18 research outputs found

    Adaptive just-in-time code diversification

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    We present a method to regenerate diversified code dynamically in a Java bytecode JIT compiler, and to update the diversification frequently during the execution of the program. This way, we can significantly reduce the time frame in which attackers can let a program leak useful address space information and subsequently use the leaked information in memory exploits. A proof of concept implementation is evaluated, showing that even though code is recompiled frequently, we can achieved smaller overheads than the previous state of the art, which generated diversity only once during the whole execution of a program

    Algorithm Diversity for Resilient Systems

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    Diversity can significantly increase the resilience of systems, by reducing the prevalence of shared vulnerabilities and making vulnerabilities harder to exploit. Work on software diversity for security typically creates variants of a program using low-level code transformations. This paper is the first to study algorithm diversity for resilience. We first describe how a method based on high-level invariants and systematic incrementalization can be used to create algorithm variants. Executing multiple variants in parallel and comparing their outputs provides greater resilience than executing one variant. To prevent different parallel schedules from causing variants' behaviors to diverge, we present a synchronized execution algorithm for DistAlgo, an extension of Python for high-level, precise, executable specifications of distributed algorithms. We propose static and dynamic metrics for measuring diversity. An experimental evaluation of algorithm diversity combined with implementation-level diversity for several sequential algorithms and distributed algorithms shows the benefits of algorithm diversity

    Characterizing the Power of Moving Target Defense via Cyber Epidemic Dynamics

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    Moving Target Defense (MTD) can enhance the resilience of cyber systems against attacks. Although there have been many MTD techniques, there is no systematic understanding and {\em quantitative} characterization of the power of MTD. In this paper, we propose to use a cyber epidemic dynamics approach to characterize the power of MTD. We define and investigate two complementary measures that are applicable when the defender aims to deploy MTD to achieve a certain security goal. One measure emphasizes the maximum portion of time during which the system can afford to stay in an undesired configuration (or posture), without considering the cost of deploying MTD. The other measure emphasizes the minimum cost of deploying MTD, while accommodating that the system has to stay in an undesired configuration (or posture) for a given portion of time. Our analytic studies lead to algorithms for optimally deploying MTD.Comment: 12 pages; 4 figures; Hotsos 14, 201

    Cybersecurity must come to IT systems now

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    International audienceAfter decades of apparently low-intensity cyber attacks, during which security was not really thought of on most IT systems, recent years have brought a flurry of well-organized, larger-scale attacks that have caused billions of Euros of damage. This was made possible by the plethora of IT systems that have been produced with no or low security, a trend that has further increased with the rise of ubiquitous computing, with smartphones, IoT and smart-* being everywhere with extremely low control. However, although the current situation in IT systems can still be considered as critical and very much working in favour of cyber attackers, there are definitely paths to massive but doable technical improvements that can lead us to a much more secure and sovereign IT ecosystem, along with strong business opportunities in Europe

    Towards automated integrity protection of C++ virtual function tables in binary programs

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    Prebaked µVMs: Scalable, Instant VM Startup for IaaS Clouds

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    Abstract-IaaS clouds promise instantaneously available resources to elastic applications. In practice, however, virtual machine (VM) startup times are in the order of several minutes, or at best, several tens of seconds, negatively impacting the elasticity of applications like Web servers that need to scale out to handle dynamically increasing load. VM startup time is strongly influenced by booting the VM's operating system. In this work, we propose using so-called prebaked µVMs to speed up VM startup. µVMs are snapshots of minimal VMs that can be quickly resumed and then configured to application needs by hot-plugging resources. To serve µVMs, we extend our VM boot cache service, Squirrel, allowing to store µVMs for large numbers of VM images on the hosts of a data center. Our experiments show that µVMs can start up in less than one second on a standard file system. Using 1000+ VM images from a production cloud, we show that the respective µVMs can be stored in a compressed and deduplicated file system within 50 GB storage per host, while starting up within 2-3 seconds on average