4,798 research outputs found

    Fast Face-swap Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We consider the problem of face swapping in images, where an input identity is transformed into a target identity while preserving pose, facial expression, and lighting. To perform this mapping, we use convolutional neural networks trained to capture the appearance of the target identity from an unstructured collection of his/her photographs.This approach is enabled by framing the face swapping problem in terms of style transfer, where the goal is to render an image in the style of another one. Building on recent advances in this area, we devise a new loss function that enables the network to produce highly photorealistic results. By combining neural networks with simple pre- and post-processing steps, we aim at making face swap work in real-time with no input from the user

    MedGAN: Medical Image Translation using GANs

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    Image-to-image translation is considered a new frontier in the field of medical image analysis, with numerous potential applications. However, a large portion of recent approaches offers individualized solutions based on specialized task-specific architectures or require refinement through non-end-to-end training. In this paper, we propose a new framework, named MedGAN, for medical image-to-image translation which operates on the image level in an end-to-end manner. MedGAN builds upon recent advances in the field of generative adversarial networks (GANs) by merging the adversarial framework with a new combination of non-adversarial losses. We utilize a discriminator network as a trainable feature extractor which penalizes the discrepancy between the translated medical images and the desired modalities. Moreover, style-transfer losses are utilized to match the textures and fine-structures of the desired target images to the translated images. Additionally, we present a new generator architecture, titled CasNet, which enhances the sharpness of the translated medical outputs through progressive refinement via encoder-decoder pairs. Without any application-specific modifications, we apply MedGAN on three different tasks: PET-CT translation, correction of MR motion artefacts and PET image denoising. Perceptual analysis by radiologists and quantitative evaluations illustrate that the MedGAN outperforms other existing translation approaches.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    FaceShop: Deep Sketch-based Face Image Editing

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    We present a novel system for sketch-based face image editing, enabling users to edit images intuitively by sketching a few strokes on a region of interest. Our interface features tools to express a desired image manipulation by providing both geometry and color constraints as user-drawn strokes. As an alternative to the direct user input, our proposed system naturally supports a copy-paste mode, which allows users to edit a given image region by using parts of another exemplar image without the need of hand-drawn sketching at all. The proposed interface runs in real-time and facilitates an interactive and iterative workflow to quickly express the intended edits. Our system is based on a novel sketch domain and a convolutional neural network trained end-to-end to automatically learn to render image regions corresponding to the input strokes. To achieve high quality and semantically consistent results we train our neural network on two simultaneous tasks, namely image completion and image translation. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to combine these two tasks in a unified framework for interactive image editing. Our results show that the proposed sketch domain, network architecture, and training procedure generalize well to real user input and enable high quality synthesis results without additional post-processing.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure

    Adversarial Inpainting of Medical Image Modalities

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    Numerous factors could lead to partial deteriorations of medical images. For example, metallic implants will lead to localized perturbations in MRI scans. This will affect further post-processing tasks such as attenuation correction in PET/MRI or radiation therapy planning. In this work, we propose the inpainting of medical images via Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The proposed framework incorporates two patch-based discriminator networks with additional style and perceptual losses for the inpainting of missing information in realistically detailed and contextually consistent manner. The proposed framework outperformed other natural image inpainting techniques both qualitatively and quantitatively on two different medical modalities.Comment: To be submitted to ICASSP 201

    Enhancing Perceptual Attributes with Bayesian Style Generation

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    Deep learning has brought an unprecedented progress in computer vision and significant advances have been made in predicting subjective properties inherent to visual data (e.g., memorability, aesthetic quality, evoked emotions, etc.). Recently, some research works have even proposed deep learning approaches to modify images such as to appropriately alter these properties. Following this research line, this paper introduces a novel deep learning framework for synthesizing images in order to enhance a predefined perceptual attribute. Our approach takes as input a natural image and exploits recent models for deep style transfer and generative adversarial networks to change its style in order to modify a specific high-level attribute. Differently from previous works focusing on enhancing a specific property of a visual content, we propose a general framework and demonstrate its effectiveness in two use cases, i.e. increasing image memorability and generating scary pictures. We evaluate the proposed approach on publicly available benchmarks, demonstrating its advantages over state of the art methods.Comment: ACCV-201