35 research outputs found

    A New Approach For Image Hiding Based On Contourlet Transform

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    A new image hiding method based on the contourlet transform is proposed inthis paper. This strategy is based on storing information in high frequency subbands of contourlet transform. The embedding approach is in direction that the contourlet sub-bands have the least statistical disorder. As a result, the proposed algorithm has a higher robustness against to common steganalysis approaches. In addition, the quality of stegano image has considerably improved in comparison with related state of the art methods, with the extracted secret image having an acceptable quality. Furthermore, theexperimental results show robustness respect to Gaussian noise and otherattacks such as JPEG compression.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i5.143

    An Enhanced Approach of Image Steganographic Using Discrete Shearlet Transform and Secret Sharing

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                   في الآونة الأخيرة، جعل الإنترنت المستخدمين قادرين على نقل الوسائط الرقمية بطريقة أسهل. على الرغم من هذه السهولة للإنترنت، إلا أنه قد تؤدي إلى العديد من التهديدات التي تتعلق بسرية محتويات الوسائط المنقولة مثل مصادقة الوسائط والتحقق من تكاملها. لهذه الأسباب ، يتم استخدام أساليب إخفاء البيانات والتشفير لحماية محتويات الوسائط الرقمية. في هذه الورقة البحثية ، تم اقتراح طريقة معززة لإخفاء المعلومات بالصور مع التشفير المرئي. يتم تشفير الشعار السري (صورة ثنائية) بالحجم (128 × 128) عن طريق تطبيق التشفير البصري (2 out 2 share) لتوليد مشاركتين سريتين. أثناء عملية التضمين ، يتم تقسيم الصورة غطاء RGB بحجم (512 × 512) إلى ثلاث طبقات (الأحمر والأخضر والأزرق). يتم تحويل الطبقة الزرقاء باستخدام التحويل Shearlet المتقطع للحصول على معاملاتها. يتم تضمين المشاركة السرية الأولى في معاملات الطبقة الزرقاء المحولة للحصول على صورة الاخفاء. في عملية الاستخراج ، يتم استخراج المشاركة السرية الأولى من معاملات الطبقة الزرقاء لصورة الاخفاء وثم يتم تطبيق عملية XOR عليها مع المشاركة السرية الثانية لإنشاء الشعار السري الأصلي. وفقًا للنتائج التجريبية ، فإن الطريقة المقترحة قد حققت افضل نسبة من عدم الوضوح لصورة الاخفاء بقدرة الحمولة الصافية تساوي (1 bpp). أصبح الشعار السري أكثر أمانًا باستخدام التشفير المرئي (2 out 2 share)  والمشاركة السرية الثانية كمفتاح خاص ايضاً.  Recently, the internet has made the users able to transmit the digital media in the easiest manner. In spite of this facility of the internet, this may lead to several threats that are concerned with confidentiality of transferred media contents such as media authentication and integrity verification. For these reasons, data hiding methods and cryptography are used to protect the contents of digital media. In this paper, an enhanced method of image steganography combined with visual cryptography has been proposed. A secret logo (binary image) of size (128x128) is encrypted by applying (2 out 2 share) visual cryptography on it to generate two secret share. During the embedding process, a cover red, green, and blue (RGB) image of size (512x512) is divided into three layers (red, green and blue). The blue layer is transformed using Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST) to obtain its coefficients. The first secret share is embedded at the coefficients of transformed blue layer to obtain a stego image. At extraction process, the first secret share is extracted from the coefficients of blue layer of the stego image and XORed with the second secret share to generate the original secret logo. According to the experimental results, the proposed method is achieved better imperceptibility for the stego image with the payload capacity equal to (1 bpp). In addition, the secret logo becomes more secured using (2 out 2 share) visual cryptography and the second secret share as a private key

    Randomized Symmetric Crypto Spatial Fusion Steganographic System

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    The image fusion steganographic system embeds encrypted messages in decomposed multimedia carriers using a pseudorandom generator but it fails to evaluate the contents of the cover image. This results in the secret data being embedded in smooth regions, which leads to visible distortion that affects the imperceptibility and confidentiality. To solve this issue, as well as to improve the quality and robustness of the system, the Randomized Symmetric Crypto Spatial Fusion Steganography System is proposed in this study. It comprises three-subsystem bitwise encryption, spatial fusion, and bitwise embedding. First, bitwise encryption encrypts the message using bitwise operation to improve the confidentiality. Then, spatial fusion decomposes and evaluates the region of embedding on the basis of sharp intensity and capacity. This restricts the visibility of distortion and provides a high embedding capacity. Finally, the bitwise embedding system embeds the encrypted message through differencing the pixels in the region by 1, checking even or odd options and not equal to zero constraints. This reduces the modification rate to avoid distortion. The proposed heuristic algorithm is implemented in the blue channel, to which the human visual system is less sensitive. It was tested using standard IST natural images with steganalysis algorithms and resulted in better quality, imperceptibility, embedding capacity and invulnerability to various attacks compared to other steganographic systems

