498 research outputs found

    Enhancing Cross-task Black-Box Transferability of Adversarial Examples with Dispersion Reduction

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    Neural networks are known to be vulnerable to carefully crafted adversarial examples, and these malicious samples often transfer, i.e., they remain adversarial even against other models. Although great efforts have been delved into the transferability across models, surprisingly, less attention has been paid to the cross-task transferability, which represents the real-world cybercriminal's situation, where an ensemble of different defense/detection mechanisms need to be evaded all at once. In this paper, we investigate the transferability of adversarial examples across a wide range of real-world computer vision tasks, including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, explicit content detection, and text detection. Our proposed attack minimizes the ``dispersion'' of the internal feature map, which overcomes existing attacks' limitation of requiring task-specific loss functions and/or probing a target model. We conduct evaluation on open source detection and segmentation models as well as four different computer vision tasks provided by Google Cloud Vision (GCV) APIs, to show how our approach outperforms existing attacks by degrading performance of multiple CV tasks by a large margin with only modest perturbations linf=16.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1905.0333

    A Survey on Transferability of Adversarial Examples across Deep Neural Networks

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    The emergence of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has revolutionized various domains, enabling the resolution of complex tasks spanning image recognition, natural language processing, and scientific problem-solving. However, this progress has also exposed a concerning vulnerability: adversarial examples. These crafted inputs, imperceptible to humans, can manipulate machine learning models into making erroneous predictions, raising concerns for safety-critical applications. An intriguing property of this phenomenon is the transferability of adversarial examples, where perturbations crafted for one model can deceive another, often with a different architecture. This intriguing property enables "black-box" attacks, circumventing the need for detailed knowledge of the target model. This survey explores the landscape of the adversarial transferability of adversarial examples. We categorize existing methodologies to enhance adversarial transferability and discuss the fundamental principles guiding each approach. While the predominant body of research primarily concentrates on image classification, we also extend our discussion to encompass other vision tasks and beyond. Challenges and future prospects are discussed, highlighting the importance of fortifying DNNs against adversarial vulnerabilities in an evolving landscape

    Person Re-identification And An Adversarial Attack And Defense For Person Re-identification Networks

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    Person re-identification (ReID) is the task of retrieving the same person, across different camera views or on the same camera view captured at a different time, given a query person of interest. There has been great interest and significant progress in person ReID, which is important for security and wide-area surveillance applications as well as human computer interaction systems. In order to continuously track targets across multiple cameras with disjoint views, it is essential to re-identify the same target across different cameras. This is a challenging task due to several reasons including changes in illumination and target appearance, and variations in camera viewpoint and camera intrinsic parameters. Brightness transfer function (BTF) was introduced for inter-camera color calibration, and to improve the performance of person ReID approaches. In this dissertation, we first present a new method to better model the appearance variation across disjoint camera views. We propose building a codebook of BTFs, which is composed of the most representative BTFs for a camera pair. We also propose an ordering and trimming criteria, based on the occurrence percentage of codeword triplets, to avoid using all combinations of codewords exhaustively for all color channels, and improve computational efficiency. Then, different from most existing work, we focus on a crowd-sourcing scenario to find and follow person(s) of interest in the collected images/videos. We propose a novel approach combining R-CNN based person detection with the GPU implementation of color histogram and SURF-based re-identification. Moreover, GeoTags are extracted from the EXIF data of videos captured by smart phones, and are displayed on a map together with the time-stamps. With the recent advances in deep neural networks (DNN), the state-of-the-art performance of person ReID has been improved significantly. However, latest works in adversarial machine learning have shown the vulnerabilities of DNNs against adversarial examples, which are carefully crafted images that are similar to original/benign images, but can deceive the neural network models. Neural network-based ReID approaches inherit the vulnerabilities of DNNs. We present an effective and generalizable attack model that generates adversarial images of people, and results in very significant drop in the performance of the existing state-of-the-art person re-identification models. The results demonstrate the extreme vulnerability of the existing models to adversarial examples, and draw attention to the potential security risks that might arise due to this in video surveillance. Our proposed attack is developed by decreasing the dispersion of the internal feature map of a neural network. We compare our proposed attack with other state-of-the-art attack models on different person re-identification approaches, and by using four different commonly used benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that our proposed attack outperforms the state-of-art attack models on the best performing person re-identification approaches by a large margin, and results in the most drop in the mean average precision values. We then propose a new method to effectively detect adversarial examples presented to a person ReID network. The proposed method utilizes parts-based feature squeezing to detect the adversarial examples. We apply two types of squeezing to segmented body parts to better detect adversarial examples. We perform extensive experiments over three major datasets with different attacks, and compare the detection performance of the proposed body part-based approach with a ReID method that is not parts-based. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively detect the adversarial examples, and has the potential to avoid significant decreases in person ReID performance caused by adversarial examples

