1,400 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Shape Analysis and Processing

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    Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions. We provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these techniques, and discuss their application to shape classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis, through reviewing the literature and relating the existing works with both qualitative and numerical comparisons. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figure

    Computational models for image contour grouping

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    Contours are one dimensional curves which may correspond to meaningful entities such as object boundaries. Accurate contour detection will simplify many vision tasks such as object detection and image recognition. Due to the large variety of image content and contour topology, contours are often detected as edge fragments at first, followed by a second step known as {u0300}{u0300}contour grouping'' to connect them. Due to ambiguities in local image patches, contour grouping is essential for constructing globally coherent contour representation. This thesis aims to group contours so that they are consistent with human perception. We draw inspirations from Gestalt principles, which describe perceptual grouping ability of human vision system. In particular, our work is most relevant to the principles of closure, similarity, and past experiences. The first part of our contribution is a new computational model for contour closure. Most of existing contour grouping methods have focused on pixel-wise detection accuracy and ignored the psychological evidences for topological correctness. This chapter proposes a higher-order CRF model to achieve contour closure in the contour domain. We also propose an efficient inference method which is guaranteed to find integer solutions. Tested on the BSDS benchmark, our method achieves a superior contour grouping performance, comparable precision-recall curves, and more visually pleasant results. Our work makes progresses towards a better computational model of human perceptual grouping. The second part is an energy minimization framework for salient contour detection problem. Region cues such as color/texture homogeneity, and contour cues such as local contrast, are both useful for this task. In order to capture both kinds of cues in a joint energy function, topological consistency between both region and contour labels must be satisfied. Our technique makes use of the topological concept of winding numbers. By using a fast method for winding number computation, we find that a small number of linear constraints are sufficient for label consistency. Our method is instantiated by ratio-based energy functions. Due to cue integration, our method obtains improved results. User interaction can also be incorporated to further improve the results. The third part of our contribution is an efficient category-level image contour detector. The objective is to detect contours which most likely belong to a prescribed category. Our method, which is based on three levels of shape representation and non-parametric Bayesian learning, shows flexibility in learning from either human labeled edge images or unlabelled raw images. In both cases, our experiments obtain better contour detection results than competing methods. In addition, our training process is robust even with a considerable size of training samples. In contrast, state-of-the-art methods require more training samples, and often human interventions are required for new category training. Last but not least, in Chapter 7 we also show how to leverage contour information for symmetry detection. Our method is simple yet effective for detecting the symmetric axes of bilaterally symmetric objects in unsegmented natural scene images. Compared with methods based on feature points, our model can often produce better results for the images containing limited texture

    A study of holistic strategies for the recognition of characters in natural scene images

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    Recognition and understanding of text in scene images is an important and challenging task. The importance can be seen in the context of tasks such as assisted navigation for the blind, providing directions to driverless cars, e.g. Google car, etc. Other applications include automated document archival services, mining text from images, and so on. The challenge comes from a variety of factors, like variable typefaces, uncontrolled imaging conditions, and various sources of noise corrupting the captured images. In this work, we study and address the fundamental problem of recognition of characters extracted from natural scene images, and contribute three holistic strategies to deal with this challenging task. Scene text recognition (STR) has been a known problem in computer vision and pattern recognition community for over two decades, and is still an active area of research owing to the fact that the recognition performance has still got a lot of room for improvement. Recognition of characters lies at the heart of STR and is a crucial component for a reliable STR system. Most of the current methods heavily rely on discriminative power of local features, such as histograms of oriented gradient (HoG), scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), shape contexts (SC), geometric blur (GB), etc. One of the problems with such methods is that the local features are rasterized in an ad hoc manner to get a single vector for subsequent use in recognition. This rearrangement of features clearly perturbs the spatial correlations that may carry crucial information vis-á-vis recognition. Moreover, such approaches, in general, do not take into account the rotational invariance property that often leads to failed recognition in cases where characters in scene images do not occur in upright position. To eliminate this local feature dependency and the associated problems, we propose the following three holistic solutions: The first one is based on modelling character images of a class as a 3-mode tensor and then factoring it into a set of rank-1 matrices and the associated mixing coefficients. Each set of rank-1 matrices spans the solution subspace of a specific image class and enables us to capture the required holistic signature for each character class along with the mixing coefficients associated with each character image. During recognition, we project each test image onto the candidate subspaces to derive its mixing coefficients, which are eventually used for final classification. The second approach we study in this work lets us form a novel holistic feature for character recognition based on active contour model, also known as snakes. Our feature vector is based on two variables, direction and distance, cumulatively traversed by each point as the initial circular contour evolves under the force field induced by the character image. The initial contour design in conjunction with cross-correlation based similarity metric enables us to account for rotational variance in the character image. Our third approach is based on modelling a 3-mode tensor via rotation of a single image. This is different from our tensor based approach described above in that we form the tensor using a single image instead of collecting a specific number of samples of a particular class. In this case, to generate a 3D image cube, we rotate an image through a predefined range of angles. This enables us to explicitly capture rotational variance and leads to better performance than various local approaches. Finally, as an application, we use our holistic model to recognize word images extracted from natural scenes. Here we first use our novel word segmentation method based on image seam analysis to split a scene word into individual character images. We then apply our holistic model to recognize individual letters and use a spell-checker module to get the final word prediction. Throughout our work, we employ popular scene text datasets, like Chars74K-Font, Chars74K-Image, SVT, and ICDAR03, which include synthetic and natural image sets, to test the performance of our strategies. We compare results of our recognition models with several baseline methods and show comparable or better performance than several local feature-based methods justifying thus the importance of holistic strategies

