4 research outputs found

    Enforcing passivity of parameterized LTI macromodels via Hamiltonian-driven multivariate adaptive sampling

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    We present an algorithm for passivity verification and enforcement of multivariate macromodels whose state-space matrices depend in closed form on a set of external or design parameters. Uniform passivity throughout the parameter space is a fundamental requirement of parameterized macromodels of physically passive structures, that must be guaranteed during model generation. Otherwise, numerical instabilities may occur, due to the ability of non-passive models to generate energy. In this work, we propose the first available algorithm that, starting from a generic parameter-depedent state-space model, identifies the regions in the frequency-parameter space where the model behaves locally as a non-passive system. The approach we pursue is based on an adaptive sampling scheme in the parameter space, which iteratively constructs and perturbs the eigenvalue spectrum of suitable Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian (SHH) pencils, with the objective of identifying the regions where some of these eigenvalues become purely imaginary, thus pinpointing local passivity violations. The proposed scheme is able to detect all relevant violations. An outer iterative perturbation method is then applied to the model coefficients in order to remove such violations and achieve uniform passivity. Although a formal proof of global convergence is not available, the effectiveness of the proposed implementation of the passivity verification and enforcement schemes is demonstrated on several examples

    Enabling fast power integrity transient analysis through parameterized small-signal macromodels

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    In this paper, we present an automated strategy for extracting behavioral small-signal macromodels of biased nonlinear circuit blocks. We discuss in detail the case study of a Low DropOut (LDO) voltage regulator, which is an essential part of the power distribution network in electronic systems. We derive a compact yet accurate surrogate model of the LDO, which enables fast transient power integrity simulations, including all parasitics due to the specific layout of the LDO realization. The model is parameterized through its DC input voltage and its output current and is thus available as a SPICE netlist. Numerical experiments show that a speedup up to 700X is achieved when replacing the extracted post-layout netlist with the surrogate model, with practically no loss in accuracy

    An Adaptive Sampling Process for Automated Multivariate Macromodeling Based on Hamiltonian-Based Passivity Metrics

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    This paper introduces a fully automated greedy algorithm for the construction of parameterized behavioral models of electromagnetic structures, targeting at the same time uniform model stability and passivity. The proposed algorithm is able to determine a small set of parameter configurations for which an external solver provides on the fly the sampled scattering parameters of the structure over a predetermined frequency band. These samples are subjected to a multivariate rational/polynomial fitting process, which iteratively leads to a parameterized descriptor realization of the model. The main novel contribution in this work is the adoption of a model-based approach for the adaptive augmentation of an initially small set of frequency responses, each corresponding to a randomly-selected parameter configuration. In particular, the locations of the in-band passivity violations of intermediate macromodels constructed at each iteration are used as a proxy for the model-data error in those regions where input data are not available. This physics-based consistency check, which is enabled by recent developments in multivariate passivity characterization based on Skew-Hamiltonian-Hamiltonian (SHH) spectra, is combined with standard space exploration metrics to obtain a small-size and automatically-determined distribution of points in the parameter space, leading to the construction of an accurate macromodel with a very limited number of external field solver runs. The embedded passivity check and enforcement process guarantees that either the final model is passive throughout the parameter space, or the residual violations, if present, are negligible for practical purposes. Several examples validate the proposed approach for up to three concurrent parameters

    Passivity enforcement via chordal methods

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Henrique da Costa OliveiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/08/2019Inclui referências: p. 164-175Resumo: Neste documento são propostos três algoritmos inéditos associados aos problemas subsequentes de aferição e imposição da passividade, a qual é uma propriedade qualitativa, geral e fundamental na modelagem matemática de transitórios eletromagnéticos de sistemas elétricos passivos, como transformadores. Esses algoritmos baseiam-se numa combinação de teoria dos grafos e otimização convexa. O primeiro deles consiste na aferição de subsistemas passivos contidos num sistema não passivo, intuitivamente busca-se partes passivas contidas num todo não passivo. Já na etapa de imposição de passividade, o segundo algoritmo é consequência natural do primeiro: retendo apenas os parâmetros associados às partes passivas e descartando os demais, parte-se de um sistema passivo parcialmente especificado para se determinar novos parâmetros em substituição àqueles descartados de modo que o sistema como um todo seja passivo. A possibilidade de determinação dos novos parâmetros depende de uma propriedade topológica de um grafo associado às matrizes de parâmetros do modelo, tal propriedade é denominada cordalidade. O terceiro algoritmo aborda novamente a questão de imposição da passividade e também faz uso da cordalidade, não mais como condição de existência de solução, mas sim como uma forma de explorar a esparsidade das matrizes de parâmetros. O problema de imposição da passividade encerra dois desafios no seu processo de solução, a saber: (i) compensação de parâmetros resultando na degradação do modelo bem como (ii) longos tempos de solução. Os algoritmos ora propostos são uma resposta a essas questões e os resultados obtidos demonstraram-se comparáveis àqueles já existentes na literatura especializada, em alguns casos apresentando melhorias, seja em termos de aproximação ou tempo computacionais. Os algoritmos foram testados a partir de dados de medição de um Transformador de Potencial Indutivo bem como de um Transformador de Potência. Palavras-chave: Macro-modelagem Passiva. Teoria de Sistemas. Álgebra Linear Aplicada. Análise de Transitórios. Transformadores.Abstract: Three novel algorithms are herein proposed to solve passivity assessment and enforcement problems. Passivity is a general, qualitative and fundamental property pertaining to the modeling associated with electromagnetic transients in passive power systems, such as transformers. These algorithms make combined use of Graph Theory and Convex Optimization. The first algorithm is concerned with passivity assesment. In particular, it searches for passive subsystems embedded into a larger nonpassive system and eventually specifies a partially specified passive system. Focusing on the subsequent step, algorithm two is a natural consequence of the preceeding one: retaining only the parameter set associated with passive subsystems as determined before, this partially specified passive system is used to further determine the remaining parameters so that the entire system be fully specified and passive. The existence condition for finding a fully specified system hinges on the fulfillment of a topological property of the graph associated the parameter matrices, namely chordality. The third algorithm also solves the passivity enforcement problem by making use of chordality, not as an existence condition, but rather by exploiting chordal sparsity patterns obtained with the parameter matrices. Solving passivity enforcement problems entails two persisting challenges, namely: (i) passivity compensations to parameters prompting increased model degradation as well as (ii) large computation times. The algorithms herein proposed tackle these issues and yield results comparable to those already in use, sometimes resulting in improved performance in terms of either approximation accuracy or runtime. These results herein reported entail data from actual measurements of an Inductive Voltage Transformer and a Power Transformer. Keywords: Passive Macromodeling. System Theory. Applied Linear Algebra. Transient Analysis. Transformers