2,016 research outputs found

    Approximate energy-efficient encoding for serial interfaces

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    Serial buses are ubiquitous interconnections in embedded computing systems that are used to interface processing elements with peripherals, such as sensors, actuators, and I/O controllers. Despite their limited wiring, as off-chip connections they can account for a significant amount of the total power consumption of a system-on-chip device. Encoding the information sent on these buses is the most intuitive and affordable way to reduce their power contribution; moreover, the encoding can be made even more effective by exploiting the fact that many embedded applications can tolerate intermediate approximations without a significant impact on the final quality of results, thus trading off accuracy for power consumption. We propose a simple yet very effective approximate encoding for reducing dynamic energy in serial buses. Our approach uses differential encoding as a baseline scheme and extends it with bounded approximations to overcome the intrinsic limitations of differential encoding for data with low temporal correlation. We show that the proposed scheme, in addition to yielding extremely compact codecs, is superior to all state-of-the-art approximate serial encodings over a wide set of traces representing data received or sent from/to sensor or actuators

    Design, analysis and optimization of visible light communications based indoor access systems for mobile and internet of things applications

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    Demands for indoor broadband wireless access services are expected to outstrip the spectrum capacity in the near-term spectrum crunch . Deploying additional femtocells to address spectrum crunch is cost-inefficient due to the backhaul challenge and the exorbitant system maintenance. According to an Alcatel-Lucent report, most mobile Internet access traffic happens indoors. To alleviate the spectrum crunch and the backhaul challenge problems, visible light communication (VLC) emerges as an attractive candidate for indoor wireless access in the 5G architecture. In particular, VLC utilizes LED or fluorescent lamps to send out imperceptible flickering light that can be captured by a smart phone camera or photodetector. Leveraging power line communication and the available indoor infrastructure, VLC can be utilized with a small one-time cost. VLC also facilitates the great advantage of being able to jointly perform illumination and communications. Integration of VLC into the existing indoor wireless access networks embraces many challenges, such as lack of uplink infrastructure, excessive delay caused by blockage in heterogeneous networks, and overhead of power consumption. In addition, applying VLC to Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications, such as communication and localization, faces the challenges including ultra-low power requirement, limited modulation bandwidth, and heavy computation and sensing at the device end. In this dissertation, to overcome the challenges of VLC, a VLC enhanced WiFi system is designed by incorporating VLC downlink and WiFi uplink to connect mobile devices to the Internet. To further enhance robustness and throughput, WiFi and VLC are aggregated in parallel by leveraging the bonding technique in Linux operating system. Based on dynamic resource allocation, the delay performance of heterogeneous RF-VLC network is analyzed and evaluated for two different configurations - aggregation and non-aggregation. To mitigate the power consumption overhead of VLC, a problem of minimizing the total power consumption of a general multi-user VLC indoor network while satisfying users traffic demands and maintaining an acceptable level of illumination is formulated. The optimization problem is solved by the efficient column generation algorithm. With ultra-low power consumption, VLC backscatter harvests energy from indoor light sources and transmits optical signals by modulating the reflected light from a reflector. A novel pixelated VLC backscatter is proposed and prototyped to address the limited modulation bandwidth by enabling more advanced modulation scheme than the state-of-the-art on-off keying (OOK) scheme and allowing for the first time orthogonal multiple access. VLC-based indoor access system is also suitable for indoor localization due to its unique properties, such as utilization of existing ubiquitous lighting infrastructure, high location and orientation accuracy, and no interruption to RF-based devices. A novel retroreflector-based visible light localization system is proposed and prototyped to establish an almost zero-delay backward channel using a retroreflector to reflect light back to its source. This system can localize passive IoT devices without requiring computation and heavy sensing (e.g., camera) at the device end

    ACME: An energy-efficient approximate bus encoding for I2C

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    In ultra low power systems with many peripherals, off-chip serial interconnects contribute significantly to the total energy budget. Leveraging the error-resilience characteristics of many embedded applications, the approximate computing paradigm has been applied to serial bus encodings to reduce interconnect consumption. However, the power model considered in previous works was purely capacitive. Accordingly, the objective of these approximate encodings was simply to reduce the transition count. While this works well for most bus standards, one notable exception is represented by I 2 C, whose open-drain physical connection makes the static energy consumed by logic-0 values on the bus extremely relevant. In this work, we propose ACME, the first approximate serial bus encoding targeting specifically I 2 C connections. With a simple encoding/decoding scheme, ACME concurrently reduces both the static and dynamic energy on the bus by maximizing the number of logic-1 values in codewords, while simultaneously reducing transitions. Using an accurate bus model and realistic capacitance and resistance values selected according to the I 2 C standard, we show that our encoding outperforms state-of-the-art solutions and reduces the total energy consumption on the bus by 57% on average, with an error smaller than 0.1%

