27 research outputs found

    Implementation of Virtual Laboratory Media to Learning Geometry in Mathematics Education Program of Universitas PGRI Semarang

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    Recently, the virtual laboratory is developing rapidly. One indicator is the number of Mathematics students both state and private Universities in Central Java who are looking for references related to practical geometry courses via online between lectures.  This raises concern as a lecturer in adding value to lectures, which are adapted to the 21st-century learning era today by creating virtual laboratories based on Virtual Reality. This research employed the ADDIE R & D model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation) after the product is finished, the next step is implementing and marketing the product in state and private university in the region of Central Java and its surroundings. The consideration of creating the virtual lab is that the science virtual lab product has not been developed much in Indonesia, in fact, this lab is able to display virtual and augmented reality which can increase motivation and learning outcomes. Based on the validation of media and material experts on the virtual geometry lab product, the scores show that the virtual geometry lab product is very suitable for implementing and more than 90% of lecturers and students at the PGRI Semarang University are very happy to implement it

    Work in Progress: How Real is Student Engagement in using Virtual Laboratories

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    Laboratory classes are an integral part of engineering education, but they are resource intensive and can also impose significant logistical constraints upon the curriculum. One option to reduce these burdens is the use of virtual laboratories where students do not interact with real hardware, but rather with computer simulations of laboratory equipment. A key issue in virtual laboratories is the issue of the authenticity of the learning experience. It is imperative that the students interact with these laboratories in a way that is reflective of the hardware being simulated. However, there is the potential for students to lose sight of the underlying hardware, and instead get caught up in the "computer game-ness" of the experience. The degree to which students are engaged in the type of cognitive processes used by practicing engineers is critical to how they construct their learning within the virtual laboratory, and as such can dramatically impact the overall learning outcomes of the class. This WIP paper presents a multi-site study investigation into these outcomes involving four different virtual laboratories at four different universities

    Establishment reality vs maintenance reality: how real is real enough?

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    Remote and virtual laboratories are increasingly prevalent alternatives to the face-to-face laboratory experience; however, the question of their learning outcomes is yet to be fully investigated. There are many presumptions regarding the effectiveness of these approaches; foremost amongst these assumptions is that the experience must be 'real' to be effective. Embedding reality into a remote or virtual laboratory can be an expensive and time-consuming task. Significant efforts have been expended to create 3D VRML models of laboratory equipment, allowing students to pan, zoom and tilt their perspective as they see fit. Multiple camera angles have been embedded into remote interfaces to provide an increased sense of 'realness'. This paper draws upon the literature in the field to show that the necessary threshold for reality varies depending upon how the students are interacting with the equipment. There is one threshold for when they first interact - the establishment reality - which allows the students to familiarise themselves with the laboratory equipment, and to build their mental model of the experience. There is, however, a second, lower, threshold - the maintenance reality - that is necessary for the students' ongoing operation of the equipment. Students' usage patterns rely upon a limited subset of the available functionality, focusing upon only some aspects of the reality that has been originally established. The two threshold model presented in this paper provides a new insight for the development of virtual laboratories in the future


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    In this article, the authors will discuss on the utilization of freeware from internet and easily accessible software for the development of new approach to student-centered learning module (SCLMM) for science subjects. Currently, there are many software which are able to contribute to the education field. However, those software or assistive technology software in the market are expensive and users have to pay for their licenses and are not easily accessible. Freeware is define as any software that can be found in the internet and require no license fee. Many of these freeware or applications can contribute to the education sector. In fact the SCLMM developed from freeware can enhance students’ understanding on the scientific concept during their learning process. This encourages educators to develop their own SCLMM that allows active learning process for their students and also can be used for other method of teaching methodologies such as blended learning etc. This article further highlights some examples of freeware and possible practical implementation into SCLMM in a selected science topic. This new approach and with further effort on exploring the application of this freeware on other topics; we are hopeful that transforming science SCLMM in all levels of education into an entertaining and attractive learning activities will be achieved


