3 research outputs found

    Review and Comparison of Random Spray Retinex and of its variants STRESS and QBRIX

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    In this paper, we review and compare three spatial color algorithms of the Milano Retinex family: Random Spray Retinex (RSR) and its subsequent variants STRESS and QBRIX. These algorithms process the colors of any input image in line with the principles of the Retinex theory, introduced about 50 years ago by Land and McCann to explain how humans see colors. According to this theory, RSR, STRESS and QBRIX re-scale independently the color intensities of each pixel by a quantity, named local reference white, which depends on the spatial arrangement of the colors in the pixel surround. The output is a new color enhanced image that generally has a higher brightness and more visible details than the input one. RSR, STRESS and QBRIX adopt different models of spatial arrangement and implement different equations for the computation of the local reference white, so that they produce different enhanced images. We propose a comparative analysis of their performance based on numerical measures of the image brightness, details and dynamic range. In order to enable result repeatability and further comparisons, we use a set of images publicly available on the net

    GRASS: A Gradient-Based Random Sampling Scheme for Milano Retinex

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    Retinex is an early and famous theory attempting to estimate the human color sensation derived from an observed scene. When applied to a digital image, the original implementation of retinex estimates the color sensation by modifying the pixels channel intensities with respect to a local reference white, selected from a set of random paths. The spatial search of the local reference white influences the final estimation. The recent algorithm energy-driven termite retinex (ETR), as well as its predecessor termite retinex, has introduced a new path-based image aware sampling scheme, where the paths depend on local visual properties of the input image. Precisely, the ETR paths transit over pixels with high gradient magnitude that have been proved to be important for the formation of color sensation. Such a sampling method enables the visit of image portions effectively relevant to the estimation of the color sensation, while it reduces the analysis of pixels with less essential and/or redundant data, i.e., the flat image regions. While the ETR sampling scheme is very efficacious in detecting image pixels salient for the color sensation, its computational complexity can be a limit. In this paper, we present a novel Gradient-based RAndom Sampling Scheme that inherits from ETR the image aware sampling principles, but has a lower computational complexity, while similar performance. Moreover, the new sampling scheme can be interpreted both as a path-based scanning and a 2D sampling

    Fusing spatial and temporal components for real-time depth data enhancement of dynamic scenes

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    The depth images from consumer depth cameras (e.g., structured-light/ToF devices) exhibit a substantial amount of artifacts (e.g., holes, flickering, ghosting) that needs to be removed for real-world applications. Existing methods cannot entirely remove them and perform slow. This thesis proposes a new real-time spatio-temporal depth image enhancement filter that completely removes flickering and ghosting, and significantly reduces holes. This thesis also presents a novel depth-data capture setup and two data reduction methods to optimize the performance of the proposed enhancement method