744 research outputs found

    Toward enhancement of deep learning techniques using fuzzy logic: a survey

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    Deep learning has emerged recently as a type of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), it usually imitates the human way in gaining a particular knowledge type. Deep learning is considered an essential data science element, which comprises predictive modeling and statistics. Deep learning makes the processes of collecting, interpreting, and analyzing big data easier and faster. Deep neural networks are kind of ML models, where the non-linear processing units are layered for the purpose of extracting particular features from the inputs. Actually, the training process of similar networks is very expensive and it also depends on the used optimization method, hence optimal results may not be provided. The techniques of deep learning are also vulnerable to data noise. For these reasons, fuzzy systems are used to improve the performance of deep learning algorithms, especially in combination with neural networks. Fuzzy systems are used to improve the representation accuracy of deep learning models. This survey paper reviews some of the deep learning based fuzzy logic models and techniques that were presented and proposed in the previous studies, where fuzzy logic is used to improve deep learning performance. The approaches are divided into two categories based on how both of the samples are combined. Furthermore, the models' practicality in the actual world is revealed

    Efficient Implementation of Stochastic Inference on Heterogeneous Clusters and Spiking Neural Networks

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    Neuromorphic computing refers to brain inspired algorithms and architectures. This paradigm of computing can solve complex problems which were not possible with traditional computing methods. This is because such implementations learn to identify the required features and classify them based on its training, akin to how brains function. This task involves performing computation on large quantities of data. With this inspiration, a comprehensive multi-pronged approach is employed to study and efficiently implement neuromorphic inference model using heterogeneous clusters to address the problem using traditional Von Neumann architectures and by developing spiking neural networks (SNN) for native and ultra-low power implementation. In this regard, an extendable high-performance computing (HPC) framework and optimizations are proposed for heterogeneous clusters to modularize complex neuromorphic applications in a distributed manner. To achieve best possible throughput and load balancing for such modularized architectures a set of algorithms are proposed to suggest the optimal mapping of different modules as an asynchronous pipeline to the available cluster resources while considering the complex data dependencies between stages. On the other hand, SNNs are more biologically plausible and can achieve ultra-low power implementation due to its sparse spike based communication, which is possible with emerging non-Von Neumann computing platforms. As a significant progress in this direction, spiking neuron models capable of distributed online learning are proposed. A high performance SNN simulator (SpNSim) is developed for simulation of large scale mixed neuron model networks. An accompanying digital hardware neuron RTL is also proposed for efficient real time implementation of SNNs capable of online learning. Finally, a methodology for mapping probabilistic graphical model to off-the-shelf neurosynaptic processor (IBM TrueNorth) as a stochastic SNN is presented with ultra-low power consumption

    6G White Paper on Machine Learning in Wireless Communication Networks

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    The focus of this white paper is on machine learning (ML) in wireless communications. 6G wireless communication networks will be the backbone of the digital transformation of societies by providing ubiquitous, reliable, and near-instant wireless connectivity for humans and machines. Recent advances in ML research has led enable a wide range of novel technologies such as self-driving vehicles and voice assistants. Such innovation is possible as a result of the availability of advanced ML models, large datasets, and high computational power. On the other hand, the ever-increasing demand for connectivity will require a lot of innovation in 6G wireless networks, and ML tools will play a major role in solving problems in the wireless domain. In this paper, we provide an overview of the vision of how ML will impact the wireless communication systems. We first give an overview of the ML methods that have the highest potential to be used in wireless networks. Then, we discuss the problems that can be solved by using ML in various layers of the network such as the physical layer, medium access layer, and application layer. Zero-touch optimization of wireless networks using ML is another interesting aspect that is discussed in this paper. Finally, at the end of each section, important research questions that the section aims to answer are presented

    Sensing of inspiration events from speech:comparison of deep learning and linguistic methods

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    Respiratory chest belt sensor can be used to measure the respiratory rate and other respiratory health parameters. Virtual Respiratory Belt, VRB, algorithms estimate the belt sensor waveform from speech audio. In this paper we compare the detection of inspiration events (IE) from respiratory belt sensor data using a novel neural VRB algorithm and the detections based on time-aligned linguistic content. The results show the superiority of the VRB method over word pause detection or grammatical content segmentation. The comparison of the methods show that both read and spontaneous speech content has a significant amount of ungrammatical breathing, that is, breathing events that are not aligned with grammatically appropriate places in language. This study gives new insights into the development of VRB methods and adds to the general understanding of speech breathing behavior. Moreover, a new VRB method, VRBOLA, for the reconstruction of the continuous breathing waveform is demonstrated

    Sensing of inspiration events from speech:comparison of deep learning and linguistic methods

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    Respiratory chest belt sensor can be used to measure the respiratory rate and other respiratory health parameters. Virtual Respiratory Belt, VRB, algorithms estimate the belt sensor waveform from speech audio. In this paper we compare the detection of inspiration events (IE) from respiratory belt sensor data using a novel neural VRB algorithm and the detections based on time-aligned linguistic content. The results show the superiority of the VRB method over word pause detection or grammatical content segmentation. The comparison of the methods show that both read and spontaneous speech content has a significant amount of ungrammatical breathing, that is, breathing events that are not aligned with grammatically appropriate places in language. This study gives new insights into the development of VRB methods and adds to the general understanding of speech breathing behavior. Moreover, a new VRB method, VRBOLA, for the reconstruction of the continuous breathing waveform is demonstrated

    Hierarchical feature extraction from spatiotemporal data for cyber-physical system analytics

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    With the advent of ubiquitous sensing, robust communication and advanced computation, data-driven modeling is increasingly becoming popular for many engineering problems. Eliminating difficulties of physics-based modeling, avoiding simplifying assumptions and ad hoc empirical models are significant among many advantages of data-driven approaches, especially for large-scale complex systems. While classical statistics and signal processing algorithms have been widely used by the engineering community, advanced machine learning techniques have not been sufficiently explored in this regard. This study summarizes various categories of machine learning tools that have been applied or may be a candidate for addressing engineering problems. While there are increasing number of machine learning algorithms, the main steps involved in applying such techniques to the problems consist in: data collection and pre-processing, feature extraction, model training and inference for decision-making. To support decision-making processes in many applications, hierarchical feature extraction is key. Among various feature extraction principles, recent studies emphasize hierarchical approaches of extracting salient features that is carried out at multiple abstraction levels from data. In this context, the focus of the dissertation is towards developing hierarchical feature extraction algorithms within the framework of machine learning in order to solve challenging cyber-physical problems in various domains such as electromechanical systems and agricultural systems. Furthermore, the feature extraction techniques are described using the spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal data types collected from the systems. The wide applicability of such features in solving some selected real-life domain problems are demonstrated throughout this study