7 research outputs found

    Metadata quality issues in learning repositories

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    Metadata lies at the heart of every digital repository project in the sense that it defines and drives the description of digital content stored in the repositories. Metadata allows content to be successfully stored, managed and retrieved but also preserved in the long-term. Despite the enormous importance of metadata in digital repositories, one that is widely recognized, studies indicate that what is defined as metadata quality, is relatively low in most cases of digital repositories. Metadata quality is loosely defined as "fitness for purpose" meaning that low quality of metadata means that metadata cannot fulfill its purpose which is to allow for the successful storage, management and retrieval of resources. In practice, low metadata quality leads to ineffective searches for content, ones that recall the wrong resources or even worse, no resources which makes them invisible to the intended user, that is the "client" of each digital repository. The present dissertation approaches this problem by proposing a comprehensive metadata quality assurance method, namely the Metadata Quality Assurance Certification Process (MQACP). The basic idea of this dissertation is to propose a set of methods that can be deployed throughout the lifecycle of a repository to ensure that metadata generated from content providers are of high quality. These methods have to be straightforward, simple to apply with measurable results. They also have to be adaptable with minimum effort so that they can be used in different contexts easily. This set of methods was described analytically, taking into account the actors needed to apply them, describing the tools needed and defining the anticipated outcomes. In order to test our proposal, we applied it on a Learning Federation of repositories, from day 1 of its existence until it reached its maturity and regular operation. We supported the metadata creation process throughout the different phases of the repositories involved by setting up specific experiments using the methods and tools of the MQACP. Throughout each phase, we measured the resulting metadata quality to certify that the anticipated improvement in metadata quality actually took place. Lastly, through these different phases, the cost of the MQACP application was measured to provide a comparison basis for future applications. Based on the success of this first application, we decided to validate the MQACP approach by applying it on another two cases of a Cultural and a Research Federation of repositories. This would allow us to prove the transferability of the approach to other cases the present some similarities with the initial one but mainly significant differences. The results showed that the MQACP was successfully adapted to the new contexts, with minimum adaptations needed, with similar results produced and also with comparable costs. In addition, looking closer at the common experiments carried out in each phase of each use case, we were able to identify interesting patterns in the behavior of content providers that can be further researched. The dissertation is completed with a set of future research directions that came out of the cases examined. These research directions can be explored in order to support the next version of the MQACP in terms of the methods deployed, the tools used to assess metadata quality as well as the cost analysis of the MQACP methods

    Metadata quality issues in learning repositories

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    Metadata lies at the heart of every digital repository project in the sense that it defines and drives the description of digital content stored in the repositories. Metadata allows content to be successfully stored, managed and retrieved but also preserved in the long-term. Despite the enormous importance of metadata in digital repositories, one that is widely recognized, studies indicate that what is defined as metadata quality, is relatively low in most cases of digital repositories. Metadata quality is loosely defined as "fitness for purpose" meaning that low quality of metadata means that metadata cannot fulfill its purpose which is to allow for the successful storage, management and retrieval of resources. In practice, low metadata quality leads to ineffective searches for content, ones that recall the wrong resources or even worse, no resources which makes them invisible to the intended user, that is the "client" of each digital repository. The present dissertation approaches this problem by proposing a comprehensive metadata quality assurance method, namely the Metadata Quality Assurance Certification Process (MQACP). The basic idea of this dissertation is to propose a set of methods that can be deployed throughout the lifecycle of a repository to ensure that metadata generated from content providers are of high quality. These methods have to be straightforward, simple to apply with measurable results. They also have to be adaptable with minimum effort so that they can be used in different contexts easily. This set of methods was described analytically, taking into account the actors needed to apply them, describing the tools needed and defining the anticipated outcomes. In order to test our proposal, we applied it on a Learning Federation of repositories, from day 1 of its existence until it reached its maturity and regular operation. We supported the metadata creation process throughout the different phases of the repositories involved by setting up specific experiments using the methods and tools of the MQACP. Throughout each phase, we measured the resulting metadata quality to certify that the anticipated improvement in metadata quality actually took place. Lastly, through these different phases, the cost of the MQACP application was measured to provide a comparison basis for future applications. Based on the success of this first application, we decided to validate the MQACP approach by applying it on another two cases of a Cultural and a Research Federation of repositories. This would allow us to prove the transferability of the approach to other cases the present some similarities with the initial one but mainly significant differences. The results showed that the MQACP was successfully adapted to the new contexts, with minimum adaptations needed, with similar results produced and also with comparable costs. In addition, looking closer at the common experiments carried out in each phase of each use case, we were able to identify interesting patterns in the behavior of content providers that can be further researched. The dissertation is completed with a set of future research directions that came out of the cases examined. These research directions can be explored in order to support the next version of the MQACP in terms of the methods deployed, the tools used to assess metadata quality as well as the cost analysis of the MQACP methods

