9 research outputs found

    Asymptotic expansions for high-contrast elliptic equations

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    In this paper, we present a high-order expansion for elliptic equations in high-contrast media. The background conductivity is taken to be one and we assume the medium contains high (or low) conductivity inclusions. We derive an asymptotic expansion with respect to the contrast and provide a procedure to compute the terms in the expansion. The computation of the expansion does not depend on the contrast which is important for simulations. The latter allows avoiding increased mesh resolution around high conductivity features. This work is partly motivated by our earlier work in \cite{ge09_1} where we design efficient numerical procedures for solving high-contrast problems. These multiscale approaches require local solutions and our proposed high-order expansion can be used to approximate these local solutions inexpensively. In the case of a large-number of inclusions, the proposed analysis can help to design localization techniques for computing the terms in the expansion. In the paper, we present a rigorous analysis of the proposed high-order expansion and estimate the remainder of it. We consider both high and low conductivity inclusions

    Analysis of a Two-level Schwarz Method with Coarse Spaces Based on Local Dirichlet-to-Neumann Maps

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    Analysis of a two-level Schwarz method with coarse spaces based on local Dirichlet--to--Neumann maps

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    International audienceCoarse grid correction is a key ingredient in order to have scalable domain decomposition methods. For smooth problems, the theory and practice of such two-level methods is well established, but this is not the case for problems with complicated variation and high contrasts in the coefficients. Stable coarse spaces for high contrast problems are also important purely for approximation purposes, when it is not desirable to resolve all the fine scale variations in the problem. In a previous study, two of the authors introduced a coarse space adapted to highly heterogeneous coefficients using the low frequency modes of the subdomain DtN maps. In this work, we present a rigorous analysis of a two-level overlapping additive Schwarz method (ASM) with this coarse space, which provides an automatic criterion for the number of modes that need to be added per subdomain to obtain a convergence rate of the order of the constant coefficient case. Our method is suitable for parallel implementation and its efficiency is demonstrated by numerical examples on some challenging problems with high heterogeneities for automatic partitionings

    Robust domain decomposition preconditioners for abstract symmetric positive definite bilinear forms

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    An abstract framework for constructing stable decompositions of the spaces corresponding to general symmetric positive definite problems into “local” subspaces and a global “coarse” space is developed. Particular applications of this abstract framework include practically important problems in porous media applications such as: the scalar elliptic (pressure) equation and the stream function formulation of its mixed form, Stokes’ and Brinkman’s equations. The constant in the corresponding abstract energy estimate is shown to be robust with respect to mesh parameters as well as the contrast, which is defined as the ratio of high and low values of the conductivity (or permeability). The derived stable decomposition allows to construct additive overlapping Schwarz iterative methods with condition numbers uniformly bounded with respect to the contrast and mesh parameters. The coarse spaces are obtained by patching together the eigenfunctions corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues of certain local problems. A detailed analysis of the abstract setting is provided. The proposed decomposition builds on a method of Galvis and Efendiev [Multiscale Model. Simul. 8 (2010) 1461–1483] developed for second order scalar elliptic problems with high contrast. Applications to the finite element discretizations of the second order elliptic problem in Galerkin and mixed formulation, the Stokes equations, and Brinkman’s problem are presented. A number of numerical experiments for these problems in two spatial dimensions are provided

    Energy-minimizing coarse spaces for two-level Schwarz methods for multiscale PDEs

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    Two-level overlapping Schwarz methods for elliptic partial differential equations combine local solves on overlapping domains with a global solve of a coarse approximation of the original problem. To obtain robust methods for equations with highly varying coefficients, it is important to carefully choose the coarse approximation. Recent theoretical results by the authors have shown that bases for such robust coarse spaces should be constructed such that the energy of the basis functions is minimized. We give a simple derivation of a method that finds such a minimum energy basis using one local solve per coarse space basis function and one global solve to enforce a partition of unity constraint. Although this global solve may seem prohibitively expensive, we demonstrate that a one-level overlapping Schwarz method is an effective and scalable preconditioner and we show that such a preconditioner can be implemented efficiently using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula. The result is an elegant, scalable, algebraic method for constructing a robust coarse space given only the supports of the coarse space basis functions. Numerical experiments on a simple two-dimensional model problem with a variety of binary and multiscale coefficients confirm this. Numerical experiments also show that, when used in a two-level preconditioner, the energy-minimizing coarse space gives better results than other coarse space constructions, such as the multiscale finite element approach. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Analysis of FETI methods for multiscale PDEs. Part II: interface variation

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    Multiscale Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification Techniques for Richards' Equation in Heterogeneous Media

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    In this dissertation, we develop multiscale finite element methods and uncertainty quantification technique for Richards' equation, a mathematical model to describe fluid flow in unsaturated porous media. Both coarse-level and fine-level numerical computation techniques are presented. To develop an accurate coarse-scale numerical method, we need to construct an effective multiscale map that is able to capture the multiscale features of the large-scale solution without resolving the small scale details. With a careful choice of the coarse spaces for multiscale finite element methods, we can significantly reduce errors. We introduce several methods to construct coarse spaces for multiscale finite element methods. A coarse space based on local spectral problems is also presented. The construction of coarse spaces begins with an initial choice of multiscale basis functions supported in coarse regions. These basis functions are complemented using weighted local spectral eigenfunctions. These newly constructed basis functions can capture the small scale features of the solution within a coarse-grid block and give us an accurate coarse-scale solution. However, it is expensive to compute the local basis functions for each parameter value for a nonlinear equation. To overcome this difficulty, local reduced basis method is discussed, which provides smaller dimension spaces with which to compute the basis functions. Robust solution techniques for Richards' equation at a fine scale are discussed. We construct iterative solvers for Richards' equation, whose number of iterations is independent of the contrast. We employ two-level domain decomposition pre-conditioners to solve linear systems arising in approximation of problems with high contrast. We show that, by using the local spectral coarse space for the preconditioners, the number of iterations for these solvers is independent of the physical properties of the media. Several numerical experiments are given to support the theoretical results. Last, we present numerical methods for uncertainty quantification applications for Richards' equation. Numerical methods combined with stochastic solution techniques are proposed to sample conductivities of porous media given in integrated data. Our proposed algorithm is based on upscaling techniques and the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Sampling results are presented to prove the efficiency and accuracy of our algorithm