14 research outputs found

    End-to-End Knowledge-Routed Relational Dialogue System for Automatic Diagnosis

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    Beyond current conversational chatbots or task-oriented dialogue systems that have attracted increasing attention, we move forward to develop a dialogue system for automatic medical diagnosis that converses with patients to collect additional symptoms beyond their self-reports and automatically makes a diagnosis. Besides the challenges for conversational dialogue systems (e.g. topic transition coherency and question understanding), automatic medical diagnosis further poses more critical requirements for the dialogue rationality in the context of medical knowledge and symptom-disease relations. Existing dialogue systems (Madotto, Wu, and Fung 2018; Wei et al. 2018; Li et al. 2017) mostly rely on data-driven learning and cannot be able to encode extra expert knowledge graph. In this work, we propose an End-to-End Knowledge-routed Relational Dialogue System (KR-DS) that seamlessly incorporates rich medical knowledge graph into the topic transition in dialogue management, and makes it cooperative with natural language understanding and natural language generation. A novel Knowledge-routed Deep Q-network (KR-DQN) is introduced to manage topic transitions, which integrates a relational refinement branch for encoding relations among different symptoms and symptom-disease pairs, and a knowledge-routed graph branch for topic decision-making. Extensive experiments on a public medical dialogue dataset show our KR-DS significantly beats state-of-the-art methods (by more than 8% in diagnosis accuracy). We further show the superiority of our KR-DS on a newly collected medical dialogue system dataset, which is more challenging retaining original self-reports and conversational data between patients and doctors.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figues, AAA

    MKA: A Scalable Medical Knowledge Assisted Mechanism for Generative Models on Medical Conversation Tasks

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    Using natural language processing (NLP) technologies to develop medical chatbots makes the diagnosis of the patient more convenient and efficient, which is a typical application in healthcare AI. Because of its importance, lots of research have been come out. Recently, the neural generative models have shown their impressive ability as the core of chatbot, while it cannot scale well when directly applied to medical conversation due to the lack of medical-specific knowledge. To address the limitation, a scalable Medical Knowledge Assisted mechanism, MKA, is proposed in this paper. The mechanism aims to assist general neural generative models to achieve better performance on the medical conversation task. The medical-specific knowledge graph is designed within the mechanism, which contains 6 types of medical-related information, including department, drug, check, symptom, disease, food. Besides, the specific token concatenation policy is defined to effectively inject medical information into the input data. Evaluation of our method is carried out on two typical medical datasets, MedDG and MedDialog-CN. The evaluation results demonstrate that models combined with our mechanism outperform original methods in multiple automatic evaluation metrics. Besides, MKA-Bert-GPT achieves state-of-the-art performance. The open-sourced codes are public: https://github.com/LIANGKE23/Knowledge_Assisted_Medical_Dialogue_Generation_Mechanis

    Trends and Overview: The Potential of Conversational Agents in Digital Health

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    With the COVID-19 pandemic serving as a trigger, 2020 saw an unparalleled global expansion of tele-health [23]. Tele-health successfully lowers the need for in-person consultations and, thus, the danger of contracting a virus. While the COVID-19 pandemic sped up the adoption of virtual healthcare delivery in numerous nations, it also accelerated the creation of a wide range of other different technology-enabled systems and procedures for providing virtual healthcare to patients. Rightly so, the COVID-19 has brought many difficulties for patients (https://www.who.int/news/item/02-03-2022-covid-19-pandemic-triggers-25-increase-in-prevalence-of-anxiety-and-depression-worldwide ) who need continuing care and monitoring for mental health issues and/or other chronic diseases

    Learning Health-Bots from Training Data that was Automatically Created using Paraphrase Detection and Expert Knowledge

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    International audienceA key bottleneck for developing dialog models is the lack of adequate training data. Due to privacy issues, dialog data is even scarcer in the health domain. We propose a novel method for creating dialog corpora which we apply to create doctor-patient interaction data. We use this data to learn both a generation and a hybrid classification/retrieval model and find that the generation model consistently outperforms the hybrid model. We show that our data creation method has several advantages. Not only does it allow for the semi-automatic creation of large quantities of training data. It also provides a natural way of guiding learning and a novel method for assessing the quality of human-machine interactions

    HuatuoGPT, towards Taming Language Model to Be a Doctor

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    In this paper, we present HuatuoGPT, a large language model (LLM) for medical consultation. The core recipe of HuatuoGPT is to leverage both \textit{distilled data from ChatGPT} and \textit{real-world data from doctors} in the supervised fine-tuned stage. The responses of ChatGPT are usually detailed, well-presented and informative while it cannot perform like a doctor in many aspects, e.g. for integrative diagnosis. We argue that real-world data from doctors would be complementary to distilled data in the sense the former could tame a distilled language model to perform like doctors. To better leverage the strengths of both data, we train a reward model to align the language model with the merits that both data bring, following an RLAIF (reinforced learning from AI feedback) fashion. To evaluate and benchmark the models, we propose a comprehensive evaluation scheme (including automatic and manual metrics). Experimental results demonstrate that HuatuoGPT achieves state-of-the-art results in performing medical consultation among open-source LLMs in GPT-4 evaluation, human evaluation, and medical benchmark datasets. It is worth noting that by using additional real-world data and RLAIF, the distilled language model (i.e., HuatuoGPT) outperforms its teacher model ChatGPT in most cases. Our code, data, and models are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/FreedomIntelligence/HuatuoGPT}. The online demo is available at \url{https://www.HuatuoGPT.cn/}