5 research outputs found


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    The rise of cases of sexual violence in Indonesia is very concerning because it also occurs in various institutions and involves various parties who are supposed to provide protection. Civic Education plays a key role in shaping the character of anti-sexual violence through education in higher education. The purpose of this study was to dig deeper into anti-sexual violence education in civic education courses in higher education institutions. This research used a qualitative approach through a case study method. The results of the study showed that there was an innovation in Civic Education learning by adding anti-sexual violence study in higher education institution. This was implemented in three meetings, namely by adding study of anti-sexual violence education which were included in law-abiding material in the form of concepts, legal basis, prevention, reporting, and examples of cases and resolutions of sexual violence that were included in Civic Education materials, then through the citizen project by making anti-sexual violence campaign videos uploaded through each student's Instagram social media account and then proceeding to conduct a presentation about it. This research concludes that that the study of anti-sexual violence education can be part of the material for Civic Education in higher education institutions


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    The rise of cases of sexual violence in Indonesia is very concerning because it also occurs in various institut ions and involves various parties who are supposed to provide protection. Civic Education plays a key role in shaping the character of anti - sexual violence through education in higher education. The purpose of this study was to dig deeper into anti - sexual violence education in civic education courses in higher education institutions. This research used a qualitative approach through a case study method. The results of the study showed that there was an innovation in Civic Education learning by adding anti - s exual violence study in higher education institution . This was implemented in three meetings, namely by adding study of anti - sexual violence education which were included in law - abiding material in the form of concepts, legal basis, prevention, reporting, and examples of cases and resolutions of sexual violence that were included in Civic Education materials, then through the citizen project by making anti - sexual violence campaign videos uploaded through each student's Instagram social media account and the n proceeding to conduct a presentation about it. This research concludes that that the study of anti - sexual violence education can be part of the material for Civic Education in higher education institutions

    An examination of the determinants of the adoption of mobile applications as learning tools for higher education students

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    The main purpose of the present study was to examine whether mobile applications could be adopted as feasible tools for learning purposes at higher education institutions. Furthermore the study’s intention was to conduct an empirical investigation into students’ perceptions towards mobile applications being introduced as learning aids. The researcher developed a conceptual model derived from the technology acceptance model in order to measure the constructs used in the study. Adopting a quantitative approach, the field study was conducted in South Africa at a selected higher education institution. Research data was collected from 380 registered students at the selected higher education institution who were older than 18 years. Using SPSS 23 and AMOS 23 software programs, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed to analyse the data set. The results revealed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitudes towards a mo-bile application, intention to use a mobile application were all significant predictors for the actual use of mobile applications for learning. The findings of the study illuminate the importance of the determinants of the adoption of mobile applications for learning in higher education.https://online-journals.org/index.php/i-jim/indexhj2019Marketing Managemen

    Empowering Teachers in the Socialization of the Anti-Sexual Violence Behavior in Primary Schools

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    Facts showed that many cases of sexual harassment and violence occurred to elementary school students, yet they did not have the knowledge, courage, and skills to withstand against the people who harmed them. Teachers should become a good mediator for the students in understanding the basic sexual values, as well as skills against sexual abuses. This study developed a multimedia-based teaching media, animation, and user-friendly digital books to empower these teachers. The other aim to be achieved was the formation of communication and parent-student-teacher partnership. Hence, they were integrated into attaining one purpose which was protecting children from sexual violence. The method used was discussion forums, in where the teachers were divided into small groups, to achieve the goal which was the empowerment action among elementary school teachers in socialising of anti-sexual violence behaviour. All teachers involved were the principals and teachers of two elementary schools in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. The impact of this action program was the establishment of tranquillity and comfort in the community's social life. The teachers were increasingly skilled and encouraged to have courage in socialising anti-sexual violence to the students. The teacher-student-parent communication was able to assist them in making an early identification, and appropriate responses to sexual violence occurred to the elementary students