2 research outputs found

    Approximate affine linear relationship between L1 norm objective functional values and L2 norm constraint bounds

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    For an optimization problem with an norm objective function subject to an norm inequality constraint, this paper shows that there is an approximately linear relationship between the norm objective functional values and the norm specifications. This relationship is verified through the use of random and real world industrial data. The obtained results can be employed for 1) estimating the norm output objective functional value without solving the optimization problem numerically; 2) providing an insight for defining the norm specification in which a simple method is proposed in this paper; and 3) testing whether the obtained solutions are the globally optimal solutions or not. These advantages are demonstrated via the use of random data

    Empirical formula for designing a class of linear phase FIR single band PCLS filters

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    This paper presents an empirical formulation relating the filter length, the transition-band bandwidth, the cutoff frequency, the maximum passband-ripple magnitude, the maximum stopband-ripple magnitude and the total ripple energy of a class of linear phase finite impulse response (FIR) single band peak constrained least squares (PCLS) filters. Design examples are presented to demonstrate applications and accuracies of the presented formula