    Electroencephalogram Signal Processing For Hybrid Brain Computer Interface Systems

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    The goal of this research was to evaluate and compare three types of brain computer interface (BCI) systems, P300, steady state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) and Hybrid as virtual spelling paradigms. Hybrid BCI is an innovative approach to combine the P300 and SSVEP. However, it is challenging to process the resulting hybrid signals to extract both information simultaneously and effectively. The major step executed toward the advancement to modern BCI system was to move the BCI techniques from traditional LED system to electronic LCD monitor. Such a transition allows not only to develop the graphics of interest but also to generate objects flickering at different frequencies. There were pilot experiments performed for designing and tuning the parameters of the spelling paradigms including peak detection for different range of frequencies of SSVEP BCI, placement of objects on LCD monitor, design of the spelling keyboard, and window time for the SSVEP peak detection processing. All the experiments were devised to evaluate the performance in terms of the spelling accuracy, region error, and adjacency error among all of the paradigms: P300, SSVEP and Hybrid. Due to the different nature of P300 and SSVEP, designing a hybrid P300-SSVEP signal processing scheme demands significant amount of research work in this area. Eventually, two critical questions in hybrid BCl are: (1) which signal processing strategy can best measure the user\u27s intent and (2) what a suitable paradigm is to fuse these two techniques in a simple but effective way. In order to answer these questions, this project focused mainly on developing signal processing and classification technique for hybrid BCI. Hybrid BCI was implemented by extracting the specific information from brain signals, selecting optimum features which contain maximum discrimination information about the speller characters of our interest and by efficiently classifying the hybrid signals. The designed spellers were developed with the aim to improve quality of life of patients with disability by utilizing visually controlled BCI paradigms. The paradigms consist of electrodes to record electroencephalogram signal (EEG) during stimulation, a software to analyze the collected data, and a computing device where the subject’s EEG is the input to estimate the spelled character. Signal processing phase included preliminary tasks as preprocessing, feature extraction, and feature selection. Captured EEG data are usually a superposition of the signals of interest with other unwanted signals from muscles, and from non-biological artifacts. The accuracy of each trial and average accuracy for subjects were computed. Overall, the average accuracy of the P300 and SSVEP spelling paradigm was 84% and 68.5 %. P300 spelling paradigms have better accuracy than both the SSVEP and hybrid paradigm. Hybrid paradigm has the average accuracy of 79 %. However, hybrid system is faster in time and more soothing to look than other paradigms. This work is significant because it has great potential for improving the BCI research in design and application of clinically suitable speller paradigm

    Studies Of Liquid Crystal Response Time

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    In this dissertation, the response time issue of the liquid crystal (LC) devices is investigated in meeting the challenges for display and photonic applications. The correlation between the LC director response time and the optical response time is derived theoretically and confirmed experimentally. A major contribution of this thesis is that, based on the small angle approximation, we derive rigorous analytical solutions for correlating the LC director response time to its consequent optical response times (both rise and decay) of a vertical-aligned nematic LC cell. This work successfully fills the gap in the literature of LCD switching dynamics. An important effect related to response time, backflow is analyzed using a homogeneous LC cell in an infrared wavelength. The Leslie viscosity coefficients can hardly be found in the literature. A new effective approach to estimate the Leslie coefficients of LC mixtures based on MBBA data is proposed in this dissertation. Using this method, the Leslie coefficients of the LC material under study can be extracted based on its order parameters. The simulation results agree with the experimental data very well. This method provides a useful tool for analyzing the dynamic response including backflow. Cell gap is an important factor affecting the LC response time. Usually a thinner cell gap is chosen to achieve faster response time, since normally both rise and decay times are known to be proportional to d2. However, they are valid only in the region. In the large voltage region where , the optical decay time is independent of d. In this thesis, we find that between these two extremes the response time is basically linearly proportional to d. Our analytical derivation is validated by experimental results. Therefore, in the whole voltage region, the physical picture of the optical response time as a function of the cell gap is completed. This analysis is useful for understanding the grayscale switching behaviors of the LC phase modulators. In conclusion, this dissertation has solved some important issues related to LC optical response time and supplied valuable tools for scientists and engineers to numerically analyze the LC dynamics
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