1,898 research outputs found

    Engaging Viewers in Ecommerce Live Streaming: Perspectives of the Broadcaster and Viewer

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    Background: ECommerce live streaming has enabled new forms of broadcaster-viewer interaction, where broadcasters engage viewers in real time to sell goods and services. It is therefore critical to discover strategies to maximize viewer engagement with broadcasters. Method: A mixed methods approach was applied. Five strategies emerged from our qualitative observation of three famous broadcasters: establishing a personal brand essence, maintaining personal brand consistency, creating message credibility, tapping on shared attitudes, and maximizing customer responsiveness. Based on a signaling theory perspective, we then hypothesized about the five strategies and constructed a survey to examine the effectiveness of these strategies. A total of 505 valid responses were received, and CB-SEM with AMOS was utilized to test the five hypotheses, with three hypotheses supported. Results: Our findings demonstrate that message credibility, shared attitudes, and customer responsiveness play critical roles in enhancing viewers’ engagement behaviors. Conclusion: Our mixed methods approach allows empirical exploration of effective engagement strategies and broadcaster-viewer interaction during eCommerce live streaming. This study thus contributes nascent knowledge to the live streaming literature, helping future research to develop possible theoretical perspectives. Our findings also provide actionable insights for broadcasters to enhance viewer engagement and boost sales

    A Study on the Purchase Intention of Agricultural Products by Chinese Consumers in Zhejiang Province on a Live Sales Platform

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    The purpose of this paper was to explore the attitudes relating to the consumer purchase intentions of live streaming sales and to know the influences on consumers’ final purchase decisions for farming products through live streaming. A quantitative online survey was used to examine consumer purchase intentions for live streaming sales to understand more about their thoughts and behavior regarding agricultural products. The study collected 208 online customer surveys from Chinese nationals, performing a non-probability purposive sampling technique to validate the analysis. The sample size of 208 was calculated based on G*Power. The results show that attitude homophily and influencer professionality in relation to the influencers, impacts the purchase intentions of consumers, suggesting that the consumer decision path involves both affective and internalization processes before the consumer makes a decision to purchase the product. Perceived uncertainty was shown to be a marginal effect whereby consumers are slightly concerned about the quality and price of purchases through live stream shopping. These findings confirm the theory of planned behavior (TPB) by revealing that consumers’ purchase intentions come from their own decision making. Additionally, the study extends the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) by proving that attitude homophily and professionality have a high effect on purchase intentions for live sales. It was found that attitude homophily and professionality are key factors to increase consumers’ trust in products. Therefore, it is suggested that businesses using live stream sales should pay more attention to enhance relatedness for current and potential consumers

    Understanding the Role of Streamer Emotion in E-Commerce Livestreaming

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    The combination of e-commerce and livestreaming video (e-commerce livestreaming) offers an unprecedented opportunity for streamers (salespeople) to show their emotional displays to viewers (consumers) in real-time. However, it remains unclear how and to what extent streamer emotion influences purchase intentions, especially in the context of different product types where consumers have different decision-making considerations. Based on the stereotype content model, which considers two basic dimensions of social judgments (i.e., warmth and competence), this study intends to explore the impact of the interaction effect of streamer emotion (happiness vs. neutrality) and product type (utilitarian vs. hedonic product) on consumers’ purchase intentions and behaviors. Both laboratory experiment and secondary data analysis will be conducted to test our hypotheses. We hope this study can not only extend the livestreaming and emotion-related literature but also provide suggestions on emotional expressions for streamers in their marketing campaigns

    Building Streamers’ Personal Brand Loyalty by the Brand Resonance Pyramid Model in Live Streaming Commerce

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    This study explores the issue of building streamers’ personal brands from the brand resonance pyramid model. Brand loyalty brings benefits and lower viewers’ wrong purchase decisions. Factors related to the context, streamers, and the community shape brand awareness and differentiate streamers’ uniqueness. The uniqueness presented by streamers’ credibility and the perceived value of live streamers’ programs deepens viewers’ emotional attachment toward the streamers. The close emotional attachment raises viewers’ loyalty and then induces viewers to purchase the recommended products. Results from analyzing 1082 valid returned data collected by an online survey show the significant path from brand awareness, differentiation, emotional attachment, and loyalty to purchase intention. The atmospherics, streamer attractiveness, streamer admiration, and vicarious experience learning promote viewers’ perceived credibility and distinct part of perceived value and then cultivate emotional attachment. The chained effects of emotional attachment, loyalty, and purchase intention are significant. Theoretical and managerial implications are also listed


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    Livestreaming e-commerce as an emerging social-technological phenomenon has been gaining attention from IS researchers. While past literature has accumulated extensive knowledge on explanatory variables that might lead to the viewers’ purchasing behaviours, most of such empirical work focuses on prediction rather than explaining the causal mechanism. In this in-progress study, we draw on the psychology literature and hypothesise informational conformity and social facilitation as two key pathways leading to the purchasing behaviour in the emerging context. This conceptual framework would also be empirically verified using the field data. We propose using a structural equation modelling approach to test the conceptual model. Potential theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Studi Komunikasi Pemasaran Interaktif berbasis Live Streaming Online dalam menciptakan keterlibatan Konsumen

