4,322 research outputs found

    SoK: Inference Attacks and Defenses in Human-Centered Wireless Sensing

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    Human-centered wireless sensing aims to understand the fine-grained environment and activities of a human using the diverse wireless signals around her. The wireless sensing community has demonstrated the superiority of such techniques in many applications such as smart homes, human-computer interactions, and smart cities. Like many other technologies, wireless sensing is also a double-edged sword. While the sensed information about a human can be used for many good purposes such as enhancing life quality, an adversary can also abuse it to steal private information about the human (e.g., location, living habits, and behavioral biometric characteristics). However, the literature lacks a systematic understanding of the privacy vulnerabilities of wireless sensing and the defenses against them. In this work, we aim to bridge this gap. First, we propose a framework to systematize wireless sensing-based inference attacks. Our framework consists of three key steps: deploying a sniffing device, sniffing wireless signals, and inferring private information. Our framework can be used to guide the design of new inference attacks since different attacks can instantiate these three steps differently. Second, we propose a defense-in-depth framework to systematize defenses against such inference attacks. The prevention component of our framework aims to prevent inference attacks via obfuscating the wireless signals around a human, while the detection component aims to detect and respond to attacks. Third, based on our attack and defense frameworks, we identify gaps in the existing literature and discuss future research directions

    An inclusive survey of contactless wireless sensing: a technology used for remotely monitoring vital signs has the potential to combating COVID-19

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    With the Coronavirus pandemic showing no signs of abating, companies and governments around the world are spending millions of dollars to develop contactless sensor technologies that minimize the need for physical interactions between the patient and healthcare providers. As a result, healthcare research studies are rapidly progressing towards discovering innovative contactless technologies, especially for infants and elderly people who are suffering from chronic diseases that require continuous, real-time control, and monitoring. The fusion between sensing technology and wireless communication has emerged as a strong research candidate choice because wearing sensor devices is not desirable by patients as they cause anxiety and discomfort. Furthermore, physical contact exacerbates the spread of contagious diseases which may lead to catastrophic consequences. For this reason, research has gone towards sensor-less or contactless technology, through sending wireless signals, then analyzing and processing the reflected signals using special techniques such as frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) or channel state information (CSI). Therefore, it becomes easy to monitor and measure the subject’s vital signs remotely without physical contact or asking them to wear sensor devices. In this paper, we overview and explore state-of-the-art research in the field of contactless sensor technology in medicine, where we explain, summarize, and classify a plethora of contactless sensor technologies and techniques with the highest impact on contactless healthcare. Moreover, we overview the enabling hardware technologies as well as discuss the main challenges faced by these systems.This work is funded by the scientific and technological research council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) under grand 119E39

    In-Home Daily-Life Captioning Using Radio Signals

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    This paper aims to caption daily life --i.e., to create a textual description of people's activities and interactions with objects in their homes. Addressing this problem requires novel methods beyond traditional video captioning, as most people would have privacy concerns about deploying cameras throughout their homes. We introduce RF-Diary, a new model for captioning daily life by analyzing the privacy-preserving radio signal in the home with the home's floormap. RF-Diary can further observe and caption people's life through walls and occlusions and in dark settings. In designing RF-Diary, we exploit the ability of radio signals to capture people's 3D dynamics, and use the floormap to help the model learn people's interactions with objects. We also use a multi-modal feature alignment training scheme that leverages existing video-based captioning datasets to improve the performance of our radio-based captioning model. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that RF-Diary generates accurate captions under visible conditions. It also sustains its good performance in dark or occluded settings, where video-based captioning approaches fail to generate meaningful captions. For more information, please visit our project webpage: http://rf-diary.csail.mit.eduComment: ECCV 2020. The first two authors contributed equally to this pape

    Wifi-based human activity recognition using Raspberry Pi.

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    Ambient, non-intrusive approaches to smart home health monitoring, while limited in capability, are preferred by residents. More intrusive methods of sensing, such as video and wearables, can offer richer data but at the cost of lower resident uptake, in part due to privacy concerns. A radio frequency-based approach to sensing, Channel State Information (CSI),can make use of low cost off-the-shelf WiFi hardware. We have implemented an activity recognition system on the Raspberry Pi 4, one of the world’s most popular embedded boards. We have implemented an classification system using the Pi to demonstrate its capability for activity recognition. This involves performing data collection, interpretation and windowing, before supplying the data to a classification model. In this paper, the capabilities of the Raspberry Pi 4 at performing activity recognition on CSI data are investigated. We have developed and publicly released a data interaction framework, capable of interpreting, processing and visualising data from a range of CSI-capable hardware. Furthermore, CSI data captured for these experiments during various activity performances have also been made publically available. We then train a Deep Convolutional LSTM model to classify the activities. Our experiments, performed in a small apartment, achieve 92% average accuracy on 11 activity classes

