77 research outputs found

    MODELING OF SPATIAL DATABASE FOR GEOTECNICAL DATA: Modelagem de banco de dados espaciais para dados geotécnicos

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    Geotechnical data is often produced and managed by several producers in isolation, in their own formats and standards, which aim to meet the unique needs of specific users. In the Federal District in Brazil there is a large amount of geotechnical data from academic research, public and private sector, but the Government of the Federal District does not have adequate geotechnical information management despite using of that information constantly. This work presents a conceptual model of a geotechnical database, more specifically for field investigations and laboratory tests. For modeling the object modeling technique for geographic application, adopted by the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federal District (IDE / DF), was used and compatible with the specifications approved by the National Cartography Commission, which defines data structure standards for large-scale topographic surveys facilitating the sharing of spatial data, interoperability and the rationalization of resources between producers and users of data and information map between different institutions. This approach will allow the implementation of the geotechnical data model proposed at SDB/DF and its future integration with National Spatial Data Bank (NSDB).Os dados geotécnicos frequentemente são produzidos e gerenciados por diversos produtores de forma isolada, em formatos e padrões próprios, os quais visam atender única e exclusivamente às necessidades individuais de usuários específicos. No Distrito Federal existe uma grande quantidade de dados geotécnicos oriundos de pesquisas acadêmicas, órgãos executores de obras e do setor privado, mas o Governo do Distrito Federal não dispõe de uma gestão de informações geotécnicas adequada apesar de utilizar constantemente essas informações. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta modelo conceitual de banco de dados geotécnicos, mais especificamente para investigações de campo e ensaios de laboratório. Para a modelagem foi utilizado a Técnica de Modelagem de Objetos para Aplicações Geográficas, adotado pela Infraestrutura de Dados Espaciais do Distrito Federal (IDE/DF), e compatível com as especificações homologadas pela Comissão Nacional de Cartografia, que define padrões de estrutura de dados para levantamentos topográficos de grandes escalas facilitando o compartilhamento de dados espaciais, a interoperabilidade e a racionalização de recursos entre os produtores e usuários de dados e informação cartográfica entre diferentes instituições. Essa abordagem permitirá a implantação do modelo de dados geotécnicos proposto na IDE/DF e a sua integração futura com a Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Espaciais (INDE)

    Linking social, open, and enterprise data

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    Towards an Ontology-based Integration of Federated Information Sources

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    Integrating data from a Federated System is a very complex process that involves a series of tasks. Characteristics such as autonomy of the information sources, their geographical distribution and heterogeneity are some of the main problems we face to perform the integration. In this paper we focus on the problem of heterogeneity, more specifically on semantic heterogeneity. The semantic heterogeneity makes the integration difficult because of its bearing problems on synonymous, generalization/specialization, etc. Here, we briefly explain our three level approach to solve these problems. Then we show the structure of software components used to implement our supporting tool.Eje: Ingeniería en SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A Survey of Arabic Text Classification Models

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    There is a huge content of Arabic text available over online that requires an organization of these texts. As result, here are many applications of natural languages processing (NLP) that concerns with text organization. One of the is text classification (TC). TC helps to make dealing with unorganized text. However, it is easier to classify them into suitable class or labels. This paper is a survey of Arabic text classification. Also, it presents comparison among different methods in the classification of Arabic texts, where Arabic text is represented a complex text due to its vocabularies. Arabic language is one of the richest languages in the world, where it has many linguistic bases. The researche in Arabic language processing is very few compared to English. As a result, these problems represent challenges in the classification, and organization of specific Arabic text. Text classification (TC) helps to access the most documents, or information that has already classified into specific classes, or categories to one or more classes or categories. In addition, classification of documents facilitate search engine to decrease the amount of document to, and then to become easier to search and matching with queries

    A Diagrammatic Logic for Object-Oriented Visual Modeling

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    Formal generalized sketches is a graph-based specification format that borrows its main ideas from categorical and ordinary first-order logic, and adapts them to software engineering needs. In the engineering jargon, it is a modeling language design pattern that combines mathematical rigor and appealing graphical appearance. The paper presents a careful motivation and justification of the applicability of generalized sketches for formalizing practical modeling notations. We extend the sketch formalism by dependencies between predicate symbols and develop new semantic notions based on the Instances-as-typed-structures idea. We show that this new framework fits in the general patterns of the institution theory and is well amenable to algebraic manipulations. Keywords: Diagrammatic modeling; model management; generic logic; categorical logic; diagram predicate; categorical sketchpublishedVersio


