167,069 research outputs found

    Harnessing customized built-in elements -- Empowering Component-Based Software Engineering and Design Systems with HTML5 Web Components

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    Customized built-in elements in HTML5 significantly transform web development. These elements enable developers to create unique HTML components tailored with specific design and purpose. Customized built-in elements enable developers to address the unique needs of web applications more quickly, supporting consistent user interfaces and experiences across diverse digital platforms. This study investigates the role of these features in Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Design Systems, emphasizing the benefits of code modularity, reusability, and scalability in web development. Customized built-in elements enable developers to address the unique needs of web applications more quickly, supporting consistent user interfaces and experiences across diverse digital platforms. The paper also discusses the difficulties and concerns that must be addressed when creating customized built-in elements, such as browser compatibility, performance optimization, accessibility, security, styling, and interoperability. It emphasizes the importance of standardization, developer tooling, and community interaction in order to fully realize the potential of these features. Looking ahead, customized built-in elements have potential in a variety of applications, including the Internet of Things (IoT), e-commerce, and educational technologies. Their incorporation into Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is expected to further improve web experiences. While obstacles remain, the article concludes that HTML5 customized built-in elements are a driver for web development innovation, allowing the production of efficient, adaptive, and user-centric web applications in an ever-changing digital context.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 15th International Conference on Web services & Semantic Technology (WeST 2023

    Developing BP-driven web application through the use of MDE techniques

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    Model driven engineering (MDE) is a suitable approach for performing the construction of software systems (in particular in the Web application domain). There are different types of Web applications depending on their purpose (i.e., document-centric, interactive, transactional, workflow/business process-based, collaborative, etc). This work focusses on business process-based Web applications in order to be able to understand business processes in a broad sense, from the lightweight business processes already addressed by existing proposals to long-running asynchronous processes. This work presents a MDE method for the construction of systems of this type. The method has been designed in two steps following the MDE principles. In the first step, the system is represented by means of models in a technology-independent manner. These models capture the different aspects of Web-based systems (these aspects refer to behaviour, structure, navigation, and presentation issues). In the second step, the model transformations (both model-to- model and model-to-text) are applied in order to obtain the final system in terms of a specific technology. In addition, a set ofEclipse-based tools has been developed to provide automation in the application of the proposed method in order to validate the proposal.Torres Bosch, MV.; Giner Blasco, P.; Pelechano Ferragud, V. (2012). Developing BP-driven web application through the use of MDE techniques. Software and Systems Modeling. 11(4):609-631. doi:10.1007/s10270-010-0177-5S609631114Andrews, T., Curbera, F., Dholakia, H., Goland, Y., Klein, J., Leymann, F., Liu, K., Roller, D., Smith, D., Thatte, S., Trickovic, I., Weerawarana, S.: Business process execution language for Web services version 1.1 (May 2003)Barna, P., Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J.: A workow-driven design of Web information systems. In: Wolber, D., Calder, N., Brooks, C., Ginige, A. (eds.) 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    A social network for supporting end-users in the composition of services: definition and proof of concept

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    [EN] Nowadays, end users are surrounded by plenty of services that are somehow supporting their daily routines and activities. Involving end users into the process of service creation can allow end users to benefit from a cheaper, faster, and better service provisioning. Even though we can already find tools that face this challenge, they consider end users as isolate individuals. In this paper, we investigate how social networks can be used to improve the composition of services by end users. To do so, we propose a graph-based definition of a social structure, and analyse how social connections can be exploited to both facilitate end users to discover services through browsing these connections, and recommend services to end users during the composition activity. As proof of concept, we implement and evaluate the proposed social network in the context of EUCalipTool, a mobile end-user environment for composing services.This work has been developed with the financial support of the Spanish State Research Agency under the Project TIN2017-84094-R and co-financed with ERDF.Valderas, P.; Torres Bosch, MV.; Pelechano Ferragud, V. (2020). A social network for supporting end-users in the composition of services: definition and proof of concept. Computing. 102(8):1909-1940. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-020-00796-8S190919401028Yu J, Sheng QZ, Han J, Wu Y, Liu C (2012) A semantically enhanced service repository for user-centric service discovery and management. Data Knowl Eng 72:202–218Daniel F, Casati F, Benatallah B, Shan M-C (2009) Hosted universal composition: models, languages and infrastructure in mashart. In: International conference on conceptual modeling. 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    Internet of things

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Digital Earth was born with the aim of replicating the real world within the digital world. Many efforts have been made to observe and sense the Earth, both from space (remote sensing) and by using in situ sensors. Focusing on the latter, advances in Digital Earth have established vital bridges to exploit these sensors and their networks by taking location as a key element. The current era of connectivity envisions that everything is connected to everything. The concept of the Internet of Things(IoT)emergedasaholisticproposaltoenableanecosystemofvaried,heterogeneous networked objects and devices to speak to and interact with each other. To make the IoT ecosystem a reality, it is necessary to understand the electronic components, communication protocols, real-time analysis techniques, and the location of the objects and devices. The IoT ecosystem and the Digital Earth (DE) jointly form interrelated infrastructures for addressing today’s pressing issues and complex challenges. In this chapter, we explore the synergies and frictions in establishing an efficient and permanent collaboration between the two infrastructures, in order to adequately address multidisciplinary and increasingly complex real-world problems. Although there are still some pending issues, the identified synergies generate optimism for a true collaboration between the Internet of Things and the Digital Earth

    Context Aware Computing for The Internet of Things: A Survey

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    As we are moving towards the Internet of Things (IoT), the number of sensors deployed around the world is growing at a rapid pace. Market research has shown a significant growth of sensor deployments over the past decade and has predicted a significant increment of the growth rate in the future. These sensors continuously generate enormous amounts of data. However, in order to add value to raw sensor data we need to understand it. Collection, modelling, reasoning, and distribution of context in relation to sensor data plays critical role in this challenge. Context-aware computing has proven to be successful in understanding sensor data. In this paper, we survey context awareness from an IoT perspective. We present the necessary background by introducing the IoT paradigm and context-aware fundamentals at the beginning. Then we provide an in-depth analysis of context life cycle. We evaluate a subset of projects (50) which represent the majority of research and commercial solutions proposed in the field of context-aware computing conducted over the last decade (2001-2011) based on our own taxonomy. Finally, based on our evaluation, we highlight the lessons to be learnt from the past and some possible directions for future research. The survey addresses a broad range of techniques, methods, models, functionalities, systems, applications, and middleware solutions related to context awareness and IoT. Our goal is not only to analyse, compare and consolidate past research work but also to appreciate their findings and discuss their applicability towards the IoT.Comment: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Journal, 201