18,011 research outputs found

    An Ontology for Product-Service Systems

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    Industries are transforming their business strategy from a product-centric to a more service-centric nature by bundling products and services into integrated solutions to enhance the relationship between their customers. Since Product- Service Systems design research is currently at a rudimentary stage, the development of a robust ontology for this area would be helpful. The advantages of a standardized ontology are that it could help researchers and practitioners to communicate their views without ambiguity and thus encourage the conception and implementation of useful methods and tools. In this paper, an initial structure of a PSS ontology from the design perspective is proposed and evaluated

    Eco‐Holonic 4.0 Circular Business Model to  Conceptualize Sustainable Value Chain Towards  Digital Transition 

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    The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize a circular business model based on an Eco-Holonic Architecture, through the integration of circular economy and holonic principles. A conceptual model is developed to manage the complexity of integrating circular economy principles, digital transformation, and tools and frameworks for sustainability into business models. The proposed architecture is multilevel and multiscale in order to achieve the instantiation of the sustainable value chain in any territory. The architecture promotes the incorporation of circular economy and holonic principles into new circular business models. This integrated perspective of business model can support the design and upgrade of the manufacturing companies in their respective industrial sectors. The conceptual model proposed is based on activity theory that considers the interactions between technical and social systems and allows the mitigation of the metabolic rift that exists between natural and social metabolism. This study contributes to the existing literature on circular economy, circular business models and activity theory by considering holonic paradigm concerns, which have not been explored yet. This research also offers a unique holonic architecture of circular business model by considering different levels, relationships, dynamism and contextualization (territory) aspects

    Integration of e-business strategy for multi-lifecycle production systems

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    Internet use has grown exponentially on the last few years becoming a global communication and business resource. Internet-based business, or e-Business will truly affect every sector of the economy in ways that today we can only imagine. The manufacturing sector will be at the forefront of this change. This doctoral dissertation provides a scientific framework and a set of novel decision support tools for evaluating, modeling, and optimizing the overall performance of e-Business integrated multi-lifecycle production systems. The characteristics of this framework include environmental lifecycle study, environmental performance metrics, hyper-network model of integrated e-supply chain networks, fuzzy multi-objective optimization method, discrete-event simulation approach, and scalable enterprise environmental management system design. The dissertation research reveals that integration of e-Business strategy into production systems can alter current industry practices along a pathway towards sustainability, enhancing resource productivity, improving cost efficiencies and reducing lifecycle environmental impacts. The following research challenges and scholarly accomplishments have been addressed in this dissertation: Identification and analysis of environmental impacts of e-Business. A pioneering environmental lifecycle study on the impact of e-Business is conducted, and fuzzy decision theory is further applied to evaluate e-Business scenarios in order to overcome data uncertainty and information gaps; Understanding, evaluation, and development of environmental performance metrics. Major environmental performance metrics are compared and evaluated. A universal target-based performance metric, developed jointly with a team of industry and university researchers, is evaluated, implemented, and utilized in the methodology framework; Generic framework of integrated e-supply chain network. The framework is based on the most recent research on large complex supply chain network model, but extended to integrate demanufacturers, recyclers, and resellers as supply chain partners. Moreover, The e-Business information network is modeled as a overlaid hypernetwork layer for the supply chain; Fuzzy multi-objective optimization theory and discrete-event simulation methods. The solution methods deal with overall system parameter trade-offs, partner selections, and sustainable decision-making; Architecture design for scalable enterprise environmental management system. This novel system is designed and deployed using knowledge-based ontology theory, and XML techniques within an agent-based structure. The implementation model and system prototype are also provided. The new methodology and framework have the potential of being widely used in system analysis, design and implementation of e-Business enabled engineering systems

