21,027 research outputs found

    Organizational knowledge transfer through creation, mobilization and diffusion: A case analysis of InTouch within Schlumberger

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    There is a paucity of theory for the effective management of knowledge transfer within large organisations. Practitioners continue to rely upon ‘experimental’ approaches to address the problem. This research attempts to reduce the gap between theory and application, thereby improving conceptual clarity for the transfer of knowledge. The paper, through an in-depth case analysis conducted within Schlumberger, studies the adoption of an intranet-based knowledge management (KM) system (called InTouch) to support, strategically align and transfer knowledge resources. The investigation was undertaken through the adoption of a robust methodological approach (abductive strategy) incorporating the role of technology as an enabler of knowledge management application. Consequently, the study addressed the important question of translating theoretical benefits of KM into practical reality. The research formulates a set of theoretical propositions which are seen as key to the development of an effective knowledge based infrastructure. The findings identify 30 generic attributes that are essential to the creation, mobilisation and diffusion of organisational knowledge. The research makes a significant contribution to identifying a theoretical and empirically based agenda for successful intranet-based KM which will be of benefit to both the academic and practitioner communities. The paper also highlights and proposes important areas for further research

    Adoption Management: A Review of the Benefits Management and the Adoption Literature

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    The adoption of Information Systems (IS) has been, and is predicted to remain, one of the key topics for IS research and practice. Despite the extensive and rich insights provided across IS literature streams, there remains a significant amount of IS implementation projects that struggle with adoption and benefits realization. This paper argues that a knowledge gap exists because research has paid little attention to the definition, manifestations, and effects of adoption management. The article proposes a definition and reviews findings related to adoption management at the cross-section of the adoption and benefits management literatures. The article answers the research questions: What findings on managing adoption do the adoption and the benefits management literature provide? How do the adoption and the benefits management literatures differ in their examination of managing adoption? What limitations in relation to managing adoption are identified when combining adoption literature and benefits management literature? Through a systematic literature review, the findings show that adoption management is constructed across the two literature streams as practices, tools, and supportive contexts. While some articles treat adoption management in their core sections, many focus on adoption management as an after-thought in the discussion section, and none of the articles explicitly labels it adoption management. We discuss these and other gaps and provide avenues for future research

    Strategy practices and praxis: a case of selected South African Business School alumni

