4 research outputs found

    Self-Aware Smart Products: Systematic Literature Review, Conceptual Design and Prototype Implementation

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    Abstract The fourth industrial revolution makes more effective use of data generated during manufacturing processes and creates a more interconnected manufacturing network. The data stored inside a product can be updated, analyzed and protected throughout its life cycle. It is currently becoming a reality to speed up the modern mass-customization. The aim of this paper is firstly to explore the state of art about smart products through a systematic literature review. Second, to design a self-aware smart product in a smart factory production environment based on the review findings. Finally, to turn the conceptual design into a prototype implementation

    Smart dust in the industrial economic sector : on application cases in product lifecycle management

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    Smart dust is an autonomous sensing, computing, and communication system that can be packed into a cubic-millimeter mote to form the basis of integrated, massively distributed sensor networks. The purpose of this manuscript is to identify potential applications of smart dust in product lifecycle management with a focus on the industrial economic sector. Resting upon empirical data from the European DACH region, we describe six applications: (1) Advancement of requirements engineering, (2) Improvement of manufacturing processes, (3) Enhancement of logistics monitoring, (4) Optimization of operations, (5) Ameliorated maintenance and repair processes, and (6) Augmented retirement planning. Bearing the exploratory, qualitative approach and early-stage character of applications in mind, we can reason that smart dust offers great potentials to both product lifecycle management and research on it

    Development of Gen2 RFID-based Closed-loop Supply Chain Management System

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 산업·조선공학부, 2018. 2. 박진우.With the extended producer responsibility, which is a countermeasure for environmental problems such as resource depletion in manufacturing industries, responsibility of manufacturers who produce automotive, electrical and electronic equipment has been extended beyond production, retailing, to collection and recycling of the end-of-life products. Particularly in the case of recycling, a legal system has been introduced that enforces recycling at a certain rate or more on a mass basis. In this background, scope of the supply chain management also has been extended beyond forward process, which consists of sourcing, producing, and delivery, to reverse process. It is called closed-loop supply chain in terms of constantly using the resources that have been put into the manufacturing ecosystem. Proper operation of the closed-loop supply chain can maximize economic profit by value creation along with whole product lifecycle as well as complying with environmental legislation. However, chronic uncertainties of reverse process cause inefficiency in terms of overall performance of closed-loop supply chain. In terms of physical flow, the timing and quantity of end-of-life product return is difficult to predict. Moreover, recycling network is complex because there are many participants in reverse process. In terms of product lifecycle, residual values of returned products are all different due to the factors like usage environments, user behaviors, and so forth. Moreover, this problem becomes even worse at component level. Many research efforts have been proved that real-information gathering can solve this problem. In this context, a system framework that minimizes uncertainties and facilitates various positive effects along with the product lifecycle by using the internet-of-things including radio frequency identification (RFID) and sensors, will be proposed in this dissertation. Unlike the existing approaches that only tag products, component-level individual tagging that tags not only products but also components will be proposed for more detailed lifecycle information management. Especially, encoding the family relationships among the components, by using user memory that is provided by Gen2 RFID protocol, will be proposed to extract new contribution. Information system including RFID tag encoding scheme, will be designed to strictly comply with the established standards to ensure compatibility within the industries in the future. Additionally, potential effects will be examined. Real-time monitoring and maintenance (RMM) and counterfeit prevention scheme, which are intangible effects in terms of product service in the middle-of-life phase, will be introduced. Especially, sweeping scan approach to prevent structural counterfeits of products by using the family relations in the user memory, will be introduced. Also it will be shown that the proposed system is valuable for remanufacturing process streamlining and hybrid remanufacturing/manufacturing production planning with numerical studies.1. Introduction 1 1.1. Product Recycling 1 1.2. Closed-loop Supply Chain 4 1.3. Internet-of-Things 8 1.4. Goal and Scope 10 2. Literature/Technology Review 15 2.1. Literature Review 15 2.2. Technology Review: RFID and Gen2 Standard 21 3. Analysis of Korean ELV Remanufacturing Industry 24 3.1. Overview 24 3.2. Problem Extraction and Classification 26 4. Design of the Proposed System 32 4.1. Lifecycle Information Gathering and Component-level Tagging 32 4.2. Information System Framework and Lifecycle Implications 37 4.3. Design of Data Architecture 46 4.4. Database Transactions for Potential Effects 57 5. System Implementation in the MOL Phase 61 5.1. Real-time Monitoring and Maintenance 61 5.2. Counterfeit Prevention 66 6. Remanufacturing Process Streamlining 70 6.1. Elimination of the Unnecessary Loop 70 6.2. A Requisite for Enhancement 77 7. Hybrid Production Planning for a Remanufacturing/Manufacturing System 87 7.1. Conceptual Modeling 87 7.2. Mathematical Modeling 94 7.3. Computational Results 101 7.4. Sensitivity Analysis 110 8. Conclusion 126 8.1. Summary 126 8.2. Limitations and Future Research Direction 129 Appendix. Numerical Experiment Settings 131 Bibliography 138 국문초록 149Docto

    Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Robot Cognition Processors für adaptive Demontageanwendungen

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    Im Rahmen der perspektivischen Einführung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft sind ökonomische und ökologische Aspekte entscheidend für die Attraktivität der Umsetzung in beteiligten Wirtschaftsunternehmen. Die Demontage stellt innerhalb von Verwertungsprozessen in diesen Konzepten einen wichtigen Schritt dar, der aufgrund von hoher Varianten- und Zustandsvielfalt überwiegend manuell ausgeführt wird. Diese Forschungsarbeit untersucht die Möglichkeiten der nachhaltigen Verbesserung des Demontageprozesses durch selektive (Teil-)Automatisierung mit Hilfe eines Konzeptes aus dem Bereich der kognitiven Robotik. Es wird dabei auf Grundlage der Anforderungen aus realen Demontageprozessen ein System entwickelt, das in einer agentenbasierten Modulstruktur die Funktionsumfänge bietet, die für eine autonome, flexible Demontageplanung unter Berücksichtigung von Produkt- und Lebenszyklusdaten erforderlich sind und die effiziente Ausführung der Demontageoperationen im Rahmen einer Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration erlauben. Grundlage für die entwickelten Module stellt ein standardisiertes Informationsmanagement-Konzept dar, welches die Anlagenebene der Demontage technisch mit allen beteiligten Stakeholdern der zirkulären Wertschöpfungskette verknüpft. Mit Hilfe von Industrie 4.0 Technologien, wie beispielsweise dem Einsatz von KI-unterstützten Entscheidungssystemen oder einer intelligenten Bilderkennungseinheit können so produktindividuelle Verwertungsszenarien innerhalb der Kreislaufwirtschaft bestimmt werden, welche die Schlüsselposition der Demontage am Beginn der zirkulären Wertschöpfungskette bestmöglich nutzen. Die Untersuchungen des Systemkonzeptes am Beispiel der Moduldemontage von Elektrofahrzeug-Batterien zeigen, dass mit dem entwickelten Konzept eine Verbesserung gegenüber manueller Demontageoperationen erzielt werden kann. Die Verknüpfung der Systemeinheiten lässt sich durch die verwendeten Interoperabilitätsstandards skalieren und erlaubt so auch den industriellen Einsatz. Durch bidirektionale Kommunikationsstrukturen wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist validierte Prozessinformationen aus einer Demontageeinheit an anderen Stellen zu nutzen. Dies reduziert den effektiven Aufwand im Umgang mit einer hohen Variantenvielfalt. Die Verwendung der entwickelten Modulkonzepte ist grundsätzlich auch in angrenzenden Feldern möglich, erfordert jedoch weitere Entwicklungs- und Abstimmungsarbeit. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Konzeptentwicklung folgen zahlreiche Weiterentwicklungs- und Anwendungspotenziale für Robotiksysteme im Bereich der kreislaufwirtschaftlichen Verwertungsprozesse. Vor dem Hintergrund der Notwendigkeit der Rückgewinnung kritischer Elemente und einer effizienten Ressourcennutzung durch höherwertige (Teil-)Nutzungs- und Verwertungsoptionen, ist der Einsatz hierauf aufbauender Konzepte eine lohnenswerte Zukunftsperspektive.In the pursuance of a Circular Economy, both economic and ecological aspects are crucial for the implementation in private companies. The disassembly process itself is a very important step in end-oflife utilization and because of the high variance of products and their conditions it is mainly carried out manually. This work investigates the possibilities of a sustainable improvement of such processes by selective automation with cognitive robotics. Based on requirements of real disassembly cases, a robot system is conceptualized and developed which is able to facilitate an autonomous, flexible disassembly planning while taking both product and lifecycle data into account. Furthermore, the execution of the disassembly process in the concept is carried out as a human-machine-collaboration. The overall foundation of the system is an information management concept which connects shopfloor level disassembly with all stakeholders within the circular value chain. Using Industry 4.0 technologies, for instance AI decision systems or an intelligent image recognition, part-individual utilization scenarios can be defined this way. The investigation of the system concept on the case study of module disassembly of electric vehicle batteries shows that automation is both more effective and efficient in comparison to manual operations. Interfaces are highly scalable because of the interoperability standards used, preparing the concept to be implemented in industry. Moreover, bidirectional communication pipelines enable the exchange of valid process knowledge between several stakeholders, reducing the effort of dealing with a high variance of products and conditions. Transfer of the concept to other fields of industry or recycling operations is possible but requires further development for the actual use case. Conclusively, the concept developed opens up a manifold of different application scenarios for cognitive robotics in the Circular Economy domain. Keeping the necessity of recovering critical elements and the reuse of valuable components in mind, an implementation of future concepts based on this approach is a perspective worthwhile