74 research outputs found

    Extended 16x16 Play-Fair Algorithm for Secure Key Exchange Using RSA Algorithm

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    With the world entering in the 21st century rigorous efforts are being made to secure data and flow of information among the users. Though with the advancements are fast and efficient the third party intervention and security threats has also increased many folds. The algorithms being used to encrypt and decrypt data needs to be strong enough to secure the data but also simple enough for a user to handle the process. With this article a novel, practical approach is presented which not only makes the information more secured but also being based on RSA algorithm is easy enough for users to understand and implement into the systems

    Recent Advancements on Symmetric Cryptography Techniques -A Comprehensive Case Study

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    Now a day2019;s Cryptography is one of the broad areas for researchers; because of the conventional block cipher has lost its potency due to the sophistication of modern systems that can break it by brute force. Due to its importance, several cryptography techniques and algorithms are adopted by many authors to secure the data, but still there is a scope to improve the previous approaches. For this necessity, we provide the comprehensive survey which will help the researchers to provide better techniques

    Information Hiding Based on DNA Sequences

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    يعد أمن المعلومات مصدر قلق رئيسي، خاصة في ضوء التوسع السريع في استخدام الإنترنت في السنوات الأخيرة. نتيجة لهذا التوسع، كانت هناك حالات وصول غير قانوني، والتي تم تخفيفها من خلال اعتماد مجموعة متنوعة من بروتوكولات الاتصال الآمن، بما في ذلك التشفير وإخفاء البيانات. في السنوات الأخيرة، كانت هناك زيادة في استخدام الحمض النووي للتشفير وإخفاء البيانات كناقل، مع الاستفادة من قدراته الجزيئية الحيوية. في إخفاء البيانات. نتيجة لذلك، في نهج إخفاء البيانات، يتم استخدام قواعد الحمض النووي كناقل للمعلومات لتعزيز الأمن. يندمج علم إخفاء المعلومات والتشفير المستند إلى الحمض النووي بين السمات البيولوجية والتقنيات التقليدية من أجل تحقيق خوارزمية مؤمنة جيدًا تستغلها. لذلك، توفر تسلسلات الحمض النووي قدرة عالية على البيانات بما في ذلك الحفاظ على الخصائص الكيميائية والبيولوجية لتسلسل الحمض النووي.Information security is a major source of worry, especially in light of the rapid expansion of internet use in recent years. As a result of this expansion, there have been incidences of illegal access, which have been mitigated by the adoption of a variety of secure communication protocols, including encryption and data concealment. DNA's bio-molecular properties have seen an uptick in popularity as a carrier for cryptography and data hiding in recent years. when information needs to be hidden. Therefore, DNA bases are utilized as information carriers in the data concealing strategy to increase safety. DNA-based steganography and cryptography combine a biological property with conventional methods to provide an algorithm with increased security. Because of their ability to maintain their chemical and biological characteristics, DNA sequences also have a high data capacity

    Data Encryption and Decryption Using Hill Cipher Method and Self Repetitive Matrix

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    Since times immemorial, security of data to maintain its confidentiality, proper access control, integrity and availability has been a major issue in data communication. As soon as a sensitive message was etched on a clay tablet or written on the royal walls, then it must have been foremost in the sender’s mind that the information should not get intercepted and read by a rival. Codes, hence, form an important part of our history, starting from the paintings of Da Vinci and Michelangelo to the ancient Roman steganographic practices the necessity of data hiding was obvious

    Literature Study On Cloud Based Healthcare File Protection Algorithms

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    There is a huge development in Computers and Cloud computing technology, the trend in recent years is to outsource information storage on Cloud-based services. The cloud provides  large storage space. Cloud-based service providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive, are providing users with infinite and low-cost storage. In this project we aim at presenting a protection method through by encrypting and decrypting the files to provide enhanced level of protection. To encrypt the file that we upload in cloud, we make use of double encryption technique. The file is been encrypted twice one followed by the other using two algorithms. The order in which the algorithms are used is that, the file is first encrypted using AES algorithm, now this file will be in the encrypted format and this encrypted file is again encrypted using RSA algorithm. The corresponding keys are been generated during the execution of the algorithm. This is done in order to increase the security level. The various parameters that we have considered here are security level, speed, data confidentiality, data integrity and cipher text size. Our project is more efficient as it satisfies all the parameters whereas the conventional methods failed to do so. The Cloud we used is Dropbox to store the content of the file which is in the encrypted format using AES and RSA algorithms and corresponding key is generated which can be used to decrypt the file. While uploading the file the double encryption technique is been implemented

    Soft public key cipher

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    Encryption in general is the process of keeping up the secrecy of data (both fixed and versatile) utilizing programs that can Convert and make an interpretation of that data into codes so that whenever got to by unapproved people doesn't They can comprehend anything since what appears to them is a blend of images, numbers and unlimited characters, the file is encrypted And decryption by password, which must be known to both parties (sender and receiver) This is called With symmetric encryption, Decryption means decryption. The quality and viability of encryption rely upon two key factors: the algorithm, and the key length evaluated by Bit, the higher the bit, the greater the security and difficulty of decrypting. The concept of soft set was studied and applied on the public key cryptography like simple Knapsack and Trapdoor Knapsack ciphers. Significant results were presented that was the measure of the evaluate encryption using the SNR and PSNR

    Secured Data Transmission Using Mod-ified LEHS Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Abstract In the ancient block Hill cipher, the cipher text is obtained by multiplying the blocks of the plain text with the key matrix. To strengthen the keymatrix, a double guard Hill cipher was proposed with two key matrices, a private key matrix and its modified key matrix along with permutation. In the ancient block Hill cipher, the cipher text is obtained by multiplying the blocks of the plain text with the key matrix. To strengthen the key matrix, a double guard Hill cipher was proposed with two key matrices, a private key matrix and its modified key matrix along with permutation. In this paper a novel modification is performed to the double guard Hill cipher in order to reduce the number of calculation to obtain the cipher text by using non-square matrices. This modified double guard Hill cipher uses a non-square matrix of order (p × q) as its private keymatrix

    A Modified Polybius Square Based Approach for Enhancing Data Security

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    Digital communication is the prominent technique used by various organizations for information exchange. It replaces the traditional methods with the help of internet and its related technologies. There is a chance to retrieve the contents of the transmitted message from the unsecure communication medium. The biggest challenge is to deploy a suitable mechanism for secure communication. Cryptography plays a dominant role in the information security domain. This paper proposes a modified Polybius square based approach for efficient key generation. New key is obtained from the original key by performing three different operations on modified Polybius square namely Square ring rotation, Square reversal and Transpose. From the security analysis it can be inferred that the proposed approach generates an efficient key

    A Modified Polybius Square Based Approach for Enhancing Data Security

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    Digital communication is the prominent technique used by various organizations for information exchange. It replaces the traditional methods with the help of internet and its related technologies. There is a chance to retrieve the contents of the transmitted message from the unsecure communication medium. The biggest challenge is to deploy a suitable mechanism for secure communication. Cryptography plays a dominant role in the information security domain. This paper proposes a modified Polybius square based approach for efficient key generation. New key is obtained from the original key by performing three different operations on modified Polybius square namely Square ring rotation, Square reversal and Transpose. From the security analysis it can be inferred that the proposed approach generates an efficient key