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    Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and ZuluThis integrated study examined the nexus between the theory and the practice of strategy. Given the nature of modern-day public and private business enterprises in South Africa and the rest of the world, management education should equip practitioners with knowledge and skills suitable for complex, dynamic, eclectic, and uncertain practice contexts. That is, management education should be playing a critical role in shaping and guiding the business community in the ‘management’ and ‘administration’ of business in the country. However, criticisms in management literature suggest that management education is not relevant to practice. Despite such criticisms, there is relatively little empirical evidence in the country on practitioners’ experiences with the relevance to practice of their management education in general and strategy education in particular. To this end, this study set out to develop a better understanding of the dynamic and nuanced interplay between strategy theory and strategy practice through a survey and interviews with selected business school alumni in professional practice. Statistical analyses were performed on quantitative data, while thematic analysis was performed on qualitative data. The survey findings of the study reveal a positive and significant relationship between academic rigour and practical relevance of strategy theory, while phenomenological findings reveal that practical relevance of strategy theory is largely constructed by practitioners according to their contextual demands. Strategic management appears to rest on the dynamic interplay between strategy theory and strategy practice within a complex and eclectic management environment.In hierdie geĂŻntegreerde studie is die verband tussen strategieteorie en -praktyk ondersoek. Bestuursopleiding moet praktisyns toerus met die kennis en vaardighede wat die komplekse, dinamiese, eklektiese en wisselvallige omgewing in openbare en private maatskappye in Suid-Afrika en elders in die wĂȘreld vereis. Met ander woorde, bestuursopleiding moet leiding gee in die bestuur en administrasie van maatskappye in die land. In die literatuur word aangevoer dat bestuursopleiding irrelevant is. Daar is egter min empiriese bewys dat bestuursopleiding, en strategieopleiding in die besonder, ontoepaslik is. Om hierdie rede is ‘n studie van die dinamiese en genuanseerde wisselwerking tussen strategieteorie en -praktyk onderneem. Onderhoude is gevoer met en ‘n opname is gedoen onder sakeskoolalumni wat in die praktyk staan. ‘n Statistiese ontleding is van die kwantitatiewe data en ‘n tematiese ontleding is van die kwalitatiewe data gedoen. Volgens die opnamebevindings is daar ‘n positiewe en beduidende verband tussen akademiese stiptheid en die praktiese relevansie van strategieteorie. Uit die fenomenologiese bevindings blyk dat die praktiese relevansie van strategieteorie grotendeels deur praktisyns volgens die eise van hulle konteks bepaal word. Blykbaar berus strategiese bestuur op die dinamiese wisselwerking tussen strategieteorie en strategiepraktyk in ‘n komplekse en eklektiese bestuursomgewing.Lolu cwaningo oludidiyelwe, lwacubungula futhi lwabukisisa ukuxhumana okukhona phakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo. Uma kubhekwa uhlobo nobunjalo bamabhizinisi, ezikhathi zanamuhla, angaphansi kwesandla sikahulumeni kanye nalawo asezandleni zabantu abazimele eNingizimu Afrika kanye nasemhlabeni wonke jikelele, imfundo yezokuphatha kumele ihlomise ongoti bomsebenzi ngolwazi namakhono adingekayo ezimweni zokusebenza ezinobunkimbinkimbi, ezinomdlandla, eziyingxubevange futhi ezinokungaqiniseki kanye nongabazane. Okusho ukuthi imfundo yezokuphatha kumele idlale indima esemqoka ekubumbeni nasekuholeni umphakathi wabamabhizinisi ekuphathweni nasekulawulweni kwamabhizinisi ezweni. Kodwa-ke, ukugxekwa okuvelayo emibhalweni yezokuphatha kubonisa ukuthi imfundo yezokuphatha, ikakhulukazi imfundo yamaqhingasu, ayinakho ukufanelana nokuhambelana nenqubo-nkambiso yokwenziwa komsebenzi ngendlela ebonakalayo nephathekayo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuthuthukisa nokwakha ukuqonda okungcono maqondana nobuhlobo nokuxhumana okunomdlandla kepha okufihlakele okuphakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo, ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo kanye nama-inthaviyu (izingxoxo) nabantu abakhethiweyo abafunde bagogoda ezikoleni zebhizinisi abenza umsebenzi wobungoti. Kwenziwe uhlaziyo lwemininingo egxile ebuningini (quantitative data), kanti futhi kusenjalo kwenziwe nohlaziyo-ngqikithi lwemininingo egxile kukhwalithi (qualitative data). Imiphumela eyatholwa kwinhlolovo yocwaningo ibonisa ubukhona bobudlelwane obuhle futhi obuphawulekayo impela phakathi kwamazinga-bunyoninco ezemfundo kanye nokufaneleka okuphathekayo nokubonakalayo kwethiyori yeqhingasu, kanti futhi ngakolunye uhlangothi imiphumela yocwaningo ephathelene nezigameko nezimo abadlule kuzona ongoti bomsebenzi ibonisa ukuthi ukufaneleka okuphathekayo nokubonakalayo kwethiyori yeqhingasu kuyinto eyakhiwa ikakhulukazi ngongoti bomsebenzi ngokususela ezidingweni eziphathelene nesimo esithile. Ukuphatha ngokusebenzisa amaqhinga namasu athile kubonakala kuncike ekuxhumaneni okunomdlandla phakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo ngaphansi kwesimo sokuphatha esiyinkimbinkimbi futhi esiyingxubevange.Business ManagementM. Com. (Business Management

    Critical Realism: A vital philosophical consideration for research on emerging technologies in auditing

