6 research outputs found

    Learning task-specific features for 3D pointcloud graph creation

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    Processing 3D pointclouds with Deep Learning methods is not an easy task. A common choice is to do so with Graph Neural Networks, but this framework involves the creation of edges between points, which are explicitly not related between them. Historically, naive and handcrafted methods like k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) or query ball point over xyz features have been proposed, focusing more attention on improving the network than improving the graph. In this work, we propose a more principled way of creating a graph from a 3D pointcloud. Our method is based on performing k-NN over a transformation of the input 3D pointcloud. This transformation is done by an Multi-Later Perceptron (MLP) with learnable parameters that is optimized through backpropagation jointly with the rest of the network. We also introduce a regularization method based on stress minimization, which allows to control how distant is the learnt graph from our baseline: k-NN over xyz space. This framework is tested on ModelNet40, where graphs generated by our network outperformed the baseline by 0.3 points in overall accuracy

    SphereNet: Learning a Noise-Robust and General Descriptor for Point Cloud Registration

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    Point cloud registration is to estimate a transformation to align point clouds collected in different perspectives. In learning-based point cloud registration, a robust descriptor is vital for high-accuracy registration. However, most methods are susceptible to noise and have poor generalization ability on unseen datasets. Motivated by this, we introduce SphereNet to learn a noise-robust and unseen-general descriptor for point cloud registration. In our method, first, the spheroid generator builds a geometric domain based on spherical voxelization to encode initial features. Then, the spherical interpolation of the sphere is introduced to realize robustness against noise. Finally, a new spherical convolutional neural network with spherical integrity padding completes the extraction of descriptors, which reduces the loss of features and fully captures the geometric features. To evaluate our methods, a new benchmark 3DMatch-noise with strong noise is introduced. Extensive experiments are carried out on both indoor and outdoor datasets. Under high-intensity noise, SphereNet increases the feature matching recall by more than 25 percentage points on 3DMatch-noise. In addition, it sets a new state-of-the-art performance for the 3DMatch and 3DLoMatch benchmarks with 93.5\% and 75.6\% registration recall and also has the best generalization ability on unseen datasets.Comment: 15 pages, under review for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolog