4 research outputs found

    Web-Based Internet Mobile Application to Manage Organization

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    Information world today’s, where the internet and web technology are used widely. Most of the organizations acknowledge the importance of SMS system and WEB in reaching and interacting with their users. However, there is much discussion regarding the effectiveness when it comes to SMS system. This study helped organization’s students, users of organization, and willing to accept, reading and using SMS messages: effective is SMS messages compared to traditional communications. The goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of SMS messages compared to traditional ways for different aspects and on the other hand, to develop prototype by using Web and SMS technology to apply this system and extent students are willing to accept SMS messages on their mobile phone, since the effectiveness of SMS messages highly depends on this willing. The results of this research indicate that the use of the web and SMS for the benefit of the organization and students in all aspects instead using traditional ways to contact

    Mobile-Based Notification System for University's Events

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    Mobile phone plays a very important role in people life today; its functionality has been extended from voice communication only devices to internet surfing and data transfer. UUM as a higher education institute, hold and organize numerous events throughout the academic year and it relies on email communications for notifying its staff. Using the email notification to announce the staff for the function is suffering from two main problems which are: First, some of the staff do not check his/her email periodically, so they may miss read the notification email about the function and therefore they will not attend the function. Second, sometimes internet service is not available or staffs are at some place where they can not access internet which will lead also to make them unaware about the function or the notification about that function. This study has successfully designed and developed a notification system in order to be used by UUM to send the notifications direct to the staff mobile phones via SMS and thus helps in make sure that the notification is delivered to all interested staff. Successfully implementing this notification system in UUM will provide the university a reliable and convenient inter communication channel

    Insurance Management System for Fresh Graduates Using Web Based Decision Support System (DSS)

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    Buying an insurance is not as easy as it seems because it involves measurements of personal lifestyles, preferences, needs, and financial condition. One of the problem is that even insurance information is everywhere, seldom there are people who can adequately make use of the information to purchase a suitable policy. Furthermore, high similarity of different insurance products and services compress the scope of buying a really differentiated and suitable insurance policy for an individual. In this study, integration of Web Based and decision support system are employed to develop an Insurance Management System for enabling all fresh graduates from all states of Malaysia to use it for facilitating insurance buying process. Its main target users are fresh graduates between the age of 23 and 30 who are found lacking of insurance literacy. Of all types of insurance in the market, the system will focus specifically in helping the fresh graduates to buy individual personal accident, private car and private motorcycle insurance policies offered by insurance companies in Malaysian insurance market. The Insurance Management System is a system that is able to capture user's information such as income, lifestyle, travel preferences, family members, age of car or motorcycle owned and others factor by prompting three different and separate set of questions for the respective insurance categories of personal accident, car and motorcycle. The user will need to fill in the questions for the category(ies) of insurance he/ she wishes to purchase in relevant web pages. Subsequently, after all the questions from personal accident, car or motorcycle are submitted to the system, the system will suggest and display the insurance product(s) which best meets the user's demands and requirements. Apart from that, comparative tables can also be found in the web system to allow the user to compare personal accident, car and motorcycle insurance benefits offered by different companies at one glance. The system will be developed according to prototype methodology where user participation in designing the system is maximum to continuously refine the system. In capturing users' satisfactions after using the system, user acceptance survey and usability testing survey were adopted. It is said that the proposed web system received positive feedbacks as demonstrated in both the surveys with a 92.5 System Usability Scale (SUS) score which signified that users are convinced by both the look and performance of the proposed system and they are keen to use the system frequently in the future

    Comportamento do consumidor: procura de informação e intenção de compra online de seguro automovel - aplicação em portugal