    Cycle-Consistent Deep Generative Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval

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    In this paper, we propose a novel deep generative approach to cross-modal retrieval to learn hash functions in the absence of paired training samples through the cycle consistency loss. Our proposed approach employs adversarial training scheme to lean a couple of hash functions enabling translation between modalities while assuming the underlying semantic relationship. To induce the hash codes with semantics to the input-output pair, cycle consistency loss is further proposed upon the adversarial training to strengthen the correlations between inputs and corresponding outputs. Our approach is generative to learn hash functions such that the learned hash codes can maximally correlate each input-output correspondence, meanwhile can also regenerate the inputs so as to minimize the information loss. The learning to hash embedding is thus performed to jointly optimize the parameters of the hash functions across modalities as well as the associated generative models. Extensive experiments on a variety of large-scale cross-modal data sets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves better retrieval results than the state-of-the-arts.Comment: To appeared on IEEE Trans. Image Processing. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.10593 by other author

    Data-driven shape analysis and processing

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    Data-driven methods serve an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between shapes. In contrast to traditional approaches that process shapes in isolation of each other, data-driven methods aggregate information from 3D model collections to improve the analysis, modeling and editing of shapes. Through reviewing the literature, we provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these methods, as well as discuss their application to classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing

    Methods for Learning Structured Prediction in Semantic Segmentation of Natural Images

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    Automatic segmentation and recognition of semantic classes in natural images is an important open problem in computer vision. In this work, we investigate three different approaches to recognition: without supervision, with supervision on level of images, and with supervision on the level of pixels. The thesis comprises three parts. The first part introduces a clustering algorithm that optimizes a novel information-theoretic objective function. We show that the proposed algorithm has clear advantages over standard algorithms from the literature on a wide array of datasets. Clustering algorithms are an important building block for higher-level computer vision applications, in particular for semantic segmentation. The second part of this work proposes an algorithm for automatic segmentation and recognition of object classes in natural images, that learns a segmentation model solely from annotation in the form of presence and absence of object classes in images. The third and main part of this work investigates one of the most popular approaches to the task of object class segmentation and semantic segmentation, based on conditional random fields and structured prediction. We investigate several learning algorithms, in particular in combination with approximate inference procedures. We show how structured models for image segmentation can be learned exactly in practical settings, even in the presence of many loops in the underlying neighborhood graphs. The introduced methods provide results advancing the state-of-the-art on two complex benchmark datasets for semantic segmentation, the MSRC-21 Dataset of RGB images and the NYU V2 Dataset or RGB-D images of indoor scenes. Finally, we introduce a software library that al- lows us to perform extensive empirical comparisons of state-of-the-art structured learning approaches. This allows us to characterize their practical properties in a range of applications, in particular for semantic segmentation and object class segmentation.Methoden zum Lernen von Strukturierter Vorhersage in Semantischer Segmentierung von Natürlichen Bildern Automatische Segmentierung und Erkennung von semantischen Klassen in natür- lichen Bildern ist ein wichtiges offenes Problem des maschinellen Sehens. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir drei möglichen Ansätze der Erkennung: ohne Überwachung, mit Überwachung auf Ebene von Bildern und mit Überwachung auf Ebene von Pixeln. Diese Arbeit setzt sich aus drei Teilen zusammen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit schlagen wir einen Clustering-Algorithmus vor, der eine neuartige, informationstheoretische Zielfunktion optimiert. Wir zeigen, dass der vorgestellte Algorithmus üblichen Standardverfahren aus der Literatur gegenüber klare Vorteile auf vielen verschiedenen Datensätzen hat. Clustering ist ein wichtiger Baustein in vielen Applikationen des machinellen Sehens, insbesondere in der automatischen Segmentierung. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit stellt ein Verfahren zur automatischen Segmentierung und Erkennung von Objektklassen in natürlichen Bildern vor, das mit Hilfe von Supervision in Form von Klassen-Vorkommen auf Bildern in der Lage ist ein Segmentierungsmodell zu lernen. Der dritte Teil der Arbeit untersucht einen der am weitesten verbreiteten Ansätze zur semantischen Segmentierung und Objektklassensegmentierung, Conditional Random Fields, verbunden mit Verfahren der strukturierten Vorhersage. Wir untersuchen verschiedene Lernalgorithmen des strukturierten Lernens, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit approximativer Vorhersage. Wir zeigen, dass es möglich ist trotz des Vorhandenseins von Kreisen in den betrachteten Nachbarschaftsgraphen exakte strukturierte Modelle zur Bildsegmentierung zu lernen. Mit den vorgestellten Methoden bringen wir den Stand der Kunst auf zwei komplexen Datensätzen zur semantischen Segmentierung voran, dem MSRC-21 Datensatz von RGB-Bildern und dem NYU V2 Datensatz von RGB-D Bildern von Innenraum-Szenen. Wir stellen außerdem eine Software-Bibliothek vor, die es erlaubt einen weitreichenden Vergleich der besten Lernverfahren für strukturiertes Lernen durchzuführen. Unsere Studie erlaubt uns eine Charakterisierung der betrachteten Algorithmen in einer Reihe von Anwendungen, insbesondere der semantischen Segmentierung und Objektklassensegmentierung