690 research outputs found

    Quantum graphs with singular two-particle interactions

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    We construct quantum models of two particles on a compact metric graph with singular two-particle interactions. The Hamiltonians are self-adjoint realisations of Laplacians acting on functions defined on pairs of edges in such a way that the interaction is provided by boundary conditions. In order to find such Hamiltonians closed and semi-bounded quadratic forms are constructed, from which the associated self-adjoint operators are extracted. We provide a general characterisation of such operators and, furthermore, produce certain classes of examples. We then consider identical particles and project to the bosonic and fermionic subspaces. Finally, we show that the operators possess purely discrete spectra and that the eigenvalues are distributed following an appropriate Weyl asymptotic law

    On monoids of endomorphisms of a cycle graph

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    In this paper we consider endomorphisms of an undirected cycle graph from Semigroup Theory perspective. Our main aim is to present a process to determine sets of generators with minimal cardinality for the monoids wEnd(Cn)wEnd(C_n) and End(Cn)End(C_n) of all weak endomorphisms and all endomorphisms of an undirected cycle graph CnC_n with nn vertices. We also describe Green's relations and regularity of these monoids and calculate their cardinalities

    KK-theory of Leavitt path algebras

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    Let EE be a row-finite quiver and let E0E_0 be the set of vertices of EE; consider the adjacency matrix NEâ€Č=(nij)∈Z(E0×E0)N'_E=(n_{ij})\in\Z^{(E_0\times E_0)}, n_{ij}=#\{ arrows from ii to j}j\}. Write NEtN^t_E and 1 for the matrices \in \Z^{(E_0\times E_0\setminus\Sink(E))} which result from NEâ€ČtN'^t_E and from the identity matrix after removing the columns corresponding to sinks. We consider the KK-theory of the Leavitt algebra LR(E)=LZ(E)⊗RL_R(E)=L_\Z(E)\otimes R. We show that if RR is either a Noetherian regular ring or a stable C∗C^*-algebra, then there is an exact sequence (n∈Zn\in\Z) K_n(R)^{(E_0\setminus\Sink(E))}\stackrel{1-N_E^t}{\longrightarrow} K_n(R)^{(E_0)}\to K_n(L_R(E))\to K_{n-1}(R)^{(E_0\setminus\Sink(E))} We also show that for general RR, the obstruction for having a sequence as above is measured by twisted nil-KK-groups. If we replace KK-theory by homotopy algebraic KK-theory, the obstructions dissapear, and we get, for every ring RR, a long exact sequence KH_n(R)^{(E_0\setminus\Sink(E))}\stackrel{1-N_E^t}{\longrightarrow}KH_n(R)^{(E_0)}\to KH_n(L_R(E))\to KH_{n-1}(R)^{(E_0\setminus\Sink(E))} We also compare, for a C∗C^*-algebra \fA, the algebraic KK-theory of L_\fA(E) with the topological KK-theory of the Cuntz-Krieger algebra C^*_\fA(E). We show that the map K_n(L_\fA(E))\to K^{\top}_n(C^*_\fA(E)) is an isomorphism if \fA is stable and n∈Zn\in\Z, and also if \fA=\C, n≄0n\ge 0, EE is finite with no sinks, and det⁥(1−NEt)≠0\det(1-N_E^t)\ne 0.Comment: 30 page

    Area theorem and smoothness of compact Cauchy horizons

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    We obtain an improved version of the area theorem for not necessarily differentiable horizons which, in conjunction with a recent result on the completeness of generators, allows us to prove that under the null energy condition every compactly generated Cauchy horizon is smooth and compact. We explore the consequences of this result for time machines, topology change, black holes and cosmic censorship. For instance, it is shown that compact Cauchy horizons cannot form in a non-empty spacetime which satisfies the stable dominant energy condition wherever there is some source content.Comment: 44 pages. v2: added Sect. 2.4 on the propagation of singularities and a second version of the area theorem (Theor. 14) which quantifies the area increase due to the jump se

    Topological Sectors and a Dichotomy in Conformal Field Theory

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    Let A be a local conformal net of factors on the circle with the split property. We provide a topological construction of soliton representations of the tensor product of n copies of A, that restrict to true representations of subnet inviant under cyclic permutations (cyclic orbifold). We prove a quantum index theorem for our sectors relating the Jones index to a topological degree. Then A is not completely rational iff the the cyclic orbifold has an irreducible representation with infinite index. This implies the following dichotomy: if all irreducible sectors of A have a conjugate sector then either A is completely rational or A has uncountably many different irreducible sectors. Thus A is rational iff A is completely rational. In particular, if the mu-index of A finite then A turns out to be strongly additive. By [KLM], if A is rational then the tensor category of representations of A is automatically modular, namely the braiding symmetry is non-degenerate. In interesting cases, we compute the fusion rules of the topological solitons and show that they determine all twisted sectors of the cyclic orbifold.Comment: 50 pages, Latex; minor correction
