33 research outputs found

    Exploring the Critical Success Factors for Customer Relationship Management and Electronic Customer Relationship Management Systems

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    Both customer relationship management (CRM) and electronic customer relationship management (eCRM) systems have unique characteristics that support customer-business interactions and are linked to internal business processes and systems across different areas for operational and analytical purposes. Such characteristics may imply that different critical success factors are required for both to be successfully implemented. This exploratory study identifies the factors and the interrelationships associated with the success of CRM and eCRM, compares the differences between CRM and eCRM, and discusses the reasons of the differences. Since there are only a few cases of CRM or eCRM systems fully implemented across marketing, technology, people, and business processes, an exploratory multiple-case study is conducted. The current status of CRM research and future research direction are discussed

    The Impact of Customer Profile and Customer Participation on Customer Relationship Management Performance

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    There are two main sources of knowledge about customers: customer profile and customer participation. The companies use information technologies to analyze the customer profiles and extract tacit knowledge about customer via customer participation. The result of this experiment demonstrates that the use of customer profile improves customers’ perception on goods quality and increase the effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In addition, customer participation can improve customers’ perception on goods quality and enhance performance of CRM through perceived participation. The result indicates that the customer profiles and customer participation are two crucial factors for companies to maintain customer relationship

    eGovernment in Execution: Building Organizational Infastructure

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    This paper presents a sub-framework detailing critical aspects of organizational infrastructure for egovernment. According to an Accenture study performed in early 2001, Canada ranked first as a worldwide leader in e-government practices. However, the results of a survey of municipal e-government web sites in Canada illustrate how the absence of organizational infrastructure for egovernment has resulted in very little diffusion across the country. We speculate that excellence in e-government can only become widespread if formal organizational infrastructure with its accompanying diffusion networks and mechanisms are put in place

    Implementation of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on the Instagram Platform: Case Study on MSMEs Perfume Products

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise High Romantic Mens (HRM) Perfume was founded in 2019. This Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise operates in the fashion sector which operates in the online marketing sector in terms of marketing and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise has 30 reseller members. This research aims to determine the application of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) on the Instagram platform and determine the efforts made to improve good service, quality products and fast delivery in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises using descriptive research methods. The research results show that the implementation of electronic customers relationship management on the Instagram platform is good and the service to consumers is quite good, a good image on Instagram still needs to be improved again by carrying out paid promotions and endorsements. The parties need to be aware of this condition. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to increase transaction potential so that the goals of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises will be achieved

    Customer relationship management maturity model (CRM3): A model for stepwise implementation

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    Being multifaceted process, implementing customer relationship management (CRM) project has a high risk and uncertainty that must be reduced using planning to get the desirable benefits. As a matter of fact, existing and optimal position must be determined to reduce the gap between them via suitable investment. To identify this gap as well as the way to higher and optimal condition, maturity model can be used. Relying on extended literature, the present paper reviews the existing models and then develops a model for measuring CRM maturity based on CRM critical success factors, CMMI levels and RADAR logic

    Evaluación del impacto de la implementación de una estrategia CRM en la mejora del proceso de atención al cliente en la empresa San Lorenzo asociados servicios generales SRL de Cajamarca en el 2014

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo de investigación sugiere la implementación de una estrategia de CRM para mejorar la atención de los clientes de la empresa San Lorenzo Asociados Servicios Generales SRL., con ésta propuesta se busca mejorar la relación que la empresa pueda tener con sus clientes importantes y aquellos que aún no se fidelizan con la empresa, tener un mayor control y administración de la información y elaborar campañas de marketing que mejoren la imagen de la empresa. Al inicio de esta investigación se identificaron los procesos involucrados con el negocio, Posteriormente se realizó un estudio profundo acerca de la situación actual de las áreas, obteniendo así las deficiencias existentes en sus procesos. Luego de conocer las deficiencias de los procesos y elaborar una línea base de la situación actual de la empresa es que se elaboró una propuesta de solución la cual fue la implementación de una estrategia CRM para mejorar los tiempos de atención al cliente, la misma que se desarrolló bajo los lineamientos de la metodología “Customer Relationship Management” de Francis Buttle, la cual es muy reconocida a nivel mundial y es muy usada por empresas desarrolladoras de CRM. La metodología evalúa el proceso desde cinco etapas muy importantes las cuales van a regir el desarrollo del proyecto de acuerdo al negocio y a las necesidades que presente. Adicionalmente la estrategia de CRM se implementó usando la herramienta de Vtiger, quién fue la que estuvo a nivel de los requerimientos de la empresa y cubrió con las expectativas que se tenía en un inicio y que se cumplieron con la implementación. Como producto final se obtuvo un sistema capaz de administrar todos los procesos manteniendo un control de éstos y estando a la vanguardia de muchas empresas en el mercado que se desempeñan en el mismo rubro, pero que quizá aún no se deciden en migrar a nuevos rumbos tecnológicos. Esta estrategia de CRM logró concretar los objetivos no sólo del proyecto si no también los objetivos de la empresa, del gerente y de todos los colaboradores quienes son los usuarios finales y a los cuales se les capacitó para el buen manejo del sistema.ABSTRACT The present research suggests the implementation of a CRM strategy to improve customer attention Company San Lorenzo Associate General Services SRL., This proposal seeks to improve the relationship that the company may have with your important customers and those that is not client loyalty to the company, have more control and information management and develop marketing campaigns to improve the image of the company. At the start of this research the processes involved with the business were identified subsequently performed a thorough study on the current status of the areas, thus obtaining the gaps in their processes. After learning deficiencies processes and develop a basis of the current situation of the company line is that a proposed solution which was the implementation of a CRM strategy to improve customer time was developed, the same as developed under the guidelines of the methodology of Francis Buttle, which is recognized worldwide and is widely used by developers of CRM. The methodology evaluates the process from five very important steps which will govern the project according to business needs and submit. Additionally CRM strategy was implemented using the tool Vtiger, who was the one that was at the level of business requirements and met the expectations that had initially met and that implementation. As final product a system capable of managing all processes keeping track of these and be at the forefront of many companies in the market who work in the same area, but not perhaps even decide to migrate to new technological directions was obtained . This strategy of CRM was able to achieve the objectives of the project not only but also the objectives of the company, the manager and all employees who are the end users and which were trained for proper system operation

    Quality In E-Procurement Success

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    Nowadays, the quality of virtual service is diminishing, in which different aspects of E-business industry is signifying, especially in the business to business (B2B). E-procurement is part of the e-business, therefore, quality factors of E-procurement originates from e-business. Much research has focused on the critical success factors of E-procurement, however, when it comes to implementation, many E-procurements fail, which can be very costly. This article attempts to increase the success rate of E-procurement, and ensures that the success of E-procurement is more sustainable. This research estimates the structural equation model by collecting data from 208 managers to employ quantitative analysis to investigate the relationship between E-procurement quality factors. The result of this research shows that the quality of the organization culture has partial mediator relationship to the success of E-procurement. Meanwhile, the quality of IT infrastructure does not have a mediator relationship with the success of E-procurement. Lastly, quality of knowledge management has a full mediator relationship with the success of E-procurement and it does not affect the dynamic capability of organization directly