2,539 research outputs found

    P2AT: Pyramid Pooling Axial Transformer for Real-time Semantic Segmentation

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    Recently, Transformer-based models have achieved promising results in various vision tasks, due to their ability to model long-range dependencies. However, transformers are computationally expensive, which limits their applications in real-time tasks such as autonomous driving. In addition, an efficient local and global feature selection and fusion are vital for accurate dense prediction, especially driving scene understanding tasks. In this paper, we propose a real-time semantic segmentation architecture named Pyramid Pooling Axial Transformer (P2AT). The proposed P2AT takes a coarse feature from the CNN encoder to produce scale-aware contextual features, which are then combined with the multi-level feature aggregation scheme to produce enhanced contextual features. Specifically, we introduce a pyramid pooling axial transformer to capture intricate spatial and channel dependencies, leading to improved performance on semantic segmentation. Then, we design a Bidirectional Fusion module (BiF) to combine semantic information at different levels. Meanwhile, a Global Context Enhancer is introduced to compensate for the inadequacy of concatenating different semantic levels. Finally, a decoder block is proposed to help maintain a larger receptive field. We evaluate P2AT variants on three challenging scene-understanding datasets. In particular, our P2AT variants achieve state-of-art results on the Camvid dataset 80.5%, 81.0%, 81.1% for P2AT-S, P2ATM, and P2AT-L, respectively. Furthermore, our experiment on Cityscapes and Pascal VOC 2012 have demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed architecture, with results showing that P2AT-M, achieves 78.7% on Cityscapes. The source code will be available a

    StairNet: Top-Down Semantic Aggregation for Accurate One Shot Detection

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    One-stage object detectors such as SSD or YOLO already have shown promising accuracy with small memory footprint and fast speed. However, it is widely recognized that one-stage detectors have difficulty in detecting small objects while they are competitive with two-stage methods on large objects. In this paper, we investigate how to alleviate this problem starting from the SSD framework. Due to their pyramidal design, the lower layer that is responsible for small objects lacks strong semantics(e.g contextual information). We address this problem by introducing a feature combining module that spreads out the strong semantics in a top-down manner. Our final model StairNet detector unifies the multi-scale representations and semantic distribution effectively. Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2007 and PASCAL VOC 2012 datasets demonstrate that StairNet significantly improves the weakness of SSD and outperforms the other state-of-the-art one-stage detectors

    Attention guided global enhancement and local refinement network for semantic segmentation

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    The encoder-decoder architecture is widely used as a lightweight semantic segmentation network. However, it struggles with a limited performance compared to a well-designed Dilated-FCN model for two major problems. First, commonly used upsampling methods in the decoder such as interpolation and deconvolution suffer from a local receptive field, unable to encode global contexts. Second, low-level features may bring noises to the network decoder through skip connections for the inadequacy of semantic concepts in early encoder layers. To tackle these challenges, a Global Enhancement Method is proposed to aggregate global information from high-level feature maps and adaptively distribute them to different decoder layers, alleviating the shortage of global contexts in the upsampling process. Besides, a Local Refinement Module is developed by utilizing the decoder features as the semantic guidance to refine the noisy encoder features before the fusion of these two (the decoder features and the encoder features). Then, the two methods are integrated into a Context Fusion Block, and based on that, a novel Attention guided Global enhancement and Local refinement Network (AGLN) is elaborately designed. Extensive experiments on PASCAL Context, ADE20K, and PASCAL VOC 2012 datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In particular, with a vanilla ResNet-101 backbone, AGLN achieves the state-of-the-art result (56.23% mean IoU) on the PASCAL Context dataset. The code is available at https://github.com/zhasen1996/AGLN.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
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