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    In this article, the authors will discuss on the utilization of freeware from internet and easily accessible software for the development of new approach to student-centered learning module (SCLMM) for science subjects. Currently, there are many software which are able to contribute to the education field. However, those software or assistive technology software in the market are expensive and users have to pay for their licenses and are not easily accessible. Freeware is define as any software that can be found in the internet and require no license fee. Many of these freeware or applications can contribute to the education sector. In fact the SCLMM developed from freeware can enhance students’ understanding on the scientific concept during their learning process. This encourages educators to develop their own SCLMM that allows active learning process for their students and also can be used for other method of teaching methodologies such as blended learning etc. This article further highlights some examples of freeware and possible practical implementation into SCLMM in a selected science topic. This new approach and with further effort on exploring the application of this freeware on other topics; we are hopeful that transforming science SCLMM in all levels of education into an entertaining and attractive learning activities will be achieved

    Des environnements numériques pour étayer l'investigation scientifique et la conception expérimentale : de copex-chimie à LabBook

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    National audienceTwo computer environments whose aim is to scaffold inquiry learning and more specifically experimental design by learners are presented. In the first environment students are engaged in a particular task of experimental design in chemistry. In this environment, diverse strategies of scaffolding have been implemented. They are evaluated in a test with 39 first-year University students. The results show that experimental design is a complex task for students when they are working with minimal guidance and no computer environment. The outcome is a very imprecise procedure. A pre-structuring of the procedure by the computer environment forces the students to face the complexity of the experimental design but this is not sufficient for them to succeed. The students only succeed when they are provided with individualized feedbacks on the errors detected in their procedures by an artificial tutor. We mention a second computer environment, based on similar principles than the first one, that extends its area of application to any experimental activity that includes experimental design or not.Deux logiciels d'aide à la conception expérimentale au sein d'une démarche expérimentale sont présentés. Le premier encadre le travail des étudiants pour une tâche particulière de conception expérimentale en chimie. Diverses stratégies d'étayage sont implémentées dans le logiciel et testées sur la base d'une expérimentation avec 39 étudiants de Licence 1. Les résutats montrent la complexité de la conception expérimentale pour des étudiants n'ayant qu'une aide minimale sur la base de documents papier : les protocoles produits restent très imprécis. La pré-structuration de la tâche par le logiciel force les étudiants à se confronter à la complexité de la conception expérimentale, mais ne leur permet pas de mener à bien leur tâche. Seul l'apport de rétroactions sur les erreurs identifiées dans les protocoles leur permet d'aller au bout de la tâche de conception expérimentale. Un second logiciel est évoqué, qui reprend certains principes du premier, mais élargit son domaine d'utilisation à toute séance expérimentale, qu'elle comprenne ou non de la conception expérimentale

    Investigation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on Physics Education Technology (PhET) Simulation in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Acid-Base Material

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    This study aimed to ascertain how well the problem-based learning model and physics education technology (PhET) simulation improved student learning outcomes in acid-base materials. The research method used was a quasi-experiment with a non-equivalent control group design. Data collection techniques were used in this study by providing test instruments in the form of multiple-choice questions, pretests and posttests, and observation sheets of teacher and student activities. The findings revealed that students taught using the PBL model with PhET simulation achieved an average learning outcome score of 79.29, while those taught using the PBL model alone obtained an average score of 73.97. The calculated average N-gain of 0.70 (categorized as medium) indicates that the PBL model with PhET simulation significantly contributed to enhancing student learning outcomes. This study demonstrates that integrating the PBL model with PhET simulation is an effective approach for improving student learning outcomes in the context of acid-base materials. The results highlight the importance of experiential, inquiry-based approaches combined with technology in enhancing student engagement and understanding. Further research could explore the long-term effects of implementing this instructional approach and investigate its impact on broader aspects of student learning in science education


