4 research outputs found

    Model Keamanan Ubiquitous Dalam Mendukung Keamanan Data Pada Smart Agriculture Berbasis Autentikasi Token

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengusulkan model keamanan sistem ubiquitous menggunakan autentikasi token pada Smart Agriculture. Kebutuhan jaringan yang selalu terkoneksi dibutuhkan untuk pengiriman data dalam Smart Agriculture, khususnya yang berbasis pada internet of things. Tetapi, karena selalu terkoneksi maka dibutuhkan keamanan data pada setiap proses pengiriman data. Model keamanan data dengan autentikasi dibutuhkan untuk menjaga dan memastikan bahwa yang berkomunikasi adalah perangkat yang diizinkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan model ini meliputi studi literatur, pengumpulan data, analisis kebutuhan keamanan data, serta membuat model keamanan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa model sistem Smart Agriculture dengan dukungan keamanan menggunakan autentikasi token memiliki peluang untuk diimplementasikan secara langsung untuk mendukung keamanan dalam proses pengiriman data.

    Energy Efficient Cluster based Routing Scheme for WSN based IoT to Extend Network Lifetime

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    With the development and advancement of wireless sensor networks (WSN), the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has achieved prominence in the modern era. With the increasing number of connected devices, WSN has become a key factor in the communication component of the IoT. In IoT-based WSN infrastructure, devices are equipped with intelligent sensors that sense the environment to collect data, process data, and deliver information to the sink or base station (BS). WSN-assisted IoT has become a key technology for various data-centric applications such as health care, smart cities, and the military. Sensor nodes in IoT devices are equipped with bound and irreplaceable batteries. An increased number of connected devices face serious issues of energy depletion, maintenance, and load balancing, which might result in device failure. Energy efficiency is considered a vital parameter in the design of an IoT based WSN, and this can be accomplished through clustering and multihop routing techniques. In this paper, we propose an energy-aware multihop routing scheme (EAMRS) for hierarchical cluster-based WSN-assisted IoT. EAMRS considers the improved low-energy adaptive clustering algorithm (I-LEACH) to select optimal cluster heads (CH). During data transmission, multihop routing is involved by considering routing metrics such as residual energy, distance to BS and optimal route choice to balance the energy load. However, conventional routing schemes fail to achieve the flexibility and adaptability prerequisites of load balancing mechanisms. EAMRS decreases computation overhead and restricts energy usage, resulting in a prolonged network lifetime

    Energy and Delay Aware Data Aggregation in Routing Protocol for Internet of Things

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    Energy conservation is one of the most critical problems in Internet of Things (IoT). It can be achieved in several ways, one of which is to select the optimal route for data transfer. IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is a standardized routing protocol for IoT. The RPL changes its path frequently while transmitting the data from source to the destination, due to high data traffic in dense networks. Hence, it creates data traffic across the nodes in the networks. To solve this issue, we propose Energy and Delay Aware Data aggregation in Routing Protocol (EDADA-RPL) for IoT. It has two processes, namely parent selection and data aggregation. The process of parent selection uses routing metric residual energy (RER) to choose the best possible parent for data transmission. The data aggregation process uses the compressed sensing (CS) theory in the parent node to combine data packets from the child nodes. Finally, the aggregated data transmits from a downward parent to the sink. The sink node collects all the aggregated data and it performs the reconstruction operation to get the original data of the participant node. The simulation is carried out using the Contiki COOJA simulator. EDADA-RPL’s performance is compared to RPL and LA-RPL. The EDADA-RPL offers good performance in terms of network lifetime, delay, and packet delivery ratio