3,682 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Learning for Multi-Image Synthesis

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    Machine learning-based approaches have been achieving state-of-the-art results on many computer vision tasks. While deep learning and convolutional networks have been incredibly popular, these approaches come at the expense of huge amounts of labeled data required for training. Manually annotating large amounts of data, often millions of images in a single dataset, is costly and time consuming. To deal with the problem of data annotation, the research community has been exploring approaches that require less amount of labelled data. The central problem that we consider in this research is image synthesis without any manual labeling. Image synthesis is a classic computer vision task that requires understanding of image contents and their semantic and geometric properties. We propose that we can train image synthesis models by relying on sequences of videos and using weakly supervised learning. Large amounts of unlabeled data are freely available on the internet. We propose to set up the training in a multi-image setting so that we can use one of the images as the target - this allows us to rely only on images for training and removes the need for manual annotations. We demonstrate three main contributions in this work. First, we present a method of fusing multiple noisy overhead images to make a single, artifact-free image. We present a weakly supervised method that relies on crowd-sourced labels from online maps and a completely unsupervised variant that only requires a series of satellite images as inputs. Second, we propose a single-image novel view synthesis method for complex, outdoor scenes. We propose a learning-based method that uses pairs of nearby images captured on urban roads and their respective GPS coordinates as supervision. We show that a model trained with this automatically captured data can render a new view of a scene that can be as far as 10 meters from the input image. Third, we consider the problem of synthesizing new images of a scene under different conditions, such as time of day and season, based on a single input image. As opposed to existing methods, we do not need manual annotations for transient attributes, such as fog or snow, for training. We train our model by using streams of images captured from outdoor webcams and time-lapse videos. Through these applications, we show several settings where we can train state-of-the-art deep learning methods without manual annotations. This work focuses on three image synthesis tasks. We propose weakly supervised learning and remove requirements for manual annotations by relying on sequences of images. Our approach is in line with the research efforts that aim to minimize the labels required for training machine learning methods

    Self-supervised Outdoor Scene Relighting

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    Outdoor scene relighting is a challenging problem that requires good understanding of the scene geometry, illumination and albedo. Current techniques are completely supervised, requiring high quality synthetic renderings to train a solution. Such renderings are synthesized using priors learned from limited data. In contrast, we propose a self-supervised approach for relighting. Our approach is trained only on corpora of images collected from the internet without any user-supervision. This virtually endless source of training data allows training a general relighting solution. Our approach first decomposes an image into its albedo, geometry and illumination. A novel relighting is then produced by modifying the illumination parameters. Our solution capture shadow using a dedicated shadow prediction map, and does not rely on accurate geometry estimation. We evaluate our technique subjectively and objectively using a new dataset with ground-truth relighting. Results show the ability of our technique to produce photo-realistic and physically plausible results, that generalizes to unseen scenes.Comment: Published in ECCV '20, http://gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/SelfRelight

    Manipulating Attributes of Natural Scenes via Hallucination

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    In this study, we explore building a two-stage framework for enabling users to directly manipulate high-level attributes of a natural scene. The key to our approach is a deep generative network which can hallucinate images of a scene as if they were taken at a different season (e.g. during winter), weather condition (e.g. in a cloudy day) or time of the day (e.g. at sunset). Once the scene is hallucinated with the given attributes, the corresponding look is then transferred to the input image while preserving the semantic details intact, giving a photo-realistic manipulation result. As the proposed framework hallucinates what the scene will look like, it does not require any reference style image as commonly utilized in most of the appearance or style transfer approaches. Moreover, it allows to simultaneously manipulate a given scene according to a diverse set of transient attributes within a single model, eliminating the need of training multiple networks per each translation task. Our comprehensive set of qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach against the competing methods.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Graphic

    Time-of-Day Neural Style Transfer for Architectural Photographs

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    Architectural photography is a genre of photography that focuses on capturing a building or structure in the foreground with dramatic lighting in the background. Inspired by recent successes in image-to-image translation methods, we aim to perform style transfer for architectural photographs. However, the special composition in architectural photography poses great challenges for style transfer in this type of photographs. Existing neural style transfer methods treat the architectural images as a single entity, which would generate mismatched chrominance and destroy geometric features of the original architecture, yielding unrealistic lighting, wrong color rendition, and visual artifacts such as ghosting, appearance distortion, or color mismatching. In this paper, we specialize a neural style transfer method for architectural photography. Our method addresses the composition of the foreground and background in an architectural photograph in a two-branch neural network that separately considers the style transfer of the foreground and the background, respectively. Our method comprises a segmentation module, a learning-based image-to-image translation module, and an image blending optimization module. We trained our image-to-image translation neural network with a new dataset of unconstrained outdoor architectural photographs captured at different magic times of a day, utilizing additional semantic information for better chrominance matching and geometry preservation. Our experiments show that our method can produce photorealistic lighting and color rendition on both the foreground and background, and outperforms general image-to-image translation and arbitrary style transfer baselines quantitatively and qualitatively. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/hkust-vgd/architectural_style_transfer.Comment: Updated version with corrected equations. Paper published at the International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2022. 12 pages of content with 6 pages of supplementary material

    Data-driven hallucination of different times of day from a single outdoor photo

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    We introduce "time hallucination": synthesizing a plausible image at a different time of day from an input image. This challenging task often requires dramatically altering the color appearance of the picture. In this paper, we introduce the first data-driven approach to automatically creating a plausible-looking photo that appears as though it were taken at a different time of day. The time of day is specified by a semantic time label, such as "night". Our approach relies on a database of time-lapse videos of various scenes. These videos provide rich information about the variations in color appearance of a scene throughout the day. Our method transfers the color appearance from videos with a similar scene as the input photo. We propose a locally affine model learned from the video for the transfer, allowing our model to synthesize new color data while retaining image details. We show that this model can hallucinate a wide range of different times of day. The model generates a large sparse linear system, which can be solved by off-the-shelf solvers. We validate our methods by synthesizing transforming photos of various outdoor scenes to four times of interest: daytime, the golden hour, the blue hour, and nighttime.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF No.0964004)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF CGV-1111415