of needs in the software development process is a very important phase in the Software Development Lifecycle. Because in this stage it is precisely determined what will be made. A good system meets the needs of personas. Therefore, involving personas in the elicitation of needs is one phase that is very useful in determining the quality of persona experience in a system. User involvement makes the developer must understand well what will be the persona's needs. An effective approach is needed to recognize the persona and summarize his needs well with all the uniqueness in each individual that might occur. By using the persona method, this research will solve problems in the form of information from personas who do not describe the needs in full. This method will help describe a persona in depth ranging from personality, ability to persona behavior towards a problem. The detailed persona document is then concluded in order to obtain a basic requirement to be implemented into a system. In addition to using the persona method in increasing the elicitation of needs, this research also focuses on the qualitative value of the information by adding iterative theory implementation. This theory is used to improve the accuracy of problem solving, which at each stage will produce information that will facilitate developers in designing persona-oriented software

    Digital Support for Living with and Beyond Gynaecological Cancer

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    Introduction Gynae-Radiotherapy places exceptional psychosocial and physical burdens on patients. Technological developments and associated acute toxicity and survival outcomes have improved, however holistic support has not kept pace. Digital technologies have potential to enhance support and patient experience. The project aimed to co-create a prototype of a digital health intervention that could serve the needs of women living with and beyond treatment for gynaecological cancer. Methods A multi-disciplinary and co-creation approach was adopted. Four workshops were held, comprising of a number of activities to support participants’ expression of views and facilitate discussion. Methods included word cloud generation, prompt cards, empathy maps and persona creation, domain storylines and requirements identification. Results Support drops off dramatically once treatment is completed. Patients struggled to adjust to their ‘new normal’ and felt unprepared for changes post-treatment. Patients felt overwhelmed with leaflets yet wanted instant access to reliable and relevant information in one place, better information on late side effects and improved communication about sexual health and sexuality. Reassurance through a digital intervention was viewed positively and specific ideas for achieving this were suggested through: Sharing experiences; targeted practical advice; peer support and advice/support for significant others. Conclusion The co-creation of a prototype generated further discussion and an interactive prototype was developed. Based on workshop findings it is believed that the intervention could provide life-long support for women living with and beyond cancer. Implications for practice Increased focus is needed on the late effects of radiotherapy, specifically in supporting psychosocial wellbeing. Co-creation is a rewarding and fulfilling activity that met numerous aims beyond those of the project. It is recommended that mixed staff-patient groups are developed and adopted in more informal ways for the improvement of services