11 research outputs found

    Energy management in the IEEE 802.16e MAC

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    Performance of the IEEE 802.16e sleep mode mechanism in the presence of bidirectional traffic

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    We refine existing performance studies of the WiMAX sleep mode operation to take into account uplink as well as downlink traffic. This as opposed to previous studies which neglected the influence of uplink traffic. We obtain numerically efficient procedures to compute both delay and energy efficiency characteristics. A test scenario with an Individual Subscriber Internet traffic model in both directions shows that even a small amount of uplink traffic has a profound effect on the system performance

    Performance of the sleep-mode mechanism of the new IEEE 802.16m proposal for correlated downlink traffic

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    There is a considerable interest nowadays in making wireless telecommunication more energy-efficient. The sleep-mode mechanism in WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) is one of such energy saving measures. Recently, Samsung proposed some modifications on the sleep-mode mechanism, scheduled to appear in the forthcoming IEEE 802.16m standard, aimed at minimizing the signaling overhead. In this work, we present a performance analysis of this proposal and clarify the differences with the standard mechanism included in IEEE 802.16e. We also propose some special algorithms aimed at reducing the computational complexity of the analysis

    Delay versus energy consumption of the IEEE 802.16e sleep-mode mechanism

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    We propose a discrete-time queueing model for the evaluation of the IEEE 802.16e sleep-mode mechanism of Power Saving Class (PSC) I in wireless access networks. Contrary to previous studies, we model the downlink traffic by means of a Discrete Batch Markov Arrival Process (D-BMAP) with N phases, which allows to take traffic correlation into account. The tradeoff between energy saving and increased packet delay is discussed. In many situations, the sleep-mode performance improves for heavily correlated traffic. Also, when compared to other strategies, the exponential sleep-period update strategy of PSC I may not always be the best

    Multiple Power-Saving MSSs Scheduling Methods for IEEE802.16e Broadband Wireless Networks

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    A Downlink and Uplink Alignment Scheme for Power Saving in IEEE 802.16 Protocol

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    This study shows the problem of power saving mechanism (PSM) that sleep intervals of uplink (UL) connections do not synchronize with sleep intervals of downlink (DL) connections. That is, the energy of a mobile station (MS) is not really saved if the DL connections are in the sleep mode while the UL connections are in normal mode, and vice versa. To avoid the asynchronism of power saving (PS) between UL and DL connections, we invent a mechanism of DL connections regulating UL connections, called DL and UL Alignment (DUAL) scheme, to improve the energy efficiency for PS. Considering that the buffer size of MS is limited, DUAL uses the mean packet arrival rate of UL λu and a relatively safe threshold of buffer size QT as the parameters to estimate the maximum allowable waiting time to align the UL with the DL connections. To analyze the performance of DUAL, a system model of PS is proposed to evaluate the performance of DUAL under different conditions. The correctness of performance analysis of DUAL is validated by using simulation with realistic parameters. Numerical experiments show that DUAL improves the energy conservation significantly when UL traffic is greater than DL traffic

    Paging and Location Management in IEEE 802.16j Multihop Relay Network

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    IEEE 802.16j is an emerging wireless broadband networking standard that integrates infrastructure base stations with multihop relay technology. Based on the idle mode operation in IEEE 802.16j, we propose a novel location management and paging scheme. It integrates the paging area-based and the timer-based location update mechanism. In paging area-based scheme, an idle mode mobile station updates when it moves to a new paging area. In timer-based scheme, an idle mode MS updates when the location update timer expires. In this work, we formulate the mathematical model to evaluate the performance of the proposed paging scheme. A new random walk mobility model that is suitable for modeling in multihop relay network is created. Optimization of location update timer is also investigated