3 research outputs found

    Energy-aware on-demand scatternet formation and routing

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    Power-aware routing algorithms aim to extend the lifetime of a wireless network by avoiding to route over nodes that are close to being depleted of energy. Previous work in such algorithms often require each node in the network to be aware of the topology of the entire network.In this paper we investigate power-aware routing in Bluetooth networks. Routing in a Bluetooth network involves creating a scatternet structure in order to facilitate the communication between nodes in different piconets. We propose a new routing algorithm that does not require each node to have any knowledge of the network except for its neighbors. This is done by collecting information regardingpotential routing paths in the routing messages themselves. We also present a simplified version of the algorithm for general wireless networks, which does not involve scatternet formation and therefore requires less communication overhead.Godkänd; 2007; 20070821 (tomasjo)</p

    Energy-Aware On-Demand Scatternet Formation and Routing for Bluetooth-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    ©2005 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.Bluetooth is a promising short-range wireless communication technology with the characteristics of interference resilience and power efficiency, both desirable for wireless sensor networks. The new Intel Mote sensor devices have Bluetooth technology incorporated as the standard wireless communications interface. When using Bluetooth in applications where multihop routing is required, groups of Bluetooth piconets combine together to form a scatternet. However, most of the existing scatternet formation protocols are designed to facilitate communications between any two pairs of devices, regardless of the actual traffic demand pattern. For wireless sensor network applications with low-duty-cycle traffic patterns, an on-demand scatternet formation protocol can achieve significant power saving by avoiding unnecessary network connectivity. To that end, we introduce an on-demand scatternet and route formation protocol designed specifically for Bluetooth-based wireless sensor networks. Our protocol builds a scatternet on demand, and is able to cope with multiple sources initiating traffic simultaneously. In addition, our energy-aware forwarding nodes selection scheme is based on local information only, and results in more uniform network resource utilization and improved network lifetime. Simulation results show that our protocol can provide scatternet formation with reasonable delay and good load balance, which results in prolonged network lifetime for Bluetooth-based wireless sensor networks

    An Analytical Model For Energy Efficiency Of Error Control Schemes In Sensor Networks

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    This paper analyzes the energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks using different error control schemes. An analytical model is presented to evaluate the energy efficiency in Nakagami-m fading channels. The model is applied to error control schemes of Bluetooth technology. Some custom error control schemes and adaptive techniques using different FEC and ARQ strategies are analyzed. Performance results are obtained through analysis for networks with different number of hops and fading channel conditions. © 2007 IEEE.38953900Akyildiz, I.F., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., Cayirci, E., A survey on sensor networks (2002) IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 102-114. , AugustSankarasubramaman, Y., Akyildiz, I.F., Mc Laughlin, S.W., Energy efficiency based packet size optimization in wireless sensor networks (2003) Proc. of Sensor Network Protocols and ApplicationsKarvonen, H., Shelby, Z., Pomala-Ráez, C., Coding for energy efficient wireless embedded networks (2004) Int. Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc NetworksMeer, J., Nijdam, M., Bijl, M., Adaptive error control in a wireless sensor network using packet importance valuation (2003) Hardware/software co-design, , Enschede, Netherlands, MayKleinschmidt, J.H., Borelli, W.C., Pellenz, M.E., Power efficient error control for Bluetooth-based sensor networks (2005) IEEE Local Computer Networks Conference, , Sydney, Australia, NovemberKleinschmidt, J.H., Borelli, W.C., Pellenz, M.E., Custom error control schemes for energy efficient Bluetooth sensor networks (2006) SBrT/IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium, , Fortaleza, Brazil, SeptemberLiu, H., Ma, H., El Zarki, M., Gupta, S., Error control schemes for networks: An overview (1997) Mobile Networks and Applications, 2, pp. 167-182. , JuneValenti, M.C., Robert, M., Reed, J.H., On the throughput of Bluetooth data transmissions (2002) IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, , Orlando, USA, MarchSpecifications of the Bluetooth system, , http://www.bluetooth.com, Core Version 1.2, November 2003Mehta, V., El Zarki, M., Bluetooth based sensor network for civil infrastructure health monitoring (2004) Wireless Networks, 10, p. 401412. , Kluwer Academic Publishers, JulyNegri, L., Zanetti, D., Power/performance tradeoffs in Bluetooth sensor networks (2006) Proc. of the 39th Annual Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences, , Hawaii, USA, JanuaryZhang, X., Riley, G.R., Energy-aware on-demand scatternet formation and routing for Bluetooth-based wireless sensor networks (2005) IEEE Communications Magazine, 43 (7), pp. 126-133. , JulyValenti, M.C., Robert, M., Custom coding, adaptive rate control and distributed detection for Bluetooth (2002) Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, , Vancouver, BC, SeptemberRaghunathan, V., Schurgers, C., Park, S., Srivastava, M.B., Energy aware wireless micro sensor networks (2002) IEEE Signal Processing, pp. 40-50. , Marc