4,890 research outputs found

    Self context-aware emotion perception on human-robot interaction

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    Emotion recognition plays a crucial role in various domains of human-robot interaction. In long-term interactions with humans, robots need to respond continuously and accurately, however, the mainstream emotion recognition methods mostly focus on short-term emotion recognition, disregarding the context in which emotions are perceived. Humans consider that contextual information and different contexts can lead to completely different emotional expressions. In this paper, we introduce self context-aware model (SCAM) that employs a two-dimensional emotion coordinate system for anchoring and re-labeling distinct emotions. Simultaneously, it incorporates its distinctive information retention structure and contextual loss. This approach has yielded significant improvements across audio, video, and multimodal. In the auditory modality, there has been a notable enhancement in accuracy, rising from 63.10% to 72.46%. Similarly, the visual modality has demonstrated improved accuracy, increasing from 77.03% to 80.82%. In the multimodal, accuracy has experienced an elevation from 77.48% to 78.93%. In the future, we will validate the reliability and usability of SCAM on robots through psychology experiments.Comment: Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA). 202

    Brain Music : Sistema generativo para la creación de música simbólica a partir de respuestas neuronales afectivas

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    gráficas, tablasEsta tesis de maestría presenta una metodología de aprendizaje profundo multimodal innovadora que fusiona un modelo de clasificación de emociones con un generador musical, con el propósito de crear música a partir de señales de electroencefalografía, profundizando así en la interconexión entre emociones y música. Los resultados alcanzan tres objetivos específicos: Primero, ya que el rendimiento de los sistemas interfaz cerebro-computadora varía considerablemente entre diferentes sujetos, se introduce un enfoque basado en la transferencia de conocimiento entre sujetos para mejorar el rendimiento de individuos con dificultades en sistemas de interfaz cerebro-computadora basados en el paradigma de imaginación motora. Este enfoque combina datos de EEG etiquetados con datos estructurados, como cuestionarios psicológicos, mediante un método de "Kernel Matching CKA". Utilizamos una red neuronal profunda (Deep&Wide) para la clasificación de la imaginación motora. Los resultados destacan su potencial para mejorar las habilidades motoras en interfaces cerebro-computadora. Segundo, proponemos una técnica innovadora llamada "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) para sonificar respuestas neurales a estímulos representados en datos no estructurados, como música afectiva. Esto genera características musicales basadas en la actividad cerebral inducida por las emociones. LCA aborda la variabilidad entre sujetos y dentro de sujetos mediante el análisis de correlación, lo que permite la creación de envolventes acústicos y la distinción entre diferente información sonora. Esto convierte a LCA en una herramienta prometedora para interpretar la actividad neuronal y su reacción a estímulos auditivos. Finalmente, en otro capítulo, desarrollamos una metodología de aprendizaje profundo de extremo a extremo para generar contenido musical MIDI (datos simbólicos) a partir de señales de actividad cerebral inducidas por música con etiquetas afectivas. Esta metodología abarca el preprocesamiento de datos, el entrenamiento de modelos de extracción de características y un proceso de emparejamiento de características mediante Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, lo que permite la generación de música a partir de señales EEG. En conjunto, estos logros representan avances significativos en la comprensión de la relación entre emociones y música, así como en la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial en la generación musical a partir de señales cerebrales. Ofrecen nuevas perspectivas y herramientas para la creación musical y la investigación en neurociencia emocional. Para llevar a cabo nuestros experimentos, utilizamos bases de datos públicas como GigaScience, Affective Music Listening y Deap Dataset (Texto tomado de la fuente)This master’s thesis presents an innovative multimodal deep learning methodology that combines an emotion classification model with a music generator, aimed at creating music from electroencephalography (EEG) signals, thus delving into the interplay between emotions and music. The results achieve three specific objectives: First, since the performance of brain-computer interface systems varies significantly among different subjects, an approach based on knowledge transfer among subjects is introduced to enhance the performance of individuals facing challenges in motor imagery-based brain-computer interface systems. This approach combines labeled EEG data with structured information, such as psychological questionnaires, through a "Kernel Matching CKA"method. We employ a deep neural network (Deep&Wide) for motor imagery classification. The results underscore its potential to enhance motor skills in brain-computer interfaces. Second, we propose an innovative technique called "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) to sonify neural responses to stimuli represented in unstructured data, such as affective music. This generates musical features based on emotion-induced brain activity. LCA addresses variability among subjects and within subjects through correlation analysis, enabling the creation of acoustic envelopes and the distinction of different sound information. This makes LCA a promising tool for interpreting neural activity and its response to auditory stimuli. Finally, in another chapter, we develop an end-to-end deep learning methodology for generating MIDI music content (symbolic data) from EEG signals induced by affectively labeled music. This methodology encompasses data preprocessing, feature extraction model training, and a feature matching process using Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, enabling music generation from EEG signals. Together, these achievements represent significant advances in understanding the relationship between emotions and music, as well as in the application of artificial intelligence in musical generation from brain signals. They offer new perspectives and tools for musical creation and research in emotional neuroscience. To conduct our experiments, we utilized public databases such as GigaScience, Affective Music Listening and Deap DatasetMaestríaMagíster en Ingeniería - Automatización IndustrialInvestigación en Aprendizaje Profundo y señales BiológicasEléctrica, Electrónica, Automatización Y Telecomunicaciones.Sede Manizale