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of critical realism as an important philosophical consideration for research on emerging technologies in auditing. Particularly, this study explores the ontological tenets of critical realism with its epistemological and methodological implications and examines its potential for research on the impact of emerging technologies on auditing. This paper appears to be the first to implements critical realism in studying the impact of emerging technologies on auditing. Our narrow focus in this area mainly results from the trumpeted transformational role of these technologies on auditing and the proliferation of contemporary research in this area touting these technologies for their prospects in enhancing audit efficiency, effectiveness, and audit quality. We conclude that the stratified ontology of critical realism is useful both for research on emerging technologies in auditing, specifically in understanding complexities, and for enhancing professional scepticism. The contribution of this study is multifaceted. Firstly, there is a great potential for research to go beyond the empirical domain in order to get a deeper understanding of different research problems. With a focus on generative mechanisms, critical realism also enables researchers to look beyond their intradisciplinary areas. Secondly, the adoption of critical realism may enhance scepticism (necessary for audit quality) among practitioners as they may sceptically question the benefits of these technologies. The adoption of critical realism can result in new research questions and challenge prior research through the implementation of a plurality of research methods

    Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: Involving Group Therapists in the Development of Clinically Relevant Research Questions and Methodologies

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    In 1970 Irvin Yalom published his seminal work on group therapy, in which he presented an eleven-factor theory of psychotherapy group process. Since 1970, most research on group therapeutic factors has investigated their relative importance, depending on the therapeutic setting or modality, client population, or developmental stage of the group. However some authors have protested that there are methodological, definitional, or content-oriented problems with extant therapeutic factor research. The present author links these three issues by understanding them as symptoms of a research-practice gap. In order to explore the limitations of existing research and consider potential remedies, she conducted a one-time focus group of seven experienced group therapists. Interpreting the results of this study, she suggests that the scientific research paradigm, frequently espoused by psychotherapy researchers, is inappropriate to the study of group therapy, and she offers suggestions for alternative modes of inquiry

    A Distance Framework to Understand the Academia-Practicioner Gap

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    This paper lays out a framework for understanding the academia-practitioner gap. In this framework, there are three dimensions of distance between academia and practice: (1) Product, (2) Mindset, and (3) Process. Within each category, there are multiple elements that can be used as a comprehensive way to identify all the challenges in transferring academic research to practice. This approach is both firmly grounded in and distinct from existing frameworks like Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation, Roberts’ Marketing Science Value Chain, Wierenga’s Success of Marketing Management Support Systems and Lilien’s analysis of Bridging the Academic-Practitioner divide. After describing the framework, the paper looks at how researchers can better understand the role of intermediaries in bridging the gap between academia and practice by identifying which types of distance they help close

    ‘The knowledgeable marketing practitioner’:practice and professional knowing in marketing work

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    This paper examines the knowledge constructs that professionals draw upon when engaging in marketing work. Our conceptual approach stems from a critical analysis of marketing work foregrounding the practitioners’ professional knowledge and practice of marketing work. We identify 13 pertinent knowledge constructs–some of which are illustrated by vignettes–showcasing the shared and multifaceted nature of professional knowledge in a small- and medium-sized enterprise. By exploring how practitioners deploy their knowledge of marketing in practice, we conclude what the marketing discipline can learn from professional knowing. We contribute to the marketing work literature by considering the ontological role of professional knowing in dereifying marketing work from textbook knowledge along with its implications for the critical understanding of the perceived gap between marketing theorising and practice

    Toward a process theory of entrepreneurship: revisiting opportunity identification and entrepreneurial actions

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    This dissertation studies the early development of new ventures and small business and the entrepreneurship process from initial ideas to viable ventures. I unpack the micro-foundations of entrepreneurial actions and new ventures’ investor communications through quality signals to finance their growth path. This dissertation includes two qualitative papers and one quantitative study. The qualitative papers employ an inductive multiple-case approach and include seven medical equipment manufacturers (new ventures) in a nascent market context (the mobile health industry) across six U.S. states and a secondary data analysis to understand the emergence of opportunities and the early development of new ventures. The quantitative research chapter includes 770 IPOs in the manufacturing industries in the U.S. and investigates the legitimation strategies of young ventures to gain resources from targeted resource-holders.Open Acces
