6 research outputs found

    Enabling Big Science in a Small Satellite - The Global L-band Observatory for Water Cycle Studies (GLOWS) Mission

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    The SMOS and SMAP radiometers have demonstrated the ability to monitor soil moisture and sea surface salinity. It is important to maintain data continuity for these science measurements. The proposed instrument concept (Global L-band active/passive Observatory for Water cycle Studies - GLOWS) will enable low-cost L-band data continuity (that includes both L-band radar and radiometer measurements). The objective of this project is to develop key instrument technology to enable L-band observations using an Earth Venture class satellite. Specifically, a new deployable meta-lens antenna is being developed that will enable a smaller EELV Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) Grande-class satellite mission to continue the L-band observations at SMAP and SMOS resolution and accuracy at substantially lower cost, size, and weight. The key to maintaining the scientific value of the observations is the retention of the full 6-meter antenna aperture, while packaging that aperture on a small ESPA Grande satellite platform. The meta-lens antenna is lightweight, has a simplified flat deployed surface geometry, and stows in a compact form factor. This dramatic aperture packaging reduction enables the GLOWS sensor to fit on an Earth Venture class satellite

    A lake ice phenology dataset for the Northern Hemisphere based on passive microwave remote sensing

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    Lake ice phenology (LIP) is an essential indicator of climate change and helps with understanding of the regional characteristics of climate change impacts. Ground observation records and remote sensing retrieval products of lake ice phenology are abundant for Europe, North America, and the Tibetan Plateau, but there is a lack of data for inner Eurasia. In this work, enhanced-resolution passive microwave satellite data (PMW) were used to investigate the Northern Hemisphere Lake Ice Phenology (PMW LIP). The Freeze Onset (FO), Complete Ice Cover (CIC), Melt Onset (MO), and Complete Ice Free (CIF) dates were derived for 753 lakes, including 409 lakes for which ice phenology retrievals were available for the period 1978 to 2020 and 344 lakes for which these were available for 2002 to 2020. Verification of the PMW LIP using ground records gave correlation coefficients of 0.93 and 0.84 for CIC and CIF, respectively, and the corresponding values of the RMSE were 11.84 and 10.07 days. The lake ice phenology in this dataset was significantly correlated (P < 0.001) with that obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data–the average correlation coefficient was 0.90 and the average RMSE was 7.87 days. The minimum RMSE was 4.39 days for CIF. The PMW is not affected by the weather or the amount of sunlight and thus provides more reliable data about the freezing and thawing process information than MODIS observations. The PMW LIP dataset provides the basic freeze–thaw data that is required for research into lake ice and the impact of climate change in the cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The dataset is available at http://www.doi.org/10.11922/sciencedb.j00076.00081.Peer reviewe

    Microwave satellite remote sensing for a sustainable sea

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    The oceans cover roughly 2/3 of the Earth’s surface and are a fundamental ecosystem regulating climate, weather and representing a huge reservoir of biodiversity and natural resources. The preservation of the oceans is therefore not only relevant on an environmental perspective but also on an economical one. A sustainable approach is requested that cannot be simply achieved by improving technologies but calls for a shared new vision of common goods.Within such a complex and holistic problem, the role of satellite microwave remote sensing to observe marine ecosystem and to assist a sustainable development of human activities must be considered. In such a view the paper is meant. Accordingly, the key microwave sensor technologies are reviewed paying particular emphasis on those applications that can provide effective support to pursue some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Three meaningful sectors are showcased:oil and gas, where microwave sensors can provide continuous fine-resolution monitoring of critical infrastructures; renewable energy, where microwave satellite remote sensing allows supporting the management of offshore wind farms during both feasibility and operational stages; plastic pollution, where microwave technologies that exploit signals of opportunity offer large-scale monitoring capability to provide marine litter maps of the oceans

    A New Orbiting Deployable System for Small Satellite Observations for Ecology and Earth Observation

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    In this paper, we present several study cases focused on marine, oceanographic, and atmospheric environments, which would greatly benefit from the use of a deployable system for small satellite observations. As opposed to the large standard ones, small satellites have become an effective and affordable alternative access to space, owing to their lower costs, innovative design and technology, and higher revisiting times, when launched in a constellation configuration. One of the biggest challenges is created by the small satellite instrumentation working in the visible (VIS), infrared (IR), and microwave (MW) spectral ranges, for which the resolution of the acquired data depends on the physical dimension of the telescope and the antenna collecting the signal. In this respect, a deployable payload, fitting the limited size and mass imposed by the small satellite architecture, once unfolded in space, can reach performances similar to those of larger satellites. In this study, we show how ecology and Earth Observations can benefit from data acquired by small satellites, and how they can be further improved thanks to deployable payloads. We focus on DORA—Deployable Optics for Remote sensing Applications—in the VIS to TIR spectral range, and on a planned application in the MW spectral range, and we carry out a radiometric analysis to verify its performances for Earth Observation studies

    Enhanced-Resolution SMAP Brightness Temperature Image Products

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