    Transfer Learning for Speech and Language Processing

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    Transfer learning is a vital technique that generalizes models trained for one setting or task to other settings or tasks. For example in speech recognition, an acoustic model trained for one language can be used to recognize speech in another language, with little or no re-training data. Transfer learning is closely related to multi-task learning (cross-lingual vs. multilingual), and is traditionally studied in the name of `model adaptation'. Recent advance in deep learning shows that transfer learning becomes much easier and more effective with high-level abstract features learned by deep models, and the `transfer' can be conducted not only between data distributions and data types, but also between model structures (e.g., shallow nets and deep nets) or even model types (e.g., Bayesian models and neural models). This review paper summarizes some recent prominent research towards this direction, particularly for speech and language processing. We also report some results from our group and highlight the potential of this very interesting research field.Comment: 13 pages, APSIPA 201

    The Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Car Reviews (MuSe-CaR) Dataset: Collection, Insights and Improvements

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    Truly real-life data presents a strong, but exciting challenge for sentiment and emotion research. The high variety of possible `in-the-wild' properties makes large datasets such as these indispensable with respect to building robust machine learning models. A sufficient quantity of data covering a deep variety in the challenges of each modality to force the exploratory analysis of the interplay of all modalities has not yet been made available in this context. In this contribution, we present MuSe-CaR, a first of its kind multimodal dataset. The data is publicly available as it recently served as the testing bed for the 1st Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Challenge, and focused on the tasks of emotion, emotion-target engagement, and trustworthiness recognition by means of comprehensively integrating the audio-visual and language modalities. Furthermore, we give a thorough overview of the dataset in terms of collection and annotation, including annotation tiers not used in this year's MuSe 2020. In addition, for one of the sub-challenges - predicting the level of trustworthiness - no participant outperformed the baseline model, and so we propose a simple, but highly efficient Multi-Head-Attention network that exceeds using multimodal fusion the baseline by around 0.2 CCC (almost 50 % improvement).Comment: accepted versio

    Proceedings of Abstracts Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference 2019

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    © 2019 The Author(s). This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For further details please see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Note: Keynote: Fluorescence visualisation to evaluate effectiveness of personal protective equipment for infection control is © 2019 Crown copyright and so is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Under this licence users are permitted to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application. Where you do any of the above you must acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/This book is the record of abstracts submitted and accepted for presentation at the Inaugural Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference held 17th April 2019 at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. This conference is a local event aiming at bringing together the research students, staff and eminent external guests to celebrate Engineering and Computer Science Research at the University of Hertfordshire. The ECS Research Conference aims to showcase the broad landscape of research taking place in the School of Engineering and Computer Science. The 2019 conference was articulated around three topical cross-disciplinary themes: Make and Preserve the Future; Connect the People and Cities; and Protect and Care

    A Survey on Emotion Recognition for Human Robot Interaction

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    With the recent developments of technology and the advances in artificial intelligent and machine learning techniques, it becomes possible for the robot to acquire and show the emotions as a part of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). An emotional robot can recognize the emotional states of humans so that it will be able to interact more naturally with its human counterpart in different environments. In this article, a survey on emotion recognition for HRI systems has been presented. The survey aims to achieve two objectives. Firstly, it aims to discuss the main challenges that face researchers when building emotional HRI systems. Secondly, it seeks to identify sensing channels that can be used to detect emotions and provides a literature review about recent researches published within each channel, along with the used methodologies and achieved results. Finally, some of the existing emotion recognition issues and recommendations for future works have been outlined