20,837 research outputs found

    TransVOD: End-to-End Video Object Detection with Spatial-Temporal Transformers

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    Detection Transformer (DETR) and Deformable DETR have been proposed to eliminate the need for many hand-designed components in object detection while demonstrating good performance as previous complex hand-crafted detectors. However, their performance on Video Object Detection (VOD) has not been well explored. In this paper, we present TransVOD, the first end-to-end video object detection system based on spatial-temporal Transformer architectures. The first goal of this paper is to streamline the pipeline of VOD, effectively removing the need for many hand-crafted components for feature aggregation, e.g., optical flow model, relation networks. Besides, benefited from the object query design in DETR, our method does not need complicated post-processing methods such as Seq-NMS. In particular, we present a temporal Transformer to aggregate both the spatial object queries and the feature memories of each frame. Our temporal transformer consists of two components: Temporal Query Encoder (TQE) to fuse object queries, and Temporal Deformable Transformer Decoder (TDTD) to obtain current frame detection results. These designs boost the strong baseline deformable DETR by a significant margin (3%-4% mAP) on the ImageNet VID dataset. Then, we present two improved versions of TransVOD including TransVOD++ and TransVOD Lite. The former fuses object-level information into object query via dynamic convolution while the latter models the entire video clips as the output to speed up the inference time. We give detailed analysis of all three models in the experiment part. In particular, our proposed TransVOD++ sets a new state-of-the-art record in terms of accuracy on ImageNet VID with 90.0% mAP. Our proposed TransVOD Lite also achieves the best speed and accuracy trade-off with 83.7% mAP while running at around 30 FPS on a single V100 GPU device.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), extended version of arXiv:2105.1092

    MSF3DDETR: Multi-Sensor Fusion 3D Detection Transformer for Autonomous Driving

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    3D object detection is a significant task for autonomous driving. Recently with the progress of vision transformers, the 2D object detection problem is being treated with the set-to-set loss. Inspired by these approaches on 2D object detection and an approach for multi-view 3D object detection DETR3D, we propose MSF3DDETR: Multi-Sensor Fusion 3D Detection Transformer architecture to fuse image and LiDAR features to improve the detection accuracy. Our end-to-end single-stage, anchor-free and NMS-free network takes in multi-view images and LiDAR point clouds and predicts 3D bounding boxes. Firstly, we link the object queries learnt from data to the image and LiDAR features using a novel MSF3DDETR cross-attention block. Secondly, the object queries interacts with each other in multi-head self-attention block. Finally, MSF3DDETR block is repeated for LL number of times to refine the object queries. The MSF3DDETR network is trained end-to-end on the nuScenes dataset using Hungarian algorithm based bipartite matching and set-to-set loss inspired by DETR. We present both quantitative and qualitative results which are competitive to the state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted at the ICPR 2022 Workshop DLVDR202

    Focused Decoding Enables 3D Anatomical Detection by Transformers

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    Detection Transformers represent end-to-end object detection approaches based on a Transformer encoder-decoder architecture, exploiting the attention mechanism for global relation modeling. Although Detection Transformers deliver results on par with or even superior to their highly optimized CNN-based counterparts operating on 2D natural images, their success is closely coupled to access to a vast amount of training data. This, however, restricts the feasibility of employing Detection Transformers in the medical domain, as access to annotated data is typically limited. To tackle this issue and facilitate the advent of medical Detection Transformers, we propose a novel Detection Transformer for 3D anatomical structure detection, dubbed Focused Decoder. Focused Decoder leverages information from an anatomical region atlas to simultaneously deploy query anchors and restrict the crossattention’s field of view to regions of interest, which allows for a precise focus on relevant anatomical structures. We evaluate our proposed approach on two publicly available CT datasets and demonstrate that Focused Decoder not only provides strong detection results and thus alleviates the need for a vast amount of annotated data but also exhibits exceptional and highly intuitive explainability of results via attention weights. Our code is available at https://github.com/bwittmann/transoar

    Focused Decoding Enables 3D Anatomical Detection by Transformers

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    Detection Transformers represent end-to-end object detection approaches based on a Transformer encoder-decoder architecture, exploiting the attention mechanism for global relation modeling. Although Detection Transformers deliver results on par with or even superior to their highly optimized CNN-based counterparts operating on 2D natural images, their success is closely coupled to access to a vast amount of training data. This, however, restricts the feasibility of employing Detection Transformers in the medical domain, as access to annotated data is typically limited. To tackle this issue and facilitate the advent of medical Detection Transformers, we propose a novel Detection Transformer for 3D anatomical structure detection, dubbed Focused Decoder. Focused Decoder leverages information from an anatomical region atlas to simultaneously deploy query anchors and restrict the cross-attention's field of view to regions of interest, which allows for a precise focus on relevant anatomical structures. We evaluate our proposed approach on two publicly available CT datasets and demonstrate that Focused Decoder not only provides strong detection results and thus alleviates the need for a vast amount of annotated data but also exhibits exceptional and highly intuitive explainability of results via attention weights. Code for Focused Decoder is available in our medical Vision Transformer library this http URL

