8 research outputs found

    Energy evaluation model for an improved centralized clustering hierarchical algorithm in WSN

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) consists of battery-powered sensor nodes which collect data and route the data to the Base Station. Centralized Cluster-based routing protocols efficiently utilize limited energy of the nodes by selecting Cluster Heads (CHs) in each round. Selection of CHs and Cluster formation is performed by the Base Station. In each round, nodes transmit their location information and their residual energy to the Base Station. This operation is a considerable burden on these resource hungry sensor nodes. In this paper we propose a scheme whereby a small number of High-Energy nodes gather location information and residual energy status of the sensing nodes and transmit to the Base Station. This scheme eliminates CH advertisement phase in order to conserve energy. Based on the energy consumption by various types of nodes, we have derived an energy model for our algorithm which depicts the total energy consumption in the network. © 2013 Springer-Verlag

    A Comparison between RISC and CISC Microprocessor Architectures

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    - In this paper, we have made a comparison between RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) and CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer.) RISC and CISC are two different types of microprocessor architectures. RISC is a computer microprocessor that uses simple instructions which can be divided into multiple instructions that performs low level operations within a single clock cycle while CISC is a PC processor which utilizes single direction to execute a few low level operations, for example, stacking from memory, a number juggling operation, and a memory store or are fit for multi-step operations or tending to modes inside single guideline. The principle distinction amongst RISC and CISC is in the quantity of figuring cycles each of their directions take. The distinction in the quantity of cycles depends on the intricacy and the objective of their directions

    An Overview of 4G LTE Technologies – A Top down Approach

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    4G LTE design began in 2000 and was first implemented in 2010.commercially in DLTE technology introduced December 2009 by teliasonerain Norway and Sweden came to the U.S. in 2010.Data rates and supportable bandwidths much higher in Forth generation and This has a significant in fact on voice. In cellular telecommunications, the term handover or handoff refers to the process of transferring an ongoing call or data session from one channel connected to the core network to another channel.In This paper we provide a comprehensive overview of Long Term Evolution network evolution.4G technologies are designed to provide IP-based voice, data and multimedia streaming at speeds of at least 100 Mbit per second and up to as fast as 1 Gbitper second

    An Overview of 5G Wireless Networks- Past, Present and Future

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    5G stands for fifth generation mobiles. Fromgeneration 1G to 2.5G and from 3G to 5G this world of telecommunication got improvement along with improve performance with every passing day. Due to this rapid improvement the world become like a little village where we can interact, work, learn and spread our knowledge etc. over the world. This improvement makes our daily life so much easy.By 2020 all networks will support voice, videoand a complex range of communication services for more 9 billion users and billions of connected Around the same time the next generation 5G of telecom technology, equipment and devices will become commercially available.It is the next generation of telecom networks designed to meet a more advanced and complex set of performance requirement. It represents new way of thinking. The main purpose of 5G networks is that, user can simultaneously connect to multiple wireless technologies and can switch between them.5G will offer the service like Documentations, Supporting electronic transmissions such as e-payment-transaction

    The Evolution of Microprocessor Chip: A historic overview of development

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    In this paper we aredescribing the more interesting segments like, external structure of microprocessor chip(the birth of microprocessor) from silicon element becausemost of IT student does not have knowledge about the external structure. Also this paper presentsthe conventional silicon based computing technology for manufacturing of microprocessors but as we know that siliconreached to its upper limit of physical design therefore we also discussed the alternative of silicon in the future to makeprocessor more efficient with changing technology

    Internet of Things (IoTs): Applications in Home Automation

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    Over the last decade in the field of science & technology, the internet has made significant impact in our economies & societies by bringing in remarkable communication & networking infrastructure. In continuation with this pattern, it is ready to develop as a "Web of Things (IoTs)" where the web will give a medium to physical world articles to take an interest in cooperation. Along these lines the computerized data innovation can incorporate the physical world to the online world, to give a typical cooperation stage. The Internet of Things (IoTs) portrays an overall system of intercommunicating gadgets.   It coordinates the worldwide correspondences, general figuring, and likewise the surrounding knowledge. Now, (IoTs) must be viewed as a dream where "things", particularly regular items, for example, almost all home machines additionally furniture, garments, vehicles, streets and shrewd materials, and more, are intelligible, conspicuous, locatable, addressable or controllable through the Internet. This will provide the basis for many new applications, such as energy monitoring, transport safety systems or building security. This vision will surely change with the passage of time, especially as collaborations between Identification Technologies, Wireless Sensor Networks, Intelligent Devices & Nano-technology will enable a number of advanced applications.   The innovative use of technologies is contributing to create a value proposition for Internet of Things stakeholders.We have successfully developed an IoTs system section of home automation applications for automating the AC appliances to be used at domestic level. This type of automation uses wireless communication between user & as well as devices to be used. The main back-end principle behind the communication established between all the devices is of serial type. Here we have also adjusted the developed system in such a way to operate manually the similar appliances, connected with it. It is advantageous in system’s faulty situations & also for new users/guests