    BodyScan: Enabling Radio-based Sensing on Wearable Devices for Contactless Activity and Vital Sign Monitoring

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    Wearable devices are increasingly becoming mainstream consumer products carried by millions of consumers. However, the potential impact of these devices is currently constrained by fundamental limitations of their built-in sensors. In this paper, we introduce radio as a new powerful sensing modality for wearable devices and propose to transform radio into a mobile sensor of human activities and vital signs. We present BodyScan, a wearable system that enables radio to act as a single modality capable of providing whole-body continuous sensing of the user. BodyScan overcomes key limitations of existing wearable devices by providing a contactless and privacy-preserving approach to capturing a rich variety of human activities and vital sign information. Our prototype design of BodyScan is comprised of two components: one worn on the hip and the other worn on the wrist, and is inspired by the increasingly prevalent scenario where a user carries a smartphone while also wearing a wristband/smartwatch. This prototype can support daily usage with one single charge per day. Experimental results show that in controlled settings, BodyScan can recognize a diverse set of human activities while also estimating the user's breathing rate with high accuracy. Even in very challenging real-world settings, BodyScan can still infer activities with an average accuracy above 60% and monitor breathing rate information a reasonable amount of time during each day

    Location estimation in smart homes setting with RFID systems

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    Indoor localisation technologies are a core component of Smart Homes. Many applications within Smart Homes benefit from localisation technologies to determine the locations of things, objects and people. The tremendous characteristics of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have become one of the enabler technologies in the Internet of Things (IOT) that connect objects and things wirelessly. RFID is a promising technology in indoor positioning that not only uniquely identifies entities but also locates affixed RFID tags on objects or subjects in stationary and real-time. The rapid advancement in RFID-based systems has sparked the interest of researchers in Smart Homes to employ RFID technologies and potentials to assist with optimising (non-) pervasive healthcare systems in automated homes. In this research localisation techniques and enabled positioning sensors are investigated. Passive RFID sensors are used to localise passive tags that are affixed to Smart Home objects and track the movement of individuals in stationary and real-time settings. In this study, we develop an affordable passive localisation platform using inexpensive passive RFID sensors. To fillful this aim, a passive localisation framework using minimum tracking resources (RFID sensors) has been designed. A localisation prototype and localisation application that examined the affixed RFID tag on objects to evaluate our proposed locaisation framework was then developed. Localising algorithms were utilised to achieve enhanced accuracy of localising one particular passive tag which that affixed to target objects. This thesis uses a general enough approach so that it could be applied more widely to other applications in addition to Health Smart Homes. A passive RFID localising framework is designed and developed through systematic procedures. A localising platform is built to test the proposed framework, along with developing a RFID tracking application using Java programming language and further data analysis in MATLAB. This project applies localisation procedures and evaluates them experimentally. The experimental study positively confirms that our proposed localisation framework is capable of enhancing the accuracy of the location of the tracked individual. The low-cost design uses only one passive RFID target tag, one RFID reader and three to four antennas

    Sensing the care:Advancing unobtrusive sensing solutions to support informal caregivers of older adults with cognitive impairment

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    Older adults (65 years and above) make up a growing proportion of the world's population which is anticipated to increase further in the coming decades. As individuals age, they often become more vulnerable to cognitive impairments, necessitating a diverse array of care and support services from their caregivers to uphold their quality of life. However, the scarcity of professional caregivers and care facilities, compounded by the preference of many older adults to remain in their own homes, places a significant burden on informal caregivers, adversely affecting their physical, mental, and social well-being. To assist informal caregivers, numerous sensing solutions have been developed. However, many of these solutions are not optimally suited for older adult care, particularly in cases of cognitive impairments. In that regard, the overarching aim of this thesis was to develop and evaluate the Unobtrusive Sensing Solution (USS) for in-home monitoring of older adults with cognitive impairment (OwCI) who live alone in their own houses to ease the support of their informal caregivers. In the 'Explore and Scope' part, a scoping review was conducted to identify available unobtrusive sensing technology that can be implemented in older adult care. Subsequently, in the 'Develop and Test' part, Wi-Fi CSI technology was utilized to collect a dataset illustrating physical agitation activities (Wi-Gitation). However, upon evaluation of the Wi-Gitation dataset, a challenge of generalization across different domains (or environments) was identified. To address this, the Inter-data Selected Sequential Transfer Learning framework was proposed and implemented. Lastly, in the 'Design to Communicate' part, the thesis focused on identifying the needs and requirements of informal caregivers of OwCI towards USSs. These needs and requirements were gathered through interviews and surveys, informing the development of a Lo-Fi prototype for an interaction platform. Overall, the results obtained in this thesis not only enhance the development of Wi-Fi CSI (specifically for OwCI care) but also provide valuable insights into the informational and design requirements of informal caregivers, thereby promoting the context-aware development of USSs