A Comparison between RISC and CISC Microprocessor Architectures


- In this paper, we have made a comparison between RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) and CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer.) RISC and CISC are two different types of microprocessor architectures. RISC is a computer microprocessor that uses simple instructions which can be divided into multiple instructions that performs low level operations within a single clock cycle while CISC is a PC processor which utilizes single direction to execute a few low level operations, for example, stacking from memory, a number juggling operation, and a memory store or are fit for multi-step operations or tending to modes inside single guideline. The principle distinction amongst RISC and CISC is in the quantity of figuring cycles each of their directions take. The distinction in the quantity of cycles depends on the intricacy and the objective of their directions

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