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    Classificação: M31, M10, C39A distribuição no setor segurador está repleta de desafios. Novas tendências de consumo, a internet e a utilização de distintos canais ao longo das etapas do processo de tomada de decisão de compra, têm um impacto relevante da decisão de compra e no processo de compra de seguro automóvel. A adoção de novos comportamentos pelo consumidor, o aumento dos “clientes híbridos” e a estratégia de distribuição multicanal, apresentam desafios às seguradoras quer do ponto de vista académico, quer empresariais. A escolha ótima dos canais de distribuição depende da estratégia concreta de cada companhia. Mas é necessário ter em conta que os clientes têm uma palavra a dizer no que concerne a como querem adquirir os produtos e serviços. Os clientes esperam de uma forma crescente que os seus fornecedores estejam disponíveis a qualquer hora, que forneçam informação e têm expectativas elevadas quanto aos níveis de serviço. Da mesma forma, esperam preços competitivos, dentro dum conceito de preço justo que é difícil de medir. Todas estas questões emergem num ambiente no qual o poder da marca e o processo de recomendação não estão mais no domínio das seguradoras. É neste contexto de consumo, onde os consumidores utilizam diversos canais ao longo do processo de compra, num árduo ambiente concorrencial, que o setor segurador se tem de reinventar na distribuição. Propõe-se um modelo de procura de informação e de intenção de compra, abrangendo-se, quer a dimensão global de compra online, quer os consumidores que procuram informação online, mas concretizam a compra offline. Foi desenvolvido um modelo teórico com uma abordagem holística que combina a procura de informação online e a intenção de compra online. Obtêm-se evidências que o modelo de intenção de compra e o modelo de procura de informação online são diferentes. As variáveis com maior impacto na procura de informação são: perceção de utilidade, atratividade de preço, envolvimento e perceção de facilidade de uso. Para a intenção de compra online, as variáveis são: perceção de utilidade, atratividade de preço, confiança e lealdade. Esta investigação também analisa a experiência como variável moderadora. A vertente empírica foi aplicada em Portugal. Metodologicamente utilizaram-se modelos com equações estruturais (SEM) tendo-se obtido um poder explicativo de 52% para a procura de informação e 73% para a intenção de compra online de seguro automóvel. Como debatido na presente investigação, os resultados fornecem diversos contributos quer académicos quer empresariais. Como pretendido, a presente investigação contribui para o conhecimento do comportamento do consumidor na procura de informação e intenção de compra online, para o conhecimento do comportamento multicanal e para a investigação aplicada ao setor segurador. Também fornece ferramentas úteis que contribuem para a definição da estratégia na internet e para a estratégia de canais de distribuição, quer numa abordagem monocanal, quer numa abordagem multicanal. Os resultados podem ser utilizados como guião de variáveis instrumentais prioritárias. Pode contribuir para ajudar os gestores a definir a estratégia do canal da internet para a companhia, alocação de recursos e a lidar com o fenómeno de “research shopping”.The distribution in the insurance industry has many challenges. New consumer trends, the internet and the use of distinct channels throughout the different stages of the purchase process have an extensive impact in the buying decision and on the auto insurance purchasing process. The adoption of new consumer behaviors, the increase of "hybrid consumers" and the multi-channel distribution strategy presents challenges both from the academic and managerial points of view. The optimal choice of distribution channels depends on the specific strategy implemented by each insurance company. But tone must consider that customers have a say regarding how they want to buy products and services. Customers increasingly expect that their suppliers to be available at any time, providing information and with high desired service level expectations. Likewise, they want more competitive prices, within a fair price concept that is hard to measure. All these questions arise in an environment in which brand power and recommendation behavior are no longer in the insurers’ domain. It is inside this context of consumption, where consumers use distinct channel throughout the stages of the purchase process, in a fiercely competitive environment, that the insurance industry has to reinvent distribution. A theoretical model is developed based on a comprehensive approach that combines online information search and online purchase intention. The findings provide evidence that the models for purchase intention and for the information search are different. Results show that the variables with the greatest impact in the information search are: perception of usefulness, price attractiveness, involvement and perception of ease of use. Similarly, the variables that explain the online purchase intention are: perception of usefulness, price attractiveness, reliability and loyalty. This study also investigates experience as a moderation variable. Empirical research was conducted in Portugal. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used, which returned an explanatory power of 52% for information search, and 73% for intention to purchase auto insurance online. As discussed in the study, the findings make several contributions both to academia and management. As intended, this research contributes to the understanding of consumer behavior as regards online information search and online purchase intention, to the knowledge of multichannel behavior and to research applied in the insurance industry. It also provides useful tools to assist managers in the definition of internet strategy and distribution channel strategy, either through a multi-channel approach, or in a direct distribution strategy. The findings can be used as a roadmap of instrumental variables. It can help managers to define company internet channel strategy, resource allocation and to deal with the “research shopping” phenomena