    Encryption and Decryption of Images with Pixel Data Modification Using Hand Gesture Passcodes

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    To ensure data security and safeguard sensitive information in society, image encryption and decryption as well as pixel data modifications, are essential. To avoid misuse and preserve trust in our digital environment, it is crucial to use these technologies responsibly and ethically. So, to overcome some of the issues, the authors designed a way to modify pixel data that would hold the hidden information. The objective of this work is to change the pixel values in a way that can be used to store information about black and white image pixel data. Prior to encryption and decryption, by using Python we were able to construct a passcode with hand gestures in the air, then encrypt it without any data loss. It concentrates on keeping track of simply two pixel values. Thus, pixel values are slightly changed to ensure the masked image is not misleading. Considering that the RGB values are at their border values of 254, 255 the test cases of masking overcome issues with the corner values susceptibility

    Visual secret sharing and related Works -A Review

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    The accelerated development of network technology and internet applications has increased the significance of protecting digital data and images from unauthorized access and manipulation. The secret image-sharing network (SIS) is a crucial technique used to protect private digital photos from illegal editing and copying. SIS can be classified into two types: single-secret sharing (SSS) and multi-secret sharing (MSS). In SSS, a single secret image is divided into multiple shares, while in MSS, multiple secret images are divided into multiple shares. Both SSS and MSS ensure that the original secret images cannot be reconstructed without the correct combination of shares. Therefore, several secret image-sharing methods have been developed depending on these two methods for example visual cryptography, steganography, discrete wavelet transform, watermarking, and threshold. All of these techniques are capable of randomly dividing the secret image into a large number of shares, each of which cannot provide any information to the intrusion team.  This study examined various visual secret-sharing schemes as unique examples of participant secret-sharing methods. Several structures that generalize and enhance VSS were also discussed in this study on covert image-sharing protocols and also this research also gives a comparative analysis of several methods based on various attributes in order to better concentrate on the future directions of the secret image. Generally speaking, the image quality generated employing developed methodologies is preferable to the image quality achieved through using the traditional visual secret-sharing methodology

    Natural Image Statistics for Digital Image Forensics

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    We describe a set of natural image statistics that are built upon two multi-scale image decompositions, the quadrature mirror filter pyramid decomposition and the local angular harmonic decomposition. These image statistics consist of first- and higher-order statistics that capture certain statistical regularities of natural images. We propose to apply these image statistics, together with classification techniques, to three problems in digital image forensics: (1) differentiating photographic images from computer-generated photorealistic images, (2) generic steganalysis; (3) rebroadcast image detection. We also apply these image statistics to the traditional art authentication for forgery detection and identification of artists in an art work. For each application we show the effectiveness of these image statistics and analyze their sensitivity and robustness

    Robust watermarking for magnetic resonance images with automatic region of interest detection

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    Medical image watermarking requires special considerations compared to ordinary watermarking methods. The first issue is the detection of an important area of the image called the Region of Interest (ROI) prior to starting the watermarking process. Most existing ROI detection procedures use manual-based methods, while in automated methods the robustness against intentional or unintentional attacks has not been considered extensively. The second issue is the robustness of the embedded watermark against different attacks. A common drawback of existing watermarking methods is their weakness against salt and pepper noise. The research carried out in this thesis addresses these issues of having automatic ROI detection for magnetic resonance images that are robust against attacks particularly the salt and pepper noise and designing a new watermarking method that can withstand high density salt and pepper noise. In the ROI detection part, combinations of several algorithms such as morphological reconstruction, adaptive thresholding and labelling are utilized. The noise-filtering algorithm and window size correction block are then introduced for further enhancement. The performance of the proposed ROI detection is evaluated by computing the Comparative Accuracy (CA). In the watermarking part, a combination of spatial method, channel coding and noise filtering schemes are used to increase the robustness against salt and pepper noise. The quality of watermarked image is evaluated using Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), and the accuracy of the extracted watermark is assessed in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER). Based on experiments, the CA under eight different attacks (speckle noise, average filter, median filter, Wiener filter, Gaussian filter, sharpening filter, motion, and salt and pepper noise) is between 97.8% and 100%. The CA under different densities of salt and pepper noise (10%-90%) is in the range of 75.13% to 98.99%. In the watermarking part, the performance of the proposed method under different densities of salt and pepper noise measured by total PSNR, ROI PSNR, total SSIM and ROI SSIM has improved in the ranges of 3.48-23.03 (dB), 3.5-23.05 (dB), 0-0.4620 and 0-0.5335 to 21.75-42.08 (dB), 20.55-40.83 (dB), 0.5775-0.8874 and 0.4104-0.9742 respectively. In addition, the BER is reduced to the range of 0.02% to 41.7%. To conclude, the proposed method has managed to significantly improve the performance of existing medical image watermarking methods

