6,242 research outputs found

    The importance of quantum decoherence in brain processes

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    Based on a calculation of neural decoherence rates, we argue that that the degrees of freedom of the human brain that relate to cognitive processes should be thought of as a classical rather than quantum system, i.e., that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the current classical approach to neural network simulations. We find that the decoherence timescales ~10^{-13}-10^{-20} seconds are typically much shorter than the relevant dynamical timescales (~0.001-0.1 seconds), both for regular neuron firing and for kink-like polarization excitations in microtubules. This conclusion disagrees with suggestions by Penrose and others that the brain acts as a quantum computer, and that quantum coherence is related to consciousness in a fundamental way.Comment: Minor changes to match accepted PRE version. 15 pages with 5 figs included. Color figures and links at http://www.physics.upenn.edu/~max/brain.html or from [email protected]. Physical Review E, in pres

    Magnetic Cellular Nonlinear Network with Spin Wave Bus for Image Processing

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    We describe and analyze a cellular nonlinear network based on magnetic nanostructures for image processing. The network consists of magneto-electric cells integrated onto a common ferromagnetic film - spin wave bus. The magneto-electric cell is an artificial two-phase multiferroic structure comprising piezoelectric and ferromagnetic materials. A bit of information is assigned to the cell's magnetic polarization, which can be controlled by the applied voltage. The information exchange among the cells is via the spin waves propagating in the spin wave bus. Each cell changes its state as a combined effect of two: the magneto-electric coupling and the interaction with the spin waves. The distinct feature of the network with spin wave bus is the ability to control the inter-cell communication by an external global parameter - magnetic field. The latter makes possible to realize different image processing functions on the same template without rewiring or reconfiguration. We present the results of numerical simulations illustrating image filtering, erosion, dilation, horizontal and vertical line detection, inversion and edge detection accomplished on one template by the proper choice of the strength and direction of the external magnetic field. We also present numerical assets on the major network parameters such as cell density, power dissipation and functional throughput, and compare them with the parameters projected for other nano-architectures such as CMOL-CrossNet, Quantum Dot Cellular Automata, and Quantum Dot Image Processor. Potentially, the utilization of spin waves phenomena at the nanometer scale may provide a route to low-power consuming and functional logic circuits for special task data processing

    QED-Cavity model of microtubules implies dissipationless energy transfer and biological quantum teleportation

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    We refine a QED-cavity model of microtubules (MTs), proposed earlier by two of the authors (N.E.M. and D.V.N.), and suggest mechanisms for the formation of biomolecular mesoscopic coherent and/or entangled quantum states, which may avoid decoherence for times comparable to biological characteristic times. This refined model predicts dissipationless energy transfer along such "shielded" macromolecules at near room temperatures as well as quantum teleportation of states across MTs and perhaps neurons.Comment: 20 pages LATEX, three ps figures incorporate

    GaAs optoelectronic neuron arrays

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    A simple optoelectronic circuit integrated monolithically in GaAs to implement sigmoidal neuron responses is presented. The circuit integrates a light-emitting diode with one or two transistors and one or two photodetectors. The design considerations for building arrays with densities of up to 10^4 cm^-2 are discussed

    Neural-Network Approach to Dissipative Quantum Many-Body Dynamics

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    In experimentally realistic situations, quantum systems are never perfectly isolated and the coupling to their environment needs to be taken into account. Often, the effect of the environment can be well approximated by a Markovian master equation. However, solving this master equation for quantum many-body systems, becomes exceedingly hard due to the high dimension of the Hilbert space. Here we present an approach to the effective simulation of the dynamics of open quantum many-body systems based on machine learning techniques. We represent the mixed many-body quantum states with neural networks in the form of restricted Boltzmann machines and derive a variational Monte-Carlo algorithm for their time evolution and stationary states. We document the accuracy of the approach with numerical examples for a dissipative spin lattice system