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    ABSTRACT Marketing communication is an effort made to convey the value of a product to customers through various relevant efforts, including by utilizing social media such as Tiktok. Live streaming is a feature of Tiktok which is usually done as a medium for self-expression for users, which has changed its function as a media for realtime product promotion and sales. Live streaming can increase consumer engagement and allow for direct interaction between sellers and buyers directly. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze how added value is felt, interest and consumer trust when shopping through interactive live streaming. This study uses a case study method with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the presentation of data and conclusions as well as triangulation of data sources. The results of this study indicate that; the formation of value added felt by consumers when utilizing buying and selling through live streaming. There are attractions that are presented such as facilitating buyers and customers to connect according to their interests and will be synchronized automatically, as well as the emergence of live products according to customer interests. As well as building customer trust which is driven by the flow of two-way interactions, as well as products that appear immediately ABSTRAKKomunikasi pemasaran merupakan upaya yang dilakukan untuk menyampaiakan nilai suatu produk pada pelanggan melalui berbagai upaya yang relevan termasuk dengan memanfaatkan sosial media seperti halnya Tiktok. Live streaming merupakan fitur Tiktok yang biasanya dilakukan sebagai media ekspresi diri para pengguna telah beralih fungsi sebagai media promosi dan penjualan produk realtime. Live streaming dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan konsumen serta memungkinkan dapat terjadinya interaksi langsung antara penjual dan pembeli secara langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana nilai tambah dirasakan , minat serta kepercayaa konsumen saat berbelanja melalui live streaming interaktif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus  dengan pendekatan kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan serta triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa; terbentuknya nilai tambah yang dirasakan oleh konsumen saat memanfaatkan jual beli melalui live streaming. Adanya daya tarik yang dihadirkan seperti memfasilitasi pembeli dan pelanggan terhubung sesuai minat dan akan tersingkron secara otomatis, serta munculnya live-live produk sesuai minat pelanggan. Serta terbangun rasa percaya pelanggan yang didorong oleh adanya arus interaksi dua arah, serta produk-produk yang tampak langsung

    Interpersonal Relations and Social Actions on Live Streaming Services. A Systematic Review on Cyber-social Relations

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    This article provides a systematic review on interpersonal relations and social actions on live streaming services as, for instance, Twitch, Chaturbate, YouNow, or Taobao Live. Are those relations social, parasocial, or is there another specific kind of relation? Based on 77 articles, we give a short bibliometric overview and discuss interactions on live streaming services, social actions of streamers, social actions of viewers, shopping relations on live streaming services, and the streamers’ and viewers’ intentions to continuous actions leading (also supported by elements of gamification) the audience to a kind of stickiness towards individual streams, streamers, and services. Due to highly interactive communication between audience and broadcasters and among the viewers, social actions on live streaming services take a middle position between social and parasocial relations and―concerning shopping―also a middle position between physical event-shopping and ordering on an e-commerce platform. They form a new human-human relation, which we name “cyber-social relation.

    Increasing Customer Live Streaming Engagement in Online Shopping Platforms

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    Nowadays, small business entrepreneurs use a new marketing tool to promote their products. This tool is named Live streaming.Objectives: This study aims to help online shop owners maintain customer live-streaming engagement so it can enhance viewers' participation through live-streaming commerce.Methodology: This study used quantitative data, utilizing a survey methodology and employing Indonesian citizens as the research's object. Respondents were obtained through Google form with 225 respondents to be analyzed using PLS-SEM. Variables were measured using a Likert scale. Finding: The result of this study suggests that interactivity, informativeness, and personalization correlate with customer engagement in live-streaming commerce.Conclusion: This research shows how to make a live streaming engagement using e-commerce which was influenced by interactivity, a response to an interaction between subscribers and streamers during live streaming. In addition, there is also informativeness that affects customer live-streaming engagement which is seen from the information provided by the streamer to customers. There is personalization which also affects live-streaming commerce. Future studies can be done in other countries by using the enormous shopping platform in their country with specific shopping platforms, specific sectors (fashion, electronics, food, and others), and measure customer live-streaming engagement using attractiveness because not many papers discuss this topic in Indonesia. Future studies also can distribute more questionnaires for more relevant and valid results and also add more factors like the increase in customer engagement in purchase intention or value co-creation

    Dismantling the Black Box: Understanding Consumers\u27 Motivations for the Usage of Live Streaming Shopping Platform

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    Capturing consumers’ motivations for using the live streaming shopping platform (LSSP) can help guide the optimization of the platform and enhance shopping experience of consumers while watching live videos. Previous studies on user motivation typically explored technical and psychological antecedents of usage by considering the platform holistically. However, this black-box like treatment to the platform blurs the finer-grained details of consumer usage. This study takes a micro-level approach, disassembling the LSSP into 13 representative design features, and refines nine user motivations based on the uses and gratifications theory. Through collecting 237 questionnaires and employing regression analysis, we reveal the nuanced relationship between platform design features and consumer motivations. Our findings show that different design features are driven by distinct motivations, diverging from overall LSSP usage motivations. This research broadens the scope of LSSP studies, improves platform functionality, and offers practical insights for service providers