    Robust steganographic techniques for secure biometric-based remote authentication

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    Biometrics are widely accepted as the most reliable proof of identity, entitlement to services, and for crime-related forensics. Using biometrics for remote authentication is becoming an essential requirement for the development of knowledge-based economy in the digital age. Ensuring security and integrity of the biometric data or templates is critical to the success of deployment especially because once the data compromised the whole authentication system is compromised with serious consequences for identity theft, fraud as well as loss of privacy. Protecting biometric data whether stored in databases or transmitted over an open network channel is a serious challenge and cryptography may not be the answer. The main premise of this thesis is that Digital Steganography can provide an alternative security solutions that can be exploited to deal with the biometric transmission problem. The main objective of the thesis is to design, develop and test steganographic tools to support remote biometric authentication. We focus on investigating the selection of biometrics feature representations suitable for hiding in natural cover images and designing steganography systems that are specific for hiding such biometric data rather than being suitable for general purpose. The embedding schemes are expected to have high security characteristics resistant to several types of steganalysis tools and maintain accuracy of recognition post embedding. We shall limit our investigations to embedding face biometrics, but the same challenges and approaches should help in developing similar embedding schemes for other biometrics. To achieve this our investigations and proposals are done in different directions which explain in the rest of this section. Reviewing the literature on the state-of-art in steganography has revealed a rich source of theoretical work and creative approaches that have helped generate a variety of embedding schemes as well as steganalysis tools but almost all focused on embedding random looking secrets. The review greatly helped in identifying the main challenges in the field and the main criteria for success in terms of difficult to reconcile requirements on embedding capacity, efficiency of embedding, robustness against steganalysis attacks, and stego image quality. On the biometrics front the review revealed another rich source of different face biometric feature vectors. The review helped shaping our primary objectives as (1) identifying a binarised face feature factor with high discriminating power that is susceptible to embedding in images, (2) develop a special purpose content-based steganography schemes that can benefit from the well-defined structure of the face biometric data in the embedding procedure while preserving accuracy without leaking information about the source biometric data, and (3) conduct sufficient sets of experiments to test the performance of the developed schemes, highlight the advantages as well as limitations, if any, of the developed system with regards to the above mentioned criteria. We argue that the well-known LBP histogram face biometric scheme satisfies the desired properties and we demonstrate that our new more efficient wavelet based versions called LBPH patterns is much more compact and has improved accuracy. In fact the wavelet version schemes reduce the number of features by 22% to 72% of the original version of LBP scheme guaranteeing better invisibility post embedding. We shall then develop 2 steganographic schemes. The first is the LSB-witness is a general purpose scheme that avoids changing the LSB-plane guaranteeing robustness against targeted steganalysis tools, but establish the viability of using steganography for remote biometric-based recognition. However, it may modify the 2nd LSB of cover pixels as a witness for the presence of the secret bits in the 1st LSB and thereby has some disadvantages with regards to the stego image quality. Our search for a new scheme that exploits the structure of the secret face LBPH patterns for improved stego image quality has led to the development of the first content-based steganography scheme. Embedding is guided by searching for similarities between the LBPH patterns and the structure of the cover image LSB bit-planes partitioned into 8-bit or 4-bit patterns. We shall demonstrate the excellent benefits of using content-based embedding scheme in terms of improved stego image quality, greatly reduced payload, reduced lower bound on optimal embedding efficiency, robustness against all targeted steganalysis tools. Unfortunately our scheme was not robust against the blind or universal SRM steganalysis tool. However we demonstrated robustness against SRM at low payload when our scheme was modified by restricting embedding to edge and textured pixels. The low payload in this case is sufficient to embed a secret full face LBPH patterns. Our work opens new exciting opportunities to build successful real applications of content-based steganography and presents plenty of research challenges