    Focused Decoding Enables 3D Anatomical Detection by Transformers

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    Detection Transformers represent end-to-end object detection approaches based on a Transformer encoder-decoder architecture, exploiting the attention mechanism for global relation modeling. Although Detection Transformers deliver results on par with or even superior to their highly optimized CNN-based counterparts operating on 2D natural images, their success is closely coupled to access to a vast amount of training data. This, however, restricts the feasibility of employing Detection Transformers in the medical domain, as access to annotated data is typically limited. To tackle this issue and facilitate the advent of medical Detection Transformers, we propose a novel Detection Transformer for 3D anatomical structure detection, dubbed Focused Decoder. Focused Decoder leverages information from an anatomical region atlas to simultaneously deploy query anchors and restrict the cross-attention's field of view to regions of interest, which allows for a precise focus on relevant anatomical structures. We evaluate our proposed approach on two publicly available CT datasets and demonstrate that Focused Decoder not only provides strong detection results and thus alleviates the need for a vast amount of annotated data but also exhibits exceptional and highly intuitive explainability of results via attention weights. Our code is available at https://github.com/bwittmann/transoar.Comment: Accepted for publication at the Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging (MELBA) https://melba-journal.org/2023:00

    YOLOPose V2: Understanding and Improving Transformer-based 6D Pose Estimation

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    6D object pose estimation is a crucial prerequisite for autonomous robot manipulation applications. The state-of-the-art models for pose estimation are convolutional neural network (CNN)-based. Lately, Transformers, an architecture originally proposed for natural language processing, is achieving state-of-the-art results in many computer vision tasks as well. Equipped with the multi-head self-attention mechanism, Transformers enable simple single-stage end-to-end architectures for learning object detection and 6D object pose estimation jointly. In this work, we propose YOLOPose (short form for You Only Look Once Pose estimation), a Transformer-based multi-object 6D pose estimation method based on keypoint regression and an improved variant of the YOLOPose model. In contrast to the standard heatmaps for predicting keypoints in an image, we directly regress the keypoints. Additionally, we employ a learnable orientation estimation module to predict the orientation from the keypoints. Along with a separate translation estimation module, our model is end-to-end differentiable. Our method is suitable for real-time applications and achieves results comparable to state-of-the-art methods. We analyze the role of object queries in our architecture and reveal that the object queries specialize in detecting objects in specific image regions. Furthermore, we quantify the accuracy trade-off of using datasets of smaller sizes to train our model.Comment: Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, Elsevier, to appear 2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2205.0253

    NMS Strikes Back

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    Detection Transformer (DETR) directly transforms queries to unique objects by using one-to-one bipartite matching during training and enables end-to-end object detection. Recently, these models have surpassed traditional detectors on COCO with undeniable elegance. However, they differ from traditional detectors in multiple designs, including model architecture and training schedules, and thus the effectiveness of one-to-one matching is not fully understood. In this work, we conduct a strict comparison between the one-to-one Hungarian matching in DETRs and the one-to-many label assignments in traditional detectors with non-maximum supervision (NMS). Surprisingly, we observe one-to-many assignments with NMS consistently outperform standard one-to-one matching under the same setting, with a significant gain of up to 2.5 mAP. Our detector that trains Deformable-DETR with traditional IoU-based label assignment achieved 50.2 COCO mAP within 12 epochs (1x schedule) with ResNet50 backbone, outperforming all existing traditional or transformer-based detectors in this setting. On multiple datasets, schedules, and architectures, we consistently show bipartite matching is unnecessary for performant detection transformers. Furthermore, we attribute the success of detection transformers to their expressive transformer architecture. Code is available at https://github.com/jozhang97/DETA.Comment: Code is available at https://github.com/jozhang97/DET

    Vision Transformer with Quadrangle Attention

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    Window-based attention has become a popular choice in vision transformers due to its superior performance, lower computational complexity, and less memory footprint. However, the design of hand-crafted windows, which is data-agnostic, constrains the flexibility of transformers to adapt to objects of varying sizes, shapes, and orientations. To address this issue, we propose a novel quadrangle attention (QA) method that extends the window-based attention to a general quadrangle formulation. Our method employs an end-to-end learnable quadrangle regression module that predicts a transformation matrix to transform default windows into target quadrangles for token sampling and attention calculation, enabling the network to model various targets with different shapes and orientations and capture rich context information. We integrate QA into plain and hierarchical vision transformers to create a new architecture named QFormer, which offers minor code modifications and negligible extra computational cost. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks demonstrate that QFormer outperforms existing representative vision transformers on various vision tasks, including classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and pose estimation. The code will be made publicly available at \href{https://github.com/ViTAE-Transformer/QFormer}{QFormer}.Comment: 15 pages, the extension of the ECCV 2022 paper (VSA: Learning Varied-Size Window Attention in Vision Transformers
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