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    Kenaikan titik didih (KTD) merupakan salah satu topik Sifat Koligatif Larutan, dalam Kimia Fisika yang didasarkan pada eksperimen. Oleh karena itu eksperimen merupakan bagian penting dalam pembelajaran topik ini. Pada umumnya pembelajaran KTD pada mahasiswa Pendidikan kimia hanya dilakukan secara teoretik sehingga belum mendukung pemahaman dan keterampilan eksperimental mahasiswa terkait topik ini. Pemanfaatan simulasi eksperimen dapat mengatasi keterbatasan ini namun simulasi yang telah dikembangkan saat ini tidak sesuai dengan eksperimen sebenarnya sehingga tidak dapat dijadikan alternatif pelaksanaan eksperimen KTD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Computer Simulated Experiment pada topik KTD (CSE-KTD) sebagai alternatif pelaksanaan eksperimen dan implementasinya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Experimental Problem Solving (EPS) dan penguasaan konsep mahasiswa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan exploratory mixed methods design. Hasil penelitian kualitatif dijadikan dasar pengembangan CSE-KTD untuk kemudian diujikan secara kuantitatif. Hasil uji kualitas CSE menunjukkan bahwa simulasi eksperimen ini sudah memenuhi aspek kualitas multimedia pembelajaran dan konten. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan peningkatan keterampilan EPS pada aspek mengorganisasi masalah dan menjalankan strategi pemecahan masalah dengan EPS maksimal yang diperoleh berada pada tingkat developing dan N_Gain sebagian besar mahasiswa berada pada kategori sedang. Untuk penguasaan konsep sebagian besar nilai N_Gain yang diperoleh masih pada kategori rendah. Penguasaan konsep hanya terbatas pada konsep mendidih dan titik didih bukan pada KTD. Pembelajaran dengan metode Independent Learning menggunakan CSE-KTD telah dapat menfasilitasi mahasiswa menyelesaikan tahapan pre-eksperimen dan eksperimen dengan baik, namun belum maksimal dalam membantu mahasiswa untuk menyelesaikan tahapan evaluasi strategi pemecahan masalah pada post-eksperimen. Boiling point elevation (BPE) is one of the topics of Colligative Properties of Solutions, in Physical Chemistry that is based on experiments. Therefore experiments playing important role in learning this topic. In general, undergraduate chemistry education students just learn it theoretically so that do not support their conceptual dan experiment skill about this topic. The existing Computer Simulated Experiment (CSE) on this topic is not in accordance with the actual experiment, so it cannot be used as an alternative to carrying out the BPE experiment. This study aims to develop a CSE of BPE (CSE-BPE) as an alternative to conducting experiments and implementing it to improve Experimental Problem Solving skills and concepts mastery of undergraduate chemistry education students. The study was conducted using an exploratory mixed methods design. The results of the qualitative research were used as the basis for the development of CSE-KTD to then be tested quantitatively. The results of the CSE quality test show that it meets the quality aspects of learning multimedia and content. The implementation results showed an increase in EPS skills in organizing problems and implementing problem-solving strategies with the maximum EPS obtained at the development level and the N_Gain values of most students were in the medium category. The N_Gain values obtained are mostly in the low category for mastering the concept. Concept mastery is limited to the concept of boiling and boiling point, not to BPE. The Independent Learning method by using CSE-BPE has been able to facilitate students in completing the pre-experimental and experimental stages well, but it has not been maximal in helping students to complete the evaluation stages of problem-solving strategies in the post-experiment

    Virtual Reality Laboratories in Engineering Blended Learning Environments: Challenges and Opportunities

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    A great number of educational institutions worldwide have had their activities partially or fully interrupted following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, universities have had to take the necessary steps in order to adapt their teaching, including laboratory workshops, to a fully online or mixed mode of delivery while maintaining their academic standards and providing a high-quality student experience. This transition has required, among other efforts, adequate investments in tools, accessibility, content development, and competences as well as appropriate training for both the teaching and administrative staff. In such a complex scenario, Virtual Reality Laboratories (VRLabs), which in the past already proved themselves to be efficient tools supporting the traditional practical activities, could well represent a valid alternative in the hybrid didactic mode of the contemporary educational landscape, rethinking the educational proposal in light of the indications coming from the scientific literature in the pedagogical field. In this context, the present work carries out a critical review of the existent virtual labs developed in the Engineering departments in the last ten years (2010-2020) and includes a pre-pandemic experience of a VRLab tool-StreamFlowVR-within the Hydraulics course of Basilicata University, Italy. This analysis is aimed at highlighting how ready VRLabs are to be exploited not only in emergency but also in ordinary situations, together with valorising an interdisciplinary dialogue between the pedagogical and technological viewpoints, in order to progressively foster a high-quality and evidence-based educational experience