3 research outputs found

    An Investigation paper on Congestion Control Policy

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    In the advancement of network technology traffic affects performance factors like file synchronization, communication throughput and overall all the scenario where one are having continues connectivity of business to the rectifying organizations, all the business functionality are going for the achievement of paperless communication infrastructure where one are deploying all his working by the internet technology such high speed network communication infrastructure always required well suited congestion less architecture scheme to achieve quality of services ,In the field of different communication area there are many applications has be running at present for all type of users likesenior, junior and all business users categories. Network proposed many protocols and algorithm for the improvement in flow of the network,Ethernet project 802 and protocols series 802.11a/b/c/d/e has been working at network layer in which user’s found some times network work well with priorities choice of network connection but sometimesstruggles with the same.To analyze the actual report of congestion policies here author of the paper are presenting analytical study so that one can understand the lack of functionality in communication with specific network implementations

    Third-Party TCP Rate Control

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    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the dominant transport protocol in today?s Internet. The original design of TCP left congestion control open to future designers. Short of implementing changes to the TCP stack on the end-nodes themselves, Internet Service Providers have employed several techniques to be able to operate their network equipment efficiently. These techniques amount to shaping traffic to reduce cost and improve overall customer satisfaction. The method that gives maximum control when performing traffic shaping is using an inline traffic shaper. An inline traffic shaper sits in the middle of any flow, allowing packets to pass through it and, with policy-limited freedom, inspects and modifies all packets as it pleases. However, a number of practical issues such as hardware reliability or ISP policy, may prevent such a solution from being employed. For example, an ISP that does not fully trust the quality of the traffic shaper would not want such a product to be placed in-line with its equipment, as it places a significant threat to its business. What is required in such cases is third-party rate control. Formally defined, a third-party rate controller is one that can see all traffic and inject new traffic into the network, but cannot remove or modify existing network packets. Given these restrictions, we present and study a technique to control TCP flows, namely triple-ACK duplication. The triple-ACK algorithm allows significant capabilities to a third-party traffic shaper. We provide an analytical justification for why this technique works under ideal conditions and demonstrate via simulation the bandwidth reduction achieved. When judiciously applied, the triple-ACK duplication technique produces minimal badput, while producing significant reductions in bandwidth consumption under ideal conditions. Based on a brief study, we show that our algorithm is able to selectively throttle one flow while allowing another to gain in bandwidth

    Mécanismes d'optimisation multi-niveaux pour IP sur satellites de nouvelle génération

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    L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir aux réseaux satellitaires géostationnaires des outils d'amélioration de performances dans un contexte contraint, lié au support de communication qui présente une qualité variable. Les défis s'étendent de la couche d'accès au support (l'ordonnancement) à la couche transport (le comportement du TCP étant sensible au délai de propagation dans les réseaux géostationnaires). Nous faisons appel aux mécanismes cross-layer qui mettent en place des interactions entre entités protocolaires non adjacentes du modèle OSI offrant ainsi une adaptation immédiate au changement des conditions dans le réseau. Nous employons à ce but une technique cross-layer informant l'entité protocolaire TCP du débit disponible, permettant d'éviter des conséquences telles que la chute du débit et des pertes liées à la congestion des files d'attente. Nous mettons en oeuvre ce mécanisme au niveau d'un élément sensible du réseau géostationnaire, le proxy TCP. L'intérêt des techniques cross-layer a été mis en évidence au niveau de l'ordonnanceur présent au sein de la gateway d'un réseau DVB-S2/DVB-RCS. Ainsi, ils contribuent à la maximisation de la capacité du système, à l'assurance des contraintes de qualité de service, à l'équité de l'allocation de ressources, etc. Enfin, nous présentons une solution possible d'architecture cross-layer. Nous proposons des caractéristiques demandées pour une architecture cross-layer afin d'assurer l'évolutivité, la modularité et la co-existence avec l'architecture standard existante. ABSTRACT : The main objective of this thesis is to provide tools of improving performance of geostationary satellite networks, operating in a constrained environment mainly due to the variable quality of radio links. There are protocol layers being challenged by such characteristics, such as the medium access protocol and the transport layer protocol (TCP behaviour is impacted by the long propagation delay in geostationary satellite networks). We employ cross-layer mechanisms implementing interaction between non-adjacent protocol layers defined by the OSI architecture aiming at providing a rapid adaptation to changes in network state. We provide a cross-layer technique informing TCP protocol of the available network rate, thus preventing consequences such as TCP rate drop or loss due to buffer overflow. This mechanism is to be implemented in a sensible network element, such as a TCP proxy. Data link layer scheduler can benefit from the advantages of employing cross-layer mechanisms, especially at the gateway of a DVB-S2/DVB-RCS satellite network. The improved scheduler allows an efficient use of network resources and helps insuring quality of services constraints, resource allocation fairness, etc. Finally, we propose a cross-layer architecture along with in-demand characteristics able to offer an inter-operability with the existing architecture, an easy up-grade and design