3 research outputs found

    Integration of mahalanobis-taguchi system and activity based costing in decision making for remanufacturing

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    Classifying components at the end of life (EOL) into remanufacture, repair or dispose is still a major concern to automotive industries. Prior to this study, no specific approach is reported as a guide line to determine critical crankpins that justifying economical remanufacturing process. Traditional cost accounting (TCA) has been used widely by remanufacturing industries but this is not a good measure of estimating the actual manufacturing costs per unit as compared to activity based costing (ABC). However, the application of ABC method in estimating remanufactured cost is rarely reported. These issues were handled separately without a proper integration to make remanufacturing decision which frequently results into uneconomical operating cost and finally the decision becomes less accurate. The aim of this work is to develop a suitable pattern recognition method for classifying crankshaft into three different EOL groups and subsequently evaluates the critical and non-critical crankpins of the used crankshaft using Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS). A remanufacturability assessment technique was developed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on pattern recognition and critical crankpins evaluation, and finally integrates these information into a similar spreadsheet with ABC to make decision whether the crankshaft is to be remanufactured, repaired or disposed. The developed scatter diagram was able to recognize group pattern of EOL crankshaft which later was successfully used to determine critical crankpins required for remanufacturing process. The proposed method can serve as a useful approach to the remanufacturing industries for systematically evaluate and decide EOL components for further processing. Case study on six engine models, the result shows that three engines can be securely remanufactured at above 40% profit margin while another two engines are still viable to remanufacture but with less profit margin. In contrast, only two engines can be securely remanufactured due overcharge when using TCA. This inaccuracy affects significantly the overall remanufacturing activities and revenue of the industry. In conclusion, the proposed integration on pattern recognition, parameter evaluation and costing assists the decision making process to effectively remanufacture EOL automotive components as confirmed by Head of workshop of Motor Teknologi Industri Sdn. Bhd

    Characterization of bees algorithm into the Mahalanobis-Taguchi system for classification

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    Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) is a pattern recognition tool employing Mahalanobis Distance (MD) and Taguchi Robust Engineering philosophy to explore and exploit data in multidimensional systems. In order to improve recognition accuracy of the MTS, features that do not provide useful and beneficial information to the recognition function is removed. A matrix called Orthogonal Array (OA) to search for the useful features is utilized by MTS to accomplished the search. However, the deployment of OA as the feature selection search method is seen as ineffective. The fixed-scheme structure of the OA provides a non-heuristic search nature which leads to suboptimal solution. Therefore, it is the objective of this research to develop an algorithm utilizing Bees Algorithm (BA) to replace the OA. It will act as the alternative feature selection search strategy in order to enhance the search mechanism in a more heuristic manner. To understand the mechanism of the Bees Algorithm, the characteristics of the algorithmic nature of the algorithm is determined. Unlike other research reported in the literature, the proposed characterization framework is similar to Taguchi-sound approach because Larger the Better (LTB) type of signal-to-noise formulation is used as the algorithm’s objective function. The Smallest Position Value (SPV) discretization method is adopted by which the combinations of features are indexed in an enumeration list consisting of all possible feature combinations. The list formed a search landscape for the bee agents in exploring the potential solution. The proposed characterization framework is validated by comparing it against three different case studies, all focused on performance in terms of Signal-to-Noise Ratio gain (SNR gain), classification accuracy and computational speed against the OA. The results from the case studies showed that the characterization of the BA into the MTS framework improved the performance of the MTS particularly on the SNR gain. It recorded more than 50% improvement (on average) and nearly 4% improvement on the classification accuracy (on average) in comparison to the OA. However, the OA on average was found to be 30 times faster than the BA in terms of computational speed. Future research on improving the computational speed aspect of the BA is suggested. This study concludes that the characterization of BA into the MTS optimization methodology effectively improved the performances of the MTS, particularly with respect of the SNR gain performance and the classification accuracy when compared to the OA

    Enhancement of Mahalanobis–Taguchi system via rough sets based feature selection

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    The current research presents a methodology for classification based on Mahalanobis Distance (MD) and Association Mining using Rough Sets Theory (RST). MD has been used in Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) to develop classification scheme for systems having dichotomous states or categories. In MTS, selection of important features or variables to improve classification accuracy is done using Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratios and Orthogonal Arrays (OAs). OAs has been reviewed for limitations in handling large number of variables. Secondly, penalty for over-fitting or regularization is not included in the feature selection process for the MTS classifier. Besides, there is scope to enhance the utility of MTS to a classification-cum-causality analysis method by adding comprehensive information about the underlying process which generated the data. This paper proposes to select variables based on maximization of degree-of-dependency between Subset of System Variables (SSVs) and system classes or categories (R). Degree-of-dependency, which reflects goodness-of-model and hence goodness of the SSV, is measured by conditional probability of system states on subset of variables. Moreover, a suitable regularization factor equivalent to L0 norm is introduced in an optimization problem which jointly maximizes goodness-of-model and effect of regularization. Dependency between SSVs and R is modeled via the equivalent sets of Rough Set Theory. Two new variants of MTS classifier are developed and their performance in terms of accuracy of classification is evaluated on test datasets from five case studies. The proposed variants of MTS are observed to be performing better than existing MTS methods and other classification techniques found in literature