    As firm as their foundations: can open-sourced foundation models be used to create adversarial examples for downstream tasks?

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    Foundation models pre-trained on web-scale vision-language data, such as CLIP, are widely used as cornerstones of powerful machine learning systems. While pre-training offers clear advantages for downstream learning, it also endows downstream models with shared adversarial vulnerabilities that can be easily identified through the open-sourced foundation model. In this work, we expose such vulnerabilities among CLIP’s downstream models and show that foundation models can serve as a basis for attacking their downstream systems. In particular, we propose a simple yet alarmingly effective adversarial attack strategy termed Patch Representation Misalignment (PRM). Solely based on open-sourced CLIP vision encoders, this method can produce highly effective adversaries that simultaneously fool more than 20 downstream models spanning 4 common vision-language tasks (semantic segmentation, object detection, image captioning and visual question-answering). Our findings highlight the concerning safety risks introduced by the extensive usage of publicly available foundational models in the development of downstream systems, calling for extra caution in these scenarios

    General Adversarial Defense Against Black-box Attacks via Pixel Level and Feature Level Distribution Alignments

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to the black-box adversarial attack that is highly transferable. This threat comes from the distribution gap between adversarial and clean samples in feature space of the target DNNs. In this paper, we use Deep Generative Networks (DGNs) with a novel training mechanism to eliminate the distribution gap. The trained DGNs align the distribution of adversarial samples with clean ones for the target DNNs by translating pixel values. Different from previous work, we propose a more effective pixel level training constraint to make this achievable, thus enhancing robustness on adversarial samples. Further, a class-aware feature-level constraint is formulated for integrated distribution alignment. Our approach is general and applicable to multiple tasks, including image classification, semantic segmentation, and object detection. We conduct extensive experiments on different datasets. Our strategy demonstrates its unique effectiveness and generality against black-box attacks


