2 research outputs found

    Multi-dimensional summation-by-parts operators for general function spaces: Theory and construction

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    Summation-by-parts (SBP) operators allow us to systematically develop energy-stable and high-order accurate numerical methods for time-dependent differential equations. Until recently, the main idea behind existing SBP operators was that polynomials can accurately approximate the solution, and SBP operators should thus be exact for them. However, polynomials do not provide the best approximation for some problems, with other approximation spaces being more appropriate. We recently addressed this issue and developed a theory for one-dimensional SBP operators based on general function spaces, coined function-space SBP (FSBP) operators. In this paper, we extend the theory of FSBP operators to multiple dimensions. We focus on their existence, connection to quadratures, construction, and mimetic properties. A more exhaustive numerical demonstration of multi-dimensional FSBP (MFSBP) operators and their application will be provided in future works. Similar to the one-dimensional case, we demonstrate that most of the established results for polynomial-based multi-dimensional SBP (MSBP) operators carry over to the more general class of MFSBP operators. Our findings imply that the concept of SBP operators can be applied to a significantly larger class of methods than is currently done. This can increase the accuracy of the numerical solutions and/or provide stability to the methods.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Encapsulated high order difference operators on curvilinear non-conforming grids

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    Constructing stable difference schemes on complex geometries is an arduous task. Even fairly simple partial differential equations end up very convoluted in their discretized form, making them difficult to implement and manage. Spatial discretizations using so called summation-by-parts operators have mitigated this issue to some extent, particularly on rectangular domains, making it possible to formulate stable discretizations in a compact and understandable manner. However, the simplicity of these formulations is lost for curvilinear grids, where the standard procedure is to transform the grid to a rectangular one, and change the structure of the original equation. In this paper we reinterpret the grid transformation as a transformation of the summation-by-parts operators. This results in operators acting directly on the curvilinear grid. Together with previous developments in the field of nonconforming grid couplings we can formulate simple, implementable, and provably stable schemes on general nonconforming curvilinear grids. The theory is applicable to methods on summation-by-parts form, including finite differences, discontinuous Galerkin spectral element, finite volume, and flux reconstruction methods. Time dependent advection–diffusion simulations corroborate the theoretical development