280 research outputs found

    Matching in the method of controlled Lagrangians and IDA-passivity based control

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    This paper reviews the method of controlled Lagrangians and the interconnection and damping assignment passivity based control (IDA-PBC)method. Both methods have been presented recently in the literature as means to stabilize a desired equilibrium point of an Euler-Lagrange system, respectively Hamiltonian system, by searching for a stabilizing structure preserving feedback law. The conditions under which two Euler-Lagrange or Hamiltonian systems are equivalent under feedback are called the matching conditions (consisting of a set of nonlinear PDEs). Both methods are applied to the general class of underactuated mechanical systems and it is shown that the IDA-PBC method contains the controlled Lagrangians method as a special case by choosing an appropriate closed-loop interconnection structure. Moreover, explicit conditions are derived under which the closed-loop Hamiltonian system is integrable, leading to the introduction of gyroscopic terms. The λ\lambda-method as introduced in recent papers for the controlled Lagrangians method transforms the matching conditions into a set of linear PDEs. In this paper the method is extended, transforming the matching conditions obtained in the IDA-PBC method into a set of quasi-linear and linear PDEs.\u

    Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems. II. Potential shaping

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    For pt.I, see ibid., vol.45, p.2253-70 (2000). We extend the method of controlled Lagrangians (CL) to include potential shaping, which achieves complete state-space asymptotic stabilization of mechanical systems. The CL method deals with mechanical systems with symmetry and provides symmetry-preserving kinetic shaping and feedback-controlled dissipation for state-space stabilization in all but the symmetry variables. Potential shaping complements the kinetic shaping by breaking symmetry and stabilizing the remaining state variables. The approach also extends the method of controlled Lagrangians to include a class of mechanical systems without symmetry such as the inverted pendulum on a cart that travels along an incline

    Potential shaping and the method of controlled Lagrangians

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    We extend the method of controlled Lagrangians to include potential shaping for complete state-space stabilization of mechanical systems. The method of controlled Lagrangians deals with mechanical systems with symmetry and provides symmetry-preserving kinetic shaping and feedback-controlled dissipation for state-space stabilization in all but the symmetry variables. Potential shaping complements the kinetic shaping by breaking symmetry and stabilizing the remaining state variables. The approach also extends the method of controlled Lagrangians to include a class of mechanical systems without symmetry such as the inverted pendulum on a cart that travels along an incline

    Physical Dissipation and the Method of Controlled Lagrangians

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    We describe the effect of physical dissipation on stability of equilibria which have been stabilized, in the absence of damping, using the method of controlled Lagrangians. This method applies to a class of underactuated mechanical systems including “balance” systems such as the pendulum on a cart. Since the method involves modifying a system’s kinetic energy metric through feedback, the effect of dissipation is obscured. In particular, it is not generally true that damping makes a feedback-stabilized equilibrium asymptotically stable. Damping in the unactuated directions does tend to enhance stability, however damping in the controlled directions must be “reversed” through feedback. In this paper, we suggest a choice of feedback dissipation to locally exponentially stabilize a class of controlled Lagrangian systems

    Potential and kinetic shaping for control of underactuated mechanical systems

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    This paper combines techniques of potential shaping with those of kinetic shaping to produce some new methods for stabilization of mechanical control systems. As with each of the techniques themselves, our method employs energy methods and the LaSalle invariance principle. We give explicit criteria for asymptotic stabilization of equilibria of mechanical systems which, in the absence of controls, have a kinetic energy function that is invariant under an Abelian group

    Putting energy back in control

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    A control system design technique using the principle of energy balancing was analyzed. Passivity-based control (PBC) techniques were used to analyze complex systems by decomposing them into simpler sub systems, which upon interconnection and total energy addition were helpful in determining the overall system behavior. An attempt to identify physical obstacles that hampered the use of PBC in applications other than mechanical systems was carried out. The technique was applicable to systems which were stabilized with passive controllers