12,915 research outputs found

    Methods of visualisation

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    Enhancing Low-Light Images Using Infrared-Encoded Images

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    Low-light image enhancement task is essential yet challenging as it is ill-posed intrinsically. Previous arts mainly focus on the low-light images captured in the visible spectrum using pixel-wise loss, which limits the capacity of recovering the brightness, contrast, and texture details due to the small number of income photons. In this work, we propose a novel approach to increase the visibility of images captured under low-light environments by removing the in-camera infrared (IR) cut-off filter, which allows for the capture of more photons and results in improved signal-to-noise ratio due to the inclusion of information from the IR spectrum. To verify the proposed strategy, we collect a paired dataset of low-light images captured without the IR cut-off filter, with corresponding long-exposure reference images with an external filter. The experimental results on the proposed dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, showing better performance quantitatively and qualitatively. The dataset and code are publicly available at https://wyf0912.github.io/ELIEI/Comment: The first two authors contribute equally. The work is accepted by ICIP 202

    The last gasps of VY CMa: Aperture synthesis and adaptive optics imagery

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    We present new observations of the red supergiant VY CMa at 1.25 micron, 1.65 micron, 2.26 micron, 3.08 micron and 4.8 micron. Two complementary observational techniques were utilized: non-redundant aperture masking on the 10-m Keck-I telescope yielding images of the innermost regions at unprecedented resolution, and adaptive optics imaging on the ESO 3.6-m telescope at La Silla attaining extremely high (~10^5) peak-to-noise dynamic range over a wide field. For the first time the inner dust shell has been resolved in the near-infrared to reveal a one-sided extension of circumstellar emission within 0.1" (~15 R_star) of the star. The line-of-sight optical depths of the circumstellar dust shell at 1.65 micron, 2.26 micron, and 3.08 micron have been estimated to be 1.86 +/- 0.42, 0.85 +/- 0.20, and 0.44 +/- 0.11. These new results allow the bolometric luminosity of VY~CMa to be estimated independent of the dust shell geometry, yielding L_star ~ 2x10^5 L_sun. A variety of dust condensations, including a large scattering plume and a bow-shaped dust feature, were observed in the faint, extended nebula up to 4" from the central source. While the origin of the nebulous plume remains uncertain, a geometrical model is developed assuming the plume is produced by radially-driven dust grains forming at a rotating flow insertion point with a rotational period between 1200-4200 years, which is perhaps the stellar rotational period or the orbital period of an unseen companion.Comment: 25 pages total with 1 table and 5 figures. Accepted by Astrophysical Journal (to appear in February 1999

    Land classification of south-central Iowa from computer enhanced images

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Enhanced LANDSAT imagery was most useful for land classification purposes, because these images could be photographically printed at large scales such as 1:63,360. The ability to see individual picture elements was no hindrance as long as general image patterns could be discerned. Low cost photographic processing systems for color printings have proved to be effective in the utilization of computer enhanced LANDSAT products for land classification purposes. The initial investment for this type of system was very low, ranging from 100to100 to 200 beyond a black and white photo lab. The technical expertise can be acquired from reading a color printing and processing manual

    Document Flash Thermography

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    This paper presents an extension of flash thermography techniques to the analysis of documents. Motivation for this research is to develop the ability to reveal covered writings in archaeological artifacts such as the Codex Selden or Egyptian Cartonnage. An emphasis is placed on evaluating several common existing signal processing techniques for their effectiveness in enhancing subsurface writings found within a set of test documents. These processing techniques include: contrast stretching, histogram equalization, image filters, contrast images, differential absolute contrast (DAC), thermal signal reconstruction (TSR), principal component thermography (PCT), dynamic thermal tomography (DTT), pulse phase thermography (PPT), and fitting-correlation analysis (FCA). The ability of flash thermography and the combined techniques to reveal subsurface writings and document strikeouts will be evaluated. In addition, the differences in flash thermography parameters are evaluated for most effective imaging of the two document subsets

    A Dual Sensor Computational Camera for High Quality Dark Videography

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    Videos captured under low light conditions suffer from severe noise. A variety of efforts have been devoted to image/video noise suppression and made large progress. However, in extremely dark scenarios, extensive photon starvation would hamper precise noise modeling. Instead, developing an imaging system collecting more photons is a more effective way for high-quality video capture under low illuminations. In this paper, we propose to build a dual-sensor camera to additionally collect the photons in NIR wavelength, and make use of the correlation between RGB and near-infrared (NIR) spectrum to perform high-quality reconstruction from noisy dark video pairs. In hardware, we build a compact dual-sensor camera capturing RGB and NIR videos simultaneously. Computationally, we propose a dual-channel multi-frame attention network (DCMAN) utilizing spatial-temporal-spectral priors to reconstruct the low-light RGB and NIR videos. In addition, we build a high-quality paired RGB and NIR video dataset, based on which the approach can be applied to different sensors easily by training the DCMAN model with simulated noisy input following a physical-process-based CMOS noise model. Both experiments on synthetic and real videos validate the performance of this compact dual-sensor camera design and the corresponding reconstruction algorithm in dark videography