    A methodology for designing layered ontology structures

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    Semantic ontologies represent the knowledge from different domains, which is used as a knowledge base by intelligent agents. The creation of ontologies by different developers leads to heterogeneous ontologies, which hampers the interoperability between knowledge-based applications. This interoperability is achieved through global ontologies, which provide a common domain representation. Global ontologies must provide a balance of reusability-usability to minimise the ontology effort in different applications. To achieve this balance, ontology design methodologies focus on designing layered ontologies that classify into abstraction layers the domain knowledge relevant to many applications and the knowledge relevant to specific applications. During the design of the layered ontology structure, the domain knowledge classification is performed from scratch by domain experts and ontology engineers in collaboration with application stakeholders. Hence, the design of reusable and usable ontologies in complex domains takes a significant effort. Software Product Line (SPL) design techniques can be applied to facilitate the domain knowledge classification by analysing the knowledge similarities/differences of existing ontologies. In this context, this thesis aims to define new methodological guidelines to design layered ontology structures that enable to classify the domain knowledge taking as reference existing ontologies, and to apply these guidelines to enable the development of reusable and usable ontologies in complex domains. The MODDALS methodology guides the design of layered ontology structures for reusable and usable ontologies. It brings together SPL engineering techniques and ontology design techniques to enable the classification of the domain knowledge by exploiting the knowledge similarities/differences of existing ontologies. MODDALS eases the design of the layered ontology structure. The MODDALS methodology was evaluated by applying it to design the layered structure of a reusable and usable global ontology for the energy domain. The designed layered structure was taken as reference to develop the ontology. The resulting ontology simplifies the ontology reuse process in different applications. In particular, it reduced the average ontology reuse time by 0.5 and 1.2 person-hours in in two different applications in comparison with a global energy ontology which does not follow a layered structure.Ontologia semantikoak datu domeinu ezberdinen ezagutza irudikatzen dute, agente adimendunek jakintza oinarri bezala erabiltzen dutena. Ontologiak ingeniari desberdinek garatzen dituzte eta heterogeneoak dira, aplikazioen arteko komunikazioa oztopatuz. Komunikazio hau ontologia globalen bidez lortzen da, domeinuaren errepresentazio komun bat ematen baitute. Ontologia globalek berrerabilgarritasunerabilgarritasun oreka eman behar dute aplikazio desberdinetan berrerabiltzeko ahalegina murrizteko. Horretarako, ontologia diseinu metodologiek aplikazio askok erabiltzen duten eta aplikazio zehatzetarako garrantzitsua den ezagutza abstrakzio geruzetan sailkatzea proposatzen dute. Geruza egituraren diseinuan zehar, domeinuko adituek eta ontologiako ingeniariek hutsetik sailkatzen dute jakintza, domeinu konplexuetan ontologia berrerabilgarriak eta erabilgarrien diseinu ahalegina areagotuz. Software produktu lerroak diseinatzeko erabiltzen diren teknikak jakintza sailkatzea erraztu ahal dute, ontologien ezagutza antzekotasunak edo desberdintasunak aztertuz. Testuinguru honetan, honakoa da tesiaren helburua: ezagutza garatutako ontologien arabera sailkatzen duen ontologia berrerabilgarri eta erabilgarrien geruza egitura diseinatzeko metodologia bat garatzea; baita metodologia aplikatu ere, ontologia berrerabilgarri eta erabilgarriak domeinu konplexuetan garatu ahal izateko. MODDALS metodologiak ontologia berrerabilgarri eta erabilgarrien abstrakzio geruzak nola diseinatu azaltzen du. MODDALS-ek software produktu lerro eta ontologia diseinu teknikak aplikatzen ditu ezagutza garatuta dauden ontologien antzekotasunen/desberdintasunen arabera sailkatzeko. Planteamendu honek geruza egitura diseinua errazten du. MODDALS ebaluatu da energia domeinurako ontologia berrerabilgarri eta erabilgarri baten egitura diseinatzeko aplikatuz. Diseinatutako geruza egitura erreferentzia gisa hartu da ontologia gartzeko. Egitura onekin, garatutako ontologia berrerabiltzea errazten du aplikazio desberdinetan. Konkretuki, garatutako ontologiak berrerabilpen denbora 0.5 eta 1.2 pertsona-orduetan murriztu du bi aplikazioetan; geruza egitura jarraitzen ez duen ontologia batekin alderatuz.Las ontologías semánticas representan el conocimiento de diferentes dominios, utilizado como base de conocimiento por agentes inteligentes. Las ontologías son desarrolladas por diferentes ingenieros y son heterogéneas, afectando a la interoperabilidad entre aplicaciones. Esta interoperabilidad se logra mediante ontologías globales que proporcionan una representación común del dominio, las cuales deben proporcionar un balance de reusabilidad-usabilidad para minimizar el esfuerzo de reutilización en diferentes aplicaciones. Para lograr este balance, las metodologías de diseño de ontologías proponen clasificar en capas de abstracción el conocimiento del dominio común a muchas aplicaciones y el que es relevante para aplicaciones específicas. Durante el diseño de la estructura de capas, el conocimiento se clasifica partiendo de cero por expertos del dominio e ingenieros de ontologías. Por lo tanto, el diseño de ontologías reusables y usables en dominios complejos requiere un gran esfuerzo. Las técnicas de diseño de líneas de producto de software pueden facilitar la clasificación del conocimiento analizando las similitudes/diferencias de conocimiento de ontologías existentes. En este contexto, el objetivo de la tesis es crear una metodología de diseño de la estructura de capas para ontologías que permita clasificar el conocimiento tomando como referencia ontologías existentes, y aplicar esta metodología para poder desarrollar ontologías reusables y usables en dominios complejos. La metodología MODDALS explica cómo diseñar estructuras de capas para ontologías reusables y usables. MODDALS adopta técnicas de diseño de líneas de producto en combinación con técnicas de diseño de ontologías para clasificar el conocimiento basándose en las similitudes/diferencias de ontologías existentes. Este enfoque facilita el diseño de la estructura de capas de la ontología. La metodología MODDALS se ha evaluado aplicándola para diseñar la estructura de capas de una ontología global reusable y usable para el dominio de la energía. La estructura de capas diseñada se ha tomado como referencia para desarrollar la ontología. Con esta estructura, la ontología resultante simplifica la reutilización de ontologías en diferentes aplicaciones. En concreto, la ontología redujo el tiempo de reutilización en 0.5 y 1.2 personas-hora en dos aplicaciones respecto a una ontología global que no sigue una estructura por capas

    Implementation of an Energy Management System in Colombian Manufacturing - A Methodological Approach

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    This paper aims to analyze mechanisms such as the Energy management systems approach in industry 4.0. The paper is a review of techniques for optimizing energy consumption with energy efficiency, advanced metering infrastructure and rational and efficient use of energy to reduce the pollution as well as to strengthen Industry 4.0 models and the monitoring and management opportunities that exist with the implementation of this models in Colombia.Universidad Tecnológica de Bolíva