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    In recent years, there has been significant amount of research work on human activity classification relying either on Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data or data from static cameras providing a third-person view. There has been relatively less work using wearable cameras, providing egocentric view, which is a first-person view providing the view of the environment as seen by the wearer. Using only IMU data limits the variety and complexity of the activities that can be detected. Deep machine learning has achieved great success in image and video processing in recent years. Neural network based models provide improved accuracy in multiple fields in computer vision. However, there has been relatively less work focusing on designing specific models to improve the performance of egocentric image/video tasks. As deep neural networks keep improving the accuracy in computer vision tasks, the robustness and resilience of the networks should be improved as well to make it possible to be applied in safety-crucial areas such as autonomous driving. Motivated by these considerations, in the first part of the thesis, the problem of human activity detection and classification from egocentric cameras is addressed. First, anew method is presented to count the number of footsteps and compute the total traveled distance by using the data from the IMU sensors and camera of a smart phone. By incorporating data from multiple sensor modalities, and calculating the length of each step, instead of using preset stride lengths and assuming equal-length steps, the proposed method provides much higher accuracy compared to commercially available step counting apps. After the application of footstep counting, more complicated human activities, such as steps of preparing a recipe and sitting on a sofa, are taken into consideration. Multiple classification methods, non-deep learning and deep-learning-based, are presented, which employ both ego-centric camera and IMU data. Then, a Genetic Algorithm-based approach is employed to set the parameters of an activity classification network autonomously and performance is compared with empirically-set parameters. Then, a new framework is introduced to reduce the computational cost of human temporal activity recognition from egocentric videos while maintaining the accuracy at a comparable level. The actor-critic model of reinforcement learning is applied to optical flow data to locate a bounding box around region of interest, which is then used for clipping a sub-image from a video frame. A shallow and deeper 3D convolutional neural network is designed to process the original image and the clipped image region, respectively.Next, a systematic method is introduced that autonomously and simultaneously optimizes multiple parameters of any deep neural network by using a bi-generative adversarial network (Bi-GAN) guiding a genetic algorithm(GA). The proposed Bi-GAN allows the autonomous exploitation and choice of the number of neurons for the fully-connected layers, and number of filters for the convolutional layers, from a large range of values. The Bi-GAN involves two generators, and two different models compete and improve each other progressively with a GAN-based strategy to optimize the networks during a GA evolution.In this analysis, three different neural network layers and datasets are taken into consideration: First, 3D convolutional layers for ModelNet40 dataset. We applied the proposed approach on a 3D convolutional network by using the ModelNet40 dataset. ModelNet is a dataset of 3D point clouds. The goal is to perform shape classification over 40shape classes. LSTM layers for UCI HAR dataset. UCI HAR dataset is composed of InertialMeasurement Unit (IMU) data captured during activities of standing, sitting, laying, walking, walking upstairs and walking downstairs. These activities were performed by 30 subjects, and the 3-axial linear acceleration and 3-axial angular velocity were collected at a constant rate of 50Hz. 2D convolutional layers for Chars74k Dataset. Chars74k dataset contains 64 classes(0-9, A-Z, a-z), 7705 characters obtained from natural images, 3410 hand-drawn characters using a tablet PC and 62992 synthesised characters from computer fonts giving a total of over 74K images. In the final part of the thesis, network robustness and resilience for neural network models is investigated from adversarial examples (AEs) and automatic driving conditions. The transferability of adversarial examples across a wide range of real-world computer vision tasks, including image classification, explicit content detection, optical character recognition(OCR), and object detection are investigated. It represents the cybercriminal’s situation where an ensemble of different detection mechanisms need to be evaded all at once.Novel dispersion Reduction(DR) attack is designed, which is a practical attack that overcomes existing attacks’ limitation of requiring task-specific loss functions by targeting on the “dispersion” of internal feature map. In the autonomous driving scenario, the adversarial machine learning attacks against the complete visual perception pipeline in autonomous driving is studied. A novel attack technique, tracker hijacking, that can effectively fool Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) using AEs on object detection is presented. Using this technique, successful AEs on as few as one single frame can move an existing object in to or out of the headway of an autonomous vehicle to cause potential safety hazards

    SoK: Pitfalls in Evaluating Black-Box Attacks

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    Numerous works study black-box attacks on image classifiers. However, these works make different assumptions on the adversary's knowledge and current literature lacks a cohesive organization centered around the threat model. To systematize knowledge in this area, we propose a taxonomy over the threat space spanning the axes of feedback granularity, the access of interactive queries, and the quality and quantity of the auxiliary data available to the attacker. Our new taxonomy provides three key insights. 1) Despite extensive literature, numerous under-explored threat spaces exist, which cannot be trivially solved by adapting techniques from well-explored settings. We demonstrate this by establishing a new state-of-the-art in the less-studied setting of access to top-k confidence scores by adapting techniques from well-explored settings of accessing the complete confidence vector, but show how it still falls short of the more restrictive setting that only obtains the prediction label, highlighting the need for more research. 2) Identification the threat model of different attacks uncovers stronger baselines that challenge prior state-of-the-art claims. We demonstrate this by enhancing an initially weaker baseline (under interactive query access) via surrogate models, effectively overturning claims in the respective paper. 3) Our taxonomy reveals interactions between attacker knowledge that connect well to related areas, such as model inversion and extraction attacks. We discuss how advances in other areas can enable potentially stronger black-box attacks. Finally, we emphasize the need for a more realistic assessment of attack success by factoring in local attack runtime. This approach reveals the potential for certain attacks to achieve notably higher success rates and the need to evaluate attacks in diverse and harder settings, highlighting the need for better selection criteria
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