    Modelo de gestão da qualidade para a cadeia de produção de alimentos orgânicos: alinhamento do processo ao consumidor

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2011Este trabalho trata da gestão da qualidade na produção de alimentos orgânicos processados. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um modelo estruturado em três elementos de gestão, baseado nas cinco abordagens de Garvin para qualidade e em três elos da cadeia de produção de alimentos orgânicos processados. Este modelo tem como objetivo a melhoria da qualidade da produção dos alimentos orgânicos processados alinhando o foco no processo produtivo ao foco no consumidor. Para fundamentar o desenvolvimento do modelo proposto realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico por meio de uma análise bibliométrica. Os conceitos básicos utilizados na construção do modelo foram retirados de uma seleção de 465 artigos. O esboço metodológico utilizado envolve pesquisa teórica e empírica, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. O suporte prático compreende a realização de estudos de casos de empresas que produzem e comercializam estes alimentos bem como um levantamento tipo survey com consumidores destes produtos. Conclui-se que as abordagens de Garvin baseada no usuário e no processo produtivo são adequadas à produção de alimentos orgânicos processados, enquanto que somente a primeira é adequada ao consumidor.This work deals with the management of quality in the production of processed organic foods. To that end, it was developed a model structured in three elements of management and in three players of processed organic food´s chain, based on five approaches to Garvin quality. This model aims to improve the quality of the production of processed organic foods aligning the focus in the production process to focus on the consumer. To support the development of the proposed model performed a literature review through a bibliometric analysis. The basic concepts used in constructing of the model were taken from a selection of 465 papers. The design approach used involves theoretical and empirical research, besides qualitative and quantitative approach. The support practical involves case studies of companies that produce and market these foods as well as an assessment type survey of consumers of these products. It was conclude that Garvin´s approach based on consumer and in the production process are suitable for the production of organic processed foods, while the first is only appropriate to the consumer

    Perspectivas da representação documental: discussão e experiências

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    Access to information is at the heart of the discussions of contemporary society, whether due to the multiplicity of infotechnological mechanisms that are geared to its generation and use, or through the arguments for promoting information for social and cultural democratization through citizen education. The Information Science, for consecrating the information as its object of research, systematizes, in the Documentary Representation, the critical and analytical study of theories, instruments, methods and methodologies that allow to make the information accessible. It is in this scope that this book is proposed, since it adds knowledge, concepts and applications of the relationship between Technology, Information and Representation for the consolidation of the Documentary Representation and that aims to promote debates about the consolidation of discussions and actions that involve the organization and the representation of the information resources, as well as the processes of data management in automated environment and its use. The discussions also envision the technological and media resources, through computational structures, which permeate the production, organization, distribution, access, storage, preservation, use and reuse of information resources through representation methods and recovery. It is understood, above all, the plurality of epistemological, theoretical and methodological conceptions present in Information Science. This book is, therefore, the result of efforts of researchers of the Documentary Representation and reflects research and teaching actions that imply the descriptive and thematic treatment of information