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    Several scientific projects focused on the creation of Peer-to-Peer data management system. The main objective of these systems is to allow data sharing and integration among a large set of distributed, heterogeneous data sources. The emergence of large scale systems provides solutions and brings to surface new challenging unsolved problems, among which, we address the data integration problem. In order to address this problem, we propose a new data integration approach that allows the semantic integration of heterogeneous and distributed data sources in a Peer-to-Peer environment with high distribution and evolution support. In this paper, we provide an introduction to the approaches; problems and research issues encountered when dealing with data integration.We present our approach and describe the several methods for constructing a global index that is the core of our approach by using semantic similarities. We end our work by an application example

    What is Information? Tiptoeing Towards The Philosophy of Information Systems

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    The Philosophy of Information Systems should define the components of the field and how knowledge is developed, advanced and justified. This is a bold undertaking but begins with establishing a definition for information which can provide a foundation for further definition of the field. This paper addresses the question – What is Information – and, in doing so attempts to define a core component of the field. In order to do this, we must pull away from an established definition provided by Claude Shannon and see information in a broader context as anything which ‘informs’ us, or more specifically, helps form our internal conceptual models of reality

    Automated classification of web contents in B2B marketing

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    Recent growth in digitization has affected how customers seek the information they need to make a purchase decision. This trend of customers making their purchase decision based on the information they collect online is increasing. To accommodate this change in purchase behavior, companies tend to share as much information about themselves and their products online, which in turn drives the amount of unstructured data produced. To get value for this huge amount of data being produced, the unstructured data needs to be processed before being used in digital marketing applications. When it comes to the companies serving business to customers (B2C), plenty of research exists on how the digital content could be used for marketing, but for the companies serving business to business (B2B) a huge research gap presides. B2C marketing and B2B marketing might share some analytical concepts but they are different domains. Not much research has been done in the field of using machine learning in B2B digital marketing. The lack of availability of labeled text data from the B2B domain makes it challenging for researchers to experiment on text classification models, while several methods have been proposed and used to classify unstructured text data in marketing and other domains. This thesis studies previous works done in the field of text classification in general, in the marketing domain, and compares those methods across the dataset available for this research. Text classification methods such as Random Forest, Linear SVM, KNN, Multinomial Naïve Bayes, and Multinomial Logistic Regression dominates the research field, hence these methods are tested in this research. In the used dataset surprisingly, Random Forest Classifier performed best with an average accuracy of 0.85 in the designed five-class classification task


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    Data Warehouse merupakan sebuah cara yang digunakan untuk menampung data dalam jumlah besar, untuk membangun sebuah Data Warehouse dibutuhkan sebuah tools microsft SQL server 2008 dan microsoft SQL business intelligence development. Dengan menggunakan tools microsft SQL server 2008 dan microsoft SQL business intelligence development dapat dibangun sebuah Data Warehouse jumlah kendaraan dengan mengumpulkan data-data kendaraan meliputi jumlah kendaraan, merk Kendaraan, wilayah, jenis kendaraan, waktu, dan pajak yang dimasukan kedalam sebuah Ms. Excel kemudian hasil dari Ms. Excel dimasukan kedalam database microsft SQL server 2008, setelah data masuk kedalam database kemudian data tersebut di load kedalam microsoft SQL business intelligence development untuk dianalisis. Hasil analisis Data Warehouse yang dibuat dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih jelas untuk pihak Dispenda dan mempermudah dalam menganalisis peningkatan jumlah data kendaraan seperti dapat melihat peningkatan jumlah kendaraan dari jumlah kendaraan, merk Kendaraan, wilayah, jenis kendaraan, waktu, dan pajak. Dengan Data mining dispenda bisa melihat pengelompokan jumlah kendaraan di suatu wilayah Dengan arti lain Data mining adalah proses untuk penggalian pola-pola dari data. Data mining menjadi alat yang semakin penting untuk mengubah data tersebut menjadi informas