2,195 research outputs found

    RLEEGNet: Integrating Brain-Computer Interfaces with Adaptive AI for Intuitive Responsiveness and High-Accuracy Motor Imagery Classification

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    Current approaches to prosthetic control are limited by their reliance on traditional methods, which lack real-time adaptability and intuitive responsiveness. These limitations are particularly pronounced in assistive technologies designed for individuals with diverse cognitive states and motor intentions. In this paper, we introduce a framework that leverages Reinforcement Learning (RL) with Deep Q-Networks (DQN) for classification tasks. Additionally, we present a preprocessing technique using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) for multiclass motor imagery (MI) classification in a One-Versus-The-Rest (OVR) manner. The subsequent 'csp space' transformation retains the temporal dimension of EEG signals, crucial for extracting discriminative features. The integration of DQN with a 1D-CNN-LSTM architecture optimizes the decision-making process in real-time, thereby enhancing the system's adaptability to the user's evolving needs and intentions. We elaborate on the data processing methods for two EEG motor imagery datasets. Our innovative model, RLEEGNet, incorporates a 1D-CNN-LSTM architecture as the Online Q-Network within the DQN, facilitating continuous adaptation and optimization of control strategies through feedback. This mechanism allows the system to learn optimal actions through trial and error, progressively improving its performance. RLEEGNet demonstrates high accuracy in classifying MI-EEG signals, achieving as high as 100% accuracy in MI tasks across both the GigaScience (3-class) and BCI-IV-2a (4-class) datasets. These results highlight the potential of combining DQN with a 1D-CNN-LSTM architecture to significantly enhance the adaptability and responsiveness of BCI systems.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, 6 table

    Multi-objective worst case optimization by means of evolutionary algorithms

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    Many real-world optimization problems are subject to uncertainty. A possible goal is then to find a solution which is robust in the sense that it has the best worst-case performance over all possible scenarios. However, if the problem also involves mul- tiple objectives, which scenario is “best” or “worst” depends on the user’s weighting of the different criteria, which is generally difficult to specify before alternatives are known. Evolutionary multi-objective optimization avoids this problem by searching for the whole front of Pareto optimal solutions. This paper extends the concept of Pareto dominance to worst case optimization problems and demonstrates how evolu- tionary algorithms can be used for worst case optimization in a multi-objective setting

    Downstream Task Guided Masking Learning in Masked Autoencoders Using Multi-Level Optimization

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    Masked Autoencoder (MAE) is a notable method for self-supervised pretraining in visual representation learning. It operates by randomly masking image patches and reconstructing these masked patches using the unmasked ones. A key limitation of MAE lies in its disregard for the varying informativeness of different patches, as it uniformly selects patches to mask. To overcome this, some approaches propose masking based on patch informativeness. However, these methods often do not consider the specific requirements of downstream tasks, potentially leading to suboptimal representations for these tasks. In response, we introduce the Multi-level Optimized Mask Autoencoder (MLO-MAE), a novel framework that leverages end-to-end feedback from downstream tasks to learn an optimal masking strategy during pretraining. Our experimental findings highlight MLO-MAE's significant advancements in visual representation learning. Compared to existing methods, it demonstrates remarkable improvements across diverse datasets and tasks, showcasing its adaptability and efficiency. Our code is available at: https://github.com/Alexiland/MLOMA

    Cyber Data Anomaly Detection Using Autoencoder Neural Networks

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    The Department of Defense requires a secure presence in the cyber domain to successfully execute its stated mission of deterring war and protecting the security of the United States. With potentially millions of logged network events occurring on defended networks daily, a limited staff of cyber analysts require the capability to identify novel network actions for security adjudication. The detection methodology proposed uses an autoencoder neural network optimized via design of experiments for the identification of anomalous network events. Once trained, each logged network event is analyzed by the neural network and assigned an outlier score. The network events with the largest outlier scores are anomalous and worthy of further review by cyber analysts. This neural network approach can operate in conjunction with alternate tools for outlier detection, enhancing the overall